The Bite

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It's daytime and I get up. From what I heard and saw yesterday, Molly's gone. I don't feel like getting up, until I hear Lee call out Clementine's name. I get up and go with Kenny, Christa and Omid to see Lee. He is out of the house.

Kenny: Are you crazy? What are you doing out here, it ain't safe!

Omid: Lee, where is Clementine? She's not in her room!

Kenny: Vernon ain't in the house either! What the hell is going on?

Y/N: Whose blood is that, Lee?

Lee: It's mine.

Lee shows us his arm. It's bitten. I get chills all over my body and start crying. Lee tries to comfort me. Another person who is going to die, but this time it is Lee. Lee, Carley and Glenn saved me. I don't know if Glenn is still alive but Carley... And now Lee... I couldn't stop them from dying. I keep crying.

Christa: Oh my God!

Kenny: No way. No fucking way.

Lee: There's no time to worry about me. Clementine's gone.

Remembering what happened yesterday doesn't make my mood better. My only friend told me that I am not a good person and I am not her friend. I know maybe she didn't mean it, she was upset, but it still hurts.

Omid: There's no way she just wandered off on her own?

Lee: No. No way.

Kenny: Then who the hell took her?

Lee: I don't know. Vernon came to me last night and offered to take Clementine with him. He told me that I already had a kid with me and two was already a difficult task. Said she'd be better off.

I thought it might have been the guy on the radio, but seeing that Vernon wasn't here I suspected him more. He didn't want to take me? I guess when he saw us together in the sewers, he thought my relationship with Lee was stronger than Lee and Clem's. He was wrong.

Kenny: Son of a bitch. I knew we couldn't trust that fucker.

Lee: Wherever she is we have to find her.

Christa: Okay, what do you need from us?

Lee: Clem may not have much time. We have a better chance of finding her if we all go together. Who's with me?

Clem may not have treated me very well. But Lee, the person who helped me all this time, needs help, and I'll be there for him.

Christa: We are all responsible for Clementine. And in your condition you may not make it to her in time. She needs our help. ALL of our help

Omid: Damn right. We can't let you do this alone. So that's settled then. We'll look for Clementine together. What are we waiting for?

Kenny: You've always been there for me, Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me.

Lee: Y/N, I know you argued with Clementine last night but...

Y/N: I'm with you Lee. You saved me that time at the motel, when you didn't have to. You have taught me to be a better person. You have done a lot for me. It's time to return the favor. I may be a tot, but I am a tot who can shoot. I'll go, even if you don't want me to go. I'll do whatever it takes to help you.

Lee: Thanks guys. I appreciate it. Really. We should go find Vernon. See if he took her. Let's head out.

Kenny: What about the boat? We just gonna leave it unguarded?

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