The stranger

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Lee and I are already down in the streets. We peek out and see a horde of walkers. We must pass it to get to the hotel. A man without an arm and an 9-year-old boy should have no problem doing that. Lee still has the butcher knife. I opened my backpack, but remembered that I had given Kenny the machete. The only thing I have was the thick piece of cloth.

Lee: Stay here Y/N. Hide and wait for me and Clem to come out.

Lee started to fight his way through the horde. While he is doing that I see some pieces of glass on the floor. So I use the thick cloth, and wrap my hand. Then I pick up the spikiest piece of glass. I feel like I cut myself a bit with the glas, but I can take it. I am very afraid. I start talking to myself.

Y/N: You got this. You got this. This is for Irene, for Kenny, for Carley, for Lee... For Clem. Being afraid is not being a coward.

And I join Lee. Lee is surprised but there is no time to stop. We started taking down some walkers. My fear is still there, but the epic of the moment makes that fear go away . Lee goes against the biggest ones, and he leaves me the smallest ones. Thanks to teamwork, we managed to make it safe and sound.

We get to the hotel and started to search room by room. Until we get to a room and found that inside it were 2 doors tied together with a rope. When we get closer Someone got behind us. They were 2 people! A man with a gun and a boy who appeared to be 13 years old. The man pointed his gun at us.

Stranger: We got us adjoining rooms...

Lee: Hello...

Stranger: Ok, this is... civil... You two look horrible ... And you are missing an arm, Lee... Go over there. Put your things down.

It is heard that there is someone locked up in a room. It's Clementine!!

Clem: Let me out!!! Who's out there?

I was about to speak but the stranger put his gun right on my cheek.

Stranger: Shhhhh. Quiet please, sweetie. Your things, there. And then take a seat.Lee and I put all our things on a table. There was a kind of room in this room with four armchairs. The four of us sat down.

Stranger: Do you know who we are?

Lee: No. We don't know anything about you.

Stranger: You wouldn't. People like you don't. Now you are thinking, "Who would have it out for us?", huh? A few weeks back, there might have been a station wagon in the forrest? Full all sorts of food, water, things you need to survive. Yeah... We are not some cannibals. Some killers out in the woods... Some villains... We're just a dad and a son. I coach little league.

So the two of them were the owners of that car with supplies... I almost didn't remember that, I had just killed Gareth... What I remember is that neither Lee nor I took the supplies.

TWD. The other kid. Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now