You are small...

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It started raining. When I got to the barn, they were all there, Kenny was shot. And when they saw me arrive with the bloody machete, they all remained silent. Until Clementine alerts us that the walkers have entered the place, so we get out of there.

On the way, I told Lilly what happened with her dad. This made her cry and get even angrier at Kenny. Lee approached me. and we separated from the group to talk.

Lee: So you had to kill Gareth... I see that's getting to you

Y/N: I'm sorry Lee, but I had to. He was about to kill Clem! But I feel bad, I can't believe I did it. I'm a monster.

Lee: You're not. I killed someone before all this happened, and I was on my way to prison when this started. And I understand what you're going through. When Clem arrived with us, she told us that you saved her. Killing isn't right, but sometimes it's the only option.

Y/N: She doesn't know that I killed him... And from what you told me you didn't kill Andy or Dani.

Lee: I know, but...

Suddenly we find a car. It was full of supplies, and it looked abandoned. They began to debate whether or not to take the supplies to us. I just wanted to get to the motel, but I didn't want to take anything. I have enough to have killed someone for then take what is not mine. Lee, Clem and I didn't take anything. As Kenny and the others start to take things I feel someone hold my hand. It's Clementine

Clem: Thanks for helping me. And for supporting Lee and me.

Y/N: Don't worry Clem, I couldn't let them do something to you. You're one of the only friends I've ever had. I think our friendship needs a special sign hand gesture, I'm not good at it but I can think of one.

Then I start to make a movement with my hands as if they were guns. Clem seems to like it. Then we got to the motel.

-Time Skip-

It had been a while since the dairy. In all this time I have been a little away from everything, reflecting on my actions. One of these days Lee and Kenny came back from looking for supplies. Clem was happy because Ben found her stickers for her walkie talkie. When they returned they argued again. I wasn't paying much attention to them, I stayed on the second floor of the Motel until Carley came to talk to me. I also confessed to her that I had killed someone. She has been supporting me

While we were talking about our favorite songs, Lee came over to us.

Y/N: Hi Lee! I hope everything went well with Kenny

Lee: Hi Y/N, everything went well.

Carley: Did you talk to Lilly, Lee?

Lee: Not yet, but I will

Carley: What I wanted to tell you, Lee, is that I've been thinking a lot, about you.

Lee: I'm think about you too.

Carley: Our group is small...

Lee: You are small.

I couldn't help but laugh at that, but try not to laugh.

Carley: And you're a convicted killer.

There the laughter stopped.

Read: Jesus, Carley

Carley: And I think the group should know that. Not because they deserve it or because you're bad. Rather the opposite. You shouldn't tell everyone, pick the ones you trust and tell them while you still can.

Y/N: He already told me, so I think I can be trusted. If Lee accepts, I also want to tell everyone that I killed Gareth, maybe that will make me feel better.

Lee: You're right.

Carley: Of course I'm right. People might react badly, and for you to tell them now it might be better for them to figure it out on their own. Will you tell them?

Lee: Yes. I'll tell them, you're absolutely right.

Carley: It's the best you can do.

Then Carley approaches Lee and kisses him on the cheek, I see that this makes Lee very happy. That took me by surprise. And whispers:

Carley: Don't call me small.

Then we go downstairs and I ask Lee

Y/N: Why did Carley kiss you for calling she small?

Lee: I was just kidding.

Y/N: I think she likes you, Lee.

Lee: Let's tell Kenny, Katjaa and Clementine.

We went with Kenny and Katjaa, Kenny didn't care much, Katjaa cares a bit. And well, with Clementine it was the easiest for Lee, because she already knew about it, or at least she sensed it. She also understood when I told her that I killed Gareth.

Before we went back to Carley I thought: Why don't I tell Clem that she's small? I just want to see what happens.

Y/N: Hey Clem, you know, our group is small... Just like you.

Clem gets up from where he was drawing and punches me in the shoulder.

Clem: Don't call me small, idiot

Lee and Duck started laughing. That didn't turn out the way I wanted.

TWD. The other kid. Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now