The dairy

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They offered us a deal. Gas in exchange for food.

Dan: Our generators that we use for an electric fence run on gas. We own a dairy farm just a few miles away. We can make a trade.

Gareth: Yes, and we have food in our dairy, a lot. And for a few days we have wanted to use it as a refuge, a sanctuary for people who need it.

I see that his red machete is stained with blood. Maybe he has killed an animal to eat. I don't trust them. After accepting the deal we agreed.

Lilly: Lee, Mark, Carley, go check out the place. Let's see if it's legit.

Lee: Okay, you've got a deal

Andy: Sounds fair, a couple of gallons should power our generators for a while.

They're getting ready to go, so I walk over to say something to Lee.

Y/N: please be careful, I see they have a bloody machete. Just watch out.

Lee: Don't worry, stay with Clem and Duck and follow the rules.

Clementine: Come on Y/N. Let's play something while we wait for them to tell us what to do.

A few hours pass before Ben and Carley return. They bring bread for us. Apparently the dairy is safe. They even invited us to dinner. I'm very hungry, so I'm looking forward to it.

Lilly: Ben, Carley, stay here and take care of the motel while we go, I see you have already eaten some bread.

Larry walks up to me and says:

Larry: Hey Y/N, I hope you don't finish all the food they offer us. I don't even know why you're here. Thanks to you there is no more food, you useless little fat man

Larry has been mean to me since I joined the group, that Lee did wrong to save me. And he makes fun of my fitness. I've lost a couple of pounds by the time we left the drug store but to Larry hates me. I and I hate him.

Carley: Y/N, take this. Just in case, you can give it back to me later. You remember what we practiced, right?

Carley hands me her gun, I put it in my backpack. I take my bow too, in case something happens. I also carry a pair of arrows. Clem, Duck and I join the others.

The dairy is huge. With fields, and an electric fence that stops walkers. It is seen that in the center of everything you can see how they have a shed. They have a barn too. We meet the siblings' mom, Brenda. The surprise was greater when we saw Lee and Mark, the latter with an arrow in his shoulder.

Katjaa: Oh my god, is Mark okay?

Lee: He was shot while we were checking the fence.

Mark: But I'm fine, I think it can be pull it out.

Brenda: Let's see what we can do with that arrow.

Mark leaves with Brenda and Katjaa. Then they explain the situation to us. Some bandits have been extorting them to exchange food for protection.

Kenny: Did you know about these people? I thought it was a safe place!!

Andy: Sorry, we've never had a problem with those people since we accept the "protection food deal". But we will not stand for this shit.

Dan: We're not going to let them get away with it. Gareth, get ready to leave.

Kenny: Do you know where those assholes are?

Gareth: At least one of their camps. Lee, when you're ready let us know , to go scope that bandit camp.

The brothers and Brenda leave. I watch as Gareth enters the shed in the center and leaves the red machete at the door to take his weapon. Then the brothers get together to talk to each other. Meanwhile, we talk in a group.

Lilly: This place is unsafe. There are bandits.

Kenny: Not safe? This place is a hell of a lor safer than that motel. We can take this place if we have to, 

Larry: Cool your jets here, Rambo, don't spoil this for us before we eat. These are nice people. 

Lee: I'm going out with Gareth to find these bandits. You guys shoukd try to make friends with the other two brothers and Brenda.

Larry: Well that's easy, I've got charm coming out of my ass.

Dan: Hey, I remember seeing kids with you, so I fixed up our old swing set so they can play.

Clem: A swing! Come on guys!!!

Duck is the first to use it, as Kenny helps him. Then Lee pushes Clem and me. For a moment we forgot everything. I could only swing at school.

Y/N: Where is Mark? It's going to be alright?

Lee: I think he's with Brenda. He was lucky, it could have been worse. I won't let what happened to Mark happen to you. Since I've known you I've been very lucky

Clem: Promise?

Lee: I promise. Okay kids, I have to go.

Y/N/Clem: Be careful Lee, be lucky.

Lee leaves.

While everyone was busy with something I decided to sneak to the shed, since I was curious what was there. It was closed, but i can see recent bloodstains at the entrance. The red machete also has. I took it and hid it in a bush near there. I have a bad feeling about this. So I told Kenny.

Y/N: Kenny, do you see the shed over there? I'm sure I heard a noise and saw blood.

Kenny: I'm going to check it out, be careful Y/N

Apparently Kenny believes me, because he went to tell Lilly. While Kenny and Lilly were fighting again, I decided to go to the barn. Here was Clem and Lee, who had already come back.

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