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Lee had found Clem's hat. They had had trouble with the bandits. Katjaa was helping a cow.

Lee: did you by any chance give your hat to anyone?

Clem: No.

Lee: Anyone at the Motel?


Y/N: why? ...someone took it?

Lee: It's probably nothing, just let me know if anything like that happens.

Clementine: Okay, I'm going to stick with Katjaa and the cow.

Kenny shows up and calls us in to talk privately near the shed

Kenny: Lee, you need to see what Y/N found in the shed..

Lee: What's up, Ken?

Kenny: Lee there are something, behind that door. Look at the blood.

Lee: Don't get paranoid.

Kenny: It's my job , I have my family on this farm. Don't you care about Y/n and Clem?

Lee: I will protect them no matter what.

As Lee and Kenny talk about how to get in there, Andy approaches.

Andy: Can I help you guys?

Lee: .....I'm just looking at the diary here, I've never been to a dairy before.

Andy: Hmm, just don't fuck around without Danny or Garteh, the farm can be a dangerous place, you know, bandits and all... but also, do me a favor and don't be near that shed. That's Gareth's work area... By the way, haven't you seen his machete? I had left it right here, he says.

Katjaa: Andrew, I need your help.

Andy: Immediately doctor. Please if you find it let me know.

With Andy assisting Kat with the cow and the other two siblings busy, we head out to the barn and see Larry talking to Brenda and... well, trying to get along with her... Lee then tries to find a way to keep Andy away from him. to look at what's in the shed I found... so he notice some tools on a table, grab a cable cutter and a screwdriver, walks back to a generator... opens the top with the screw, turn off the generator and to cut the cable... he closes it quickly and walks away like nothing... and sees Andy come out of the barn and approach the generator...

Andy: Damn Danny where do you find this piece of shit! Ugh, damn it all you son of a...fuck! This might takes a while...

With Andy distracted, Lee walks back to the shed and heads for the door...until suddenly he hears a bell ring.

Duck: Mom Dad! It's dinner time!

Kenny walks with the others to the house for dinner, while I stay with Lee. He quickly uses the screwdriver to loosen the screws on the door...as he does so and manages to open the door...What I saw inside left him speechless and surprisingly shocked...inside the back door...there was no nothing but a bloodbath, everywhere, saws, knives, jars of hearts, puddles of blood on the floor, on the wall too... bear traps too...

Andy: Guys?


Andy: its Dinner time.

Lee: What the hell is this!

Andy: Look, we have food here, but Danny and I still have to hunt a lot to keep everyone fed, when we catch something Gareth uses this place to skin it the food, that's why Gareth doesn't like you coming in here.

TWD. The other kid. Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now