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Class 1-A, some of, if not THE, most chaotic set of teenagers in the world. They've been attacked again and again, a good portion of them have broken the law in the name of justice. And now, they're judging each other's dorm rooms. Why? You may ask. To get to know who has the best taste of course. Though something was bothering their star green haired mess Izuku Midoriya, where was Tsuyu Asui, or as she insisted everyone call her Tsu?

The group of students were walking away from the most recent room when Izuku looked back. He met the eyes of the girl he was worried about, and now he was even more worried. He knew that look in her eyes, it was hard not to, not after 11 years of seeing it every time he looked in the mirror. She wasn't in a good place, but before he could say anything, she shut her door.

Izuku: 'Oh god. I hope she comes out. I'll have to talk to her, from the looks of it, no one else knows. I'll save you Tsu.'

He followed the rest of the group as they kept checking out rooms.

Sato was declared the winner, solely because he made cake. Uraraka walked up to a small group of classmates, the ones who went after Bakugo to rescue him.

Uraraka: "Hey guys, Tsu said she want to talk to you outside."

Izuku: 'Please tell us. Keeping it in won't help.'

They followed Uraraka outside, where Tsu was standing. They walked over and she started talking.

Tsu: "-kero- When we talked in the hospital, I thought I stopped you. I thought my words had more power on you all, but ever since Mr. Aizawa said what he did, I felt like I didn't do enough. I came up with the idea of the room contests to try and make things go back to normal, but I just couldn't bring myself to join."

She started crying, and the BRS (Bakugo Rescue Squad) hugged the girl, though Izuku could see, there was still stuff on her mind, but her crying and their hug, stopped her from getting it all out. He knew that small bit would eat at her, grow to an immense size, and she would burst.

It was late at night, everyone was asleep, well almost everyone. Izuku was awake, and he knew Tsu was to, and he wasn't about to leave her to her own destructive thoughts. He knew Mr. Aizawa would be patrolling in the night for a few weeks until routines were created, so he sent her a quick text, opened his balcony door, and hopped over to hers.

When he landed, the door opened slowly, soon Izuku could see the frog girl, and he could tell she had been crying. Without a word, he stepped over to her, and gave her the biggest hug he could.

Tsu: "M-Midoriya!?"

Izuku: "Shh. Don't ask, just talk. I know you didn't get everything off of your chest. Just tell me."

They walked over to her bed and sat down, he could tell she was starting to tear up again, but she managed to keep them down while she talked.

Tsu: "I-it's just -kero- I thought, we were all friends. That my words couldn't be pushed aside, that I could trust you all to -kero- not do anything stupid if I said something. I-I feel, so worthless, like I don't mean anything to anyone."

She started crying, finally getting everything out. Izuku quickly hugged her, trying to ease her fears.

Izuku: "I'm so, so sorry Tsu. We just couldn't let Kacchan stay in danger. I couldn't, not after he was just out of reach at the camp."

They sat like that for a while before Tsu calmed down enough to talk.

Tsu: "Midoriya. That was the first time you didn't forget to call me Tsu."

Izuku went a little red at the realization and started mumbling.

Tsu: "Thank you. How did you know? My face doesn't really support my emotions."

Izuku calmed down when she asked, memories flooding his brain.

Izuku: "The look in your eyes, it was one I know. One of worthlessness, self-pity, self-loathing."

Tsu: "How? How do you know?"

Izuku wouldn't usually share much about himself, hell not even All Might knew the extent of him being bullied, but talking with Tsu, felt different, safer.

Izuku: "When you see it in the mirror for 11 years, it gets familiar."

Tsu: "What happened?"

Izuku: "A lot of bullying. My quirk was too powerful for my body so it just wouldn't activate at all until the day before the entrance exams, so I was diagnosed quirkless. It was, hell to say the least. So just know, I know how unhealthy it is to keep these things in."

Tsu nodded, leaning on the boy. Eventually he felt her breathing become steady and soft, indicating she fell asleep. He gently laid her down on her bed, found a paper and left a note before leaving. He made it back to his room, just over an hour had passed and he fell asleep, prepared to help Tsu through her problems.

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