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Izuku was walking towards Tsu's room, remembering their last interaction. He didn't want to look away and he could tell she didn't want to either. He also remembered when she used her tongue to alter his fall do he would rest on her shoulder, he liked it so he pretended to stay asleep. He knocked on her door as he reached it, determined to figure out what he was feeling. When she opened the door he had to look away to stop himself from getting lost again.

Izuku: "Hey Tsu. Can I come in?"

She giggled.

Tsu: "Of course Midoriya. -kero-"

She stepped aside, letting him in. Instead of sitting on her bed like usual he walked to her desk to sit on her chair. She sat on her bed and they started talking.

After a while Izuku started to remember the start of the year and how they had only gotten close recently.

Izuku: "I remember back at the start of the year, I was so nervous around everyone."

Tsu: "Yeah you were Midoriya. Even around Iida and Ochaco."

Izuku: "Can I tell you something Tsu?"

Tsu: "Of course you can. -kero- After helping me, I'll always be willing to listen to you."

He chuckled.

Izuku: "I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, back at the USJ, I had actually wanted to get to know you better, but for some reason, we were always separated, like Uraraka would need my help to study and Jirou would drag you off so Yaoyorozu could do your nails."

Tsu: "Oh! I didn't know. It was kind of the same with me, we just didn't have the time because of our friends. -kero-"

Izuku: "Tsu. Just call me Izuku. After everything, you get to call me that."

Tsu: "What about Ochaco?"

Izuku: "She's my best friend, but if she can't see why I'm letting you, then she'll have to suck it up and either stay or go."

Tsu felt oddly happy at his determined preference of her over Uraraka.

Tsu: "Okay, I will, Izuku."

They sat there in silence until Izuku got up and sat next to her on the bed.

Izuku: "I was awake you know."

Tsu: "Awake for what? -kero-"

Izuku: "When I was sleeping earlier and I fell, the fall woke me up, but you stopped it and pulled me to your shoulder."

He saw Tsu go red.

Tsu: "O-oh. Right. I just didn't want Ochaco to get the wrong idea. She was on your otherside."

Izuku: "It's fine, I liked it. Leaning on you, it felt nice Tsu."

To emphasize his point he leaned on her again, his head resting on her shoulder.

Tsu: "Well, if this is where we're going, then I think I have something to say. -kero-"

Izuku: "Then say it Tsu. Aren't you the one who always speaks her mind?"

She nodded.

Tsu: "Earlier, before we left, when we made eye contact. I don't know what happened in my mind, but I just couldn't look away, I didn't want to either. What about you? -kero- What did you feel Izuku?"

Izuku: "When I looked in your eyes, I was looking for the look. But I couldn't find it, instead I saw something else, something I've never seen before, and I just couldn't look away, not even of I wanted to Tsu."

She gently pushed him off of her, making him sit upright, and they both looked at eachother. They locked eyes once again, this time with no intention of stopping at all. Izuku saw that shine again, the one he couldn't identify, so he flashed OFA through his brain to try and boost his thought process. Tsu looked in his dark green eyes, only this time they seemed to start glowing a bright emerald, as if he was fascinated in her eyes too. No matter what he did he couldn't figure the shine out, so he stopped his quirk. He slowly raised his arms, gripping her shoulders, not tightly, but she wouldn't shake him off anyway. She looped her arms around his neck gently, yet demanding he not move. They closed their eyes and moved their faces closer and closer until they met, soft lips, pushing against each other with little pressure. Fireworks were going off in their minds, it felt so soft, so moist, so warm, so... right.

It felt like an eternity, but in reality was only a few seconds, but even then they both felt it was too short. They went in for a second time, just as euphoric as the first, but longer, this time the only reason they separated was for air. They backed their faces up, gasping for air, their eyes pleading for more time. They stayed like that, eyes locked, mouths open, studying each other's expressions, for a few seconds.

Izuku: "Tsu?"

Tsu: "Yes Izuku?"

Izuku: "Do you think, we could go out?"

Tsu: "I'd love that. -kero- But first."

She lunged at his face with hers, latching their lips together for a third kiss. When she separated, he brought a hand up to her face and started rubbing with his thumb. He looked over to the clock and seeing it was past curfew.

Izuku: "Do you think I could stay here tonight? I'll sleep on the floor if you need me too."

Instead of answering, she pulled him down and pulled the covers over the two of them before snuggling up to him. After wrapping her arms around him and nuzzling her face into his chest, she spoke.

Tsu: "Goodnight Izuku."

Izuku: "Goodnight Tsu."

He wrapped his arms around her and they both fell asleep.

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