Little Roommate

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The next day, around noon, four people walked into the 1-A dorm building. Two had green hair, one had white, and the last had black. Izuku and Tsu were walking on either side of an excited Eri, still no smile unfortunately, and Aizawa was walking behind them. There were a few of their classmates in the common space, they looked at the small group when they heard them enter. Kirishima stood up and walked over, making Eri nervous so she hid behind Izuku.

Kirishima: "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya."

He crouched down to her height as she peaked her head around Izuku's leg.

Kirishima: "You're Eri right?"

She nodded and he stuck out his hand to her.

Kirishima: "Well then I'm Ejirou Kirishima! Nice to meet you broette!"

She looked up to Izuku who nodded and smiled. She placed her hand in Kirishima's extended grasp and he shook it a little before letting go.

Eri: "Are you a friend of my Papa?"

Kirishima: "If you mean Midoribro here then yeah! I'm even friends with Tsu here!"

Eri: "Bro? So you're like brothers? Does that make you my Uncle?"

The boy smiled and nodded.

Kirishima: "Sure! I'm Uncle Ejirou to you from now on!"

He stood up to talk to Izuku and Tsu.

Kirishima: "I hope you guys are ready for this."

Izuku: "We are."

Tsu: "Um, actually Kirishima. -kero- Could you help? We were prepared to do everything but this development of her seeing you as an uncle means she trusts you."

Kirishima: "You can count on me guys! I heard you two were moving into a new room, need any help?"

Izuku: "No but thank you."

Kirishima: "Oh and try to steer clear of Mina, you know how she gets."

Aizawa: "Noted, let's go."

Izuku and Tsu nodded before walking again, waving at their classmates, most of whom gave some form of approval. They reached the elevator and went up to the second floor of the girls' side, finding only one door in the entire hallway.

Aizawa: "All the stuff you packed have been put inside here. Nezu even supplied clothes and toys for Eri, you will still need to eat downstairs though as we couldn't fit a kitchen in here. Good luck."

He then stepped back into the elevator and went back down, leaving the small family to set up on their own.

A few hours later and both Izuku and Tsu flopped on to their bed exhausted. Eri tried to climb up but failed, having Izuku bring her up instead.

Tsu: "-kero- That was tiring."

Izuku: "Yeah."

They then heard a small grumbling sound come from Eri.

Izuku: "Hungry?"

She nodded.

Izuku: "Well what do you want to eat Eri?"

Eri: "What can I have?"

Tsu: "How about we have a friend surprise you? -kero-"

Eri: "A surprise? Sure!"

Once again she didn't smile, but she still radiated excitement regardless. Tsu picked her up and put her on her shoulders as Izuku made a call to the best chef he knew. After he ended the call they all played until Izuku was sent a message telling him the food was ready downstairs. Izuku led them downstairs and over to the kitchen table, which even had a tall chair for Eri to sit at. Then Bakugo walked out with two bowls and one plate.

Bakugo: "You couldn't call Fat Lips?"

Izuku: "He only makes sweets Kacchan, besides everyone knows you're the best a cooking in the dorms."

Bakugo smirked.

Bakugo: "Dam- Darn Right!"

He corrected himself, remembering Eri was there. He then sat the bowls down by Izuku and Eri, and the plate by Tsu.

Bakugo: "The nerd and the kid get katsudon, not spicy, and Frog Legs gets a steak. Now eat up before the pink glutton finds her way over."

Eri: "How do I eat katudo?"

Katsuki: "It's katsudon, and watch him he'll show you."

He walked away and Eri looked to Izuku who simply smiled and began to teach her.

After they finished eating Izuku and Tsu took Eri over to the couch in the common space to watch TV with a few other classmates. They sat down and Tokoyami walked over with a blanket over his head.

Tsu: "-kero- Why do you have that on Tokoyami?"

Tokoyami: *Muffled* "I was told Eri has a fear of birds. So blanket."

Eri: "Why are you hiding sir?"

Tokoyami: *Muffled* "My appearance may bring you fear."

Eri: "Why?"

Tokoyami: "Because of my quirk. It makes my head look like a bird."

Eri: "I won't be scared! You seem nice."

Tokoyami: "Midoriya?"

Izuku: "Go ahead."

Tokoyami nodded and removed the blanket. True to her word his appearance didn't seem to make Eri nervous.

Tokoyami: "I am Tokoyami Fumikage. You are brave to face the darkness you have and come out the otherside."

Eri: "I'm Eri Midoriya! I don't know what you mean but it's nice to meet you!"

He smiled and nodded silently before sitting down nearby. Before they could focus on the TV, a certain pink classmate appeared in the common space and locked eyes with Eri.

Ashido: "ERI!"

As she ran over, Izuku and Tsu smiled to each other, Eri would be okay.

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