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The class all walked into the building, it wasn't new, just the business was. The karaoke place had just recently replaced a restaurant, though it wasn't that popular. Yaoyorozu walked up to the host standing near the entrance.

Host: "Hello miss. How may I help you?"

Yaoyorozu: "I have a reservation for my class in one of the party rooms. It's under Yaoyorozu, and it's a party of 20."

The host tapped on the screen of the tablet he had.

Host: "Right this way please."

He led the class to the back of the place and to a door which he opened.

Host: "Please enjoy your stay, we have no other reservations in this room so stay as long as you like okay? Just press the small button on the wall inside and a waiter will be with you shortly. Have fun!"

They all thanked the worker as they walked inside. It was a large, soundproof room, with sound foam lining the walls, four large sofas, and a couple of reclining chairs, all surrounding a small stage with three microphones on it for collaborative songs. They all spied the button the host had mentioned by the door, remembering it for later.

Izuku looked to Tsu, who seemed to be a little more comfortable than before and smiled, just then someone pushed him forward and onto stage. When he turned around, Bakugo of all people was standing next to him on stage.

Bakugo: "C'mon you damn nerd. I know how good you are, so sing for us already." *Whispering* "Besides, I'm sure Frog Legs could use the boost. Yes I noticed too and as much as I hate saying this, you're better than me at this stuff, so keep doing good."

Izuku just nodded in confusion as he walked off stage.

Izuku: "Okay then, what should I sing guys?"

Jirou: "Oh I know! I recently heard this one Pre-Quirk Era song on the radio, and when I looked it up I really liked it!"

Izuku:"But I can't sing it if I don't know it."

Jirou: "We can use the lyric prompter if you want."

She pointed to screen on the wall infront of Izuku. She went to the machine in the corner, turned it on, and selected the song.

As it ended, everyone, minus Bakugo who had a proud smile on his face for some reason, looked at Izuku, amazement in their eyes. He looked to Tsu, whose eyes were sparkling.

Bakugo: "I told you he could sing."

Izuku: "That was a really good song choice Jirou, what's the artist's name?"

Jirou: "Divide Music, why?"

Izuku walked over to the machine and searched for Divide songs, then he found one that sounded fun, and needed two people. He selected it, walked over to Tsu, and dragged her up. He smiled at her as the song started.

The song ended, Tsu and Izuku looked at each other, smiling, well, smilingas well as Tsu can with her face. The class started clapping as they stepped off the stage and sat with the rest of their friends. Izuku looked to Bakugo, who just nodded.

Iida: "Amazing! Both of you did so good! I believe I speak for the rest of us when I say it's about time to eat?"

The class nodded and Iida pressed the button. A waitress walked in a couple minutes later and took down what everyone wanted. She left and came back half an hour later with two carts of food, then left again.

They continued ate for a while before going back to taking turns singing. Eventually Bakugo got to start picking songs, and immediately picked something he found while looking up Divide and other artists he worked with. He grabbed both Izuku and Kaminari by the wrists and dragged them up with him.

The class looked at the three guys amazed as they walked off the stage.

The class returned just before their curfew and immediately went to their rooms. Tsu was about to crawl into bed when she heard her phone vibrate. She looked at it, Izuku texted her to let him in. A knock was heard at her balcony door and she went to open it.

Tsu: "You could just come through my main door. -kero- I hope this doesn't become nightly."

Izuku walked in as she joked, they both sat on her bed.

Izuku: "How was it? Hanging out with everyone?"

Tsu: "It was fun, I liked it. Thanks for having me sing with you Midoriya. -kero-"

Izuku: "It's no problem, I liked singing with you Tsu. But something was bothering me a little."

Tsu tilted her head to ask what it was.

Izuku: "You weren't talking a whole lot. I could tell you wanted to, but you weren't."

Tsu: "Oh, that. I just, thought I would've been ignored. -kero- You seemed to be the only one who payed attention to me."

Izuku shook his head and hugged her.

Izuku: "No, I wasn't. Kacchan caught on to your change too, he's trusting me to take care of you myself. He was serious too. Called you Frog Legs instead of Frog Face, he's only nicer like that when he's being serious. I didn't tell him anything though, so don't worry."

They separated and Izuku got up to leave, but Tsu stopped him.

Tsu: "-kero- Before you go. Thank you Midoriya, for everything you're doing."

Izuku: "You don't need to thank me, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Goodnight Tsu."

Tsu: "Goodnight Midoriya."

He smiled at her as he activated his quirk and jumped over to his room. Needing sleep for school the next day.

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