Mama Midoriya

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It had been a few days since Samidare had been sent to the hospital. Izuku wore the necklace Tsu gave him underneath his uniform, it made him feel better about himself, knowing he was able to help someone, but something had been bothering him. Uraraka was distant ever since he and Tsu came back. She even stopped showing up at lunch, preferring to sit by herself. One day Izuku walked over to the table she was at and sat down.

Izuku: "Uraraka. What's going on? We're all worried about you."

Uraraka: "I don't feel like talking to you guys right now Midoriya."

Izuku looked surprised, she had always called him Deku ever since their first day at UA.

Izuku: "Did, did I do something wrong? You're my best friend, what can I do to help?"

Uraraka: "Nothing. Just go back and hangout with Tsu and the others some more."

Izuku realized why she was upset.

Izuku: "Okay. I see what's going on. You think the me and Tsu being close means we're in a relationship. We're not okay? I promise."

Uraraka: "Then why did she give you a necklace? And the hugs you two keep giving each other."

Izuku: "The necklace, it's a thank you gift okay? I promised I wouldn't tell anyone why though, that includes you. The hugs are a part of the same reason."

Uraraka: "This secret is so important that neither of you told your best friend?"

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "We don't mean to hurt your feelings, but all this is extremely personal to both me and Tsu. I'm sorry but until she says so, you can't know."

She started to tear up.

Uraraka: "Deku, I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusions, and worried you all."

Izuku: "It's fine, now let's go back."

They stood up and walked back over to their original table with their friends. Lunch was much more lively for the group than it had been in days.

Later, Izuku was sitting in his dorm room when he heard a knock. He got up to answer it, and it was Tsu. He let her in and she sat on his bed.

Tsu: "-kero- What happened with Ochaco?"

He took off the necklace and hung it on a hook next to his closet.

Izuku: "She saw you give me the necklace, and a few of our hugs apparently. That made her think we were dating."

He thought he saw Tsu's cheeks light up a little, but it was gone after he blinked.

Tsu: "Oh. Well that would've been awkward if we were. -kero-"

Izuku chuckled.

Izuku: "Yeah, it would've been. Anyway, how's Samidare?"

Tsu: "He's doing well. He can leave the hospital next week, though he'll be in a wheelchair for a few months while he heals and goes the physical therapy. -kero-"

Izuku: "That's good. Tsu, I met your parents, would you like to meet my mom?"

Tsu lit up at the suggestion, excitement filling her eyes.

Tsu: "Sure! What about your dad?"

Izuku's smile turned into a small frown.

Izuku: "Haven't seen him since I was three. Mom says he just works overseas and sends us money, but the multiple jobs she took don't fool me anymore."

Tsu: "Oh. I'm sorry for bringing it up."

Izuku waved it off.

Izuku: "It's fine. Not exactly a secret, just no one's asked yet."

Tsu: "Phew. -kero- When are we going?"

Izuku picked the necklace back up and but it on, then he grabbed her wrist and pulled her up.

Izuku: "How about right now? Aizawa already said yes when I asked."

He pulled her out of his room and out of the dorm building. He called his mom letting her know he was bringing a friend over.

After an hour the had made it to the Midoriya apartment. Izuku walked up to the door and knocked loudly. Footsteps could be heard and Inko Midoriya opened the door. She hugged Izuku as soon as she saw him.

Inko: "Oh my baby boy! I'm so glad you decided to stop by!"

Izuku: "It's nice to see you too mom."

She let him go and he motioned towards Tsu.

Izuku: "This is my friend, Tsuyu Asui."

Tsu: "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Midoriya, please call me Tsu."

Inko: "Oh so polite, and so cute! Please call me Inko, come in come in. I'm making dinner, it's almost done."

They walked inside and sat at a table while Inko finished cooking.

Tsu: "Your mom's nice Midoriya. -kero-"

Izuku: "She was one of the only people who cared for me. The only others being Kacchan's parents and an old middle school teacher."

Tsu nodded. After a few minutes Inko came out with three bowls of homemade katsudon.

Tsu: "It smells amazing Inko! -kero-"

Inko: "Thank you. I had to get good at making katsudon, it's Izuku's favorite of course. I love your hair by the way, the bow near the bottom is cute."

Tsu: "Thanks! My mom taught me how to do it, though it took a while to grow my hair long enough."

They enjoyed the katsudon dinner and stayed for a while longer. Inko even pulled out old pictures of Izuku as a kid. He tried to stop her but Tsu was able to stop him.

They mad it back to the dorms a little before curfew and got to their rooms.

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