New Developments

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Tsu watched as a mysterious black energy started to spew out of Izuku's arm. Their class and 1-B had been participating in a joint training session. This was the last battle, everyone wanted it to be eventful, but this was unexpected. She looked at his face, he was scared and in pain.

Tsu: *Yelling* "Mr. Aizawa! He's in pain! -kero-"

Aizawa: "You're right." *Yelling* "Everyone stay here! I'll deal with this!"

With that he leapt off of the platform and started swinging from the pipes using his capture tool. Then All Might walked over.

All Might: *Whispering* "You should go too, if his panic makes this get any worse you might be the only one here capable of calming him."

Tsu: "-kero- Are you sure?"

The skeleton man nodded so she started after Aizawa. All Might radioed to the tired hero why she was tagging along, to which he agreed. She quickly caught up to him but it still took a little longer to get to the groups. Once they were it was clear the situation had gotten worse, both teams were cowering behind pipes and pieces of concrete to avoid getting hit by the energy tendrils.

Aizawa: "Asui, I can erase his quirk but you'll need to calm him to prevent this from going off again."

She nodded and Aizawa activated his quirk, and deactivated Izuku's which made him start to fall. Tsu quickly jumped up and caught Izuku, taking him off to the side. She laid him down but he didn't want to let go.

Tsu: "-kero- It's okay, I'm here."

Izuku: "I-I lost control! After all that training I lost control a-again! I almost hurt our classmates and 1-B!"

He recieved a kiss to keep him quiet for a minute.

Tsu: "And you were able to hold it back enough to not hurt them. -kero- I'm proud of you, and I know you'll control it eventually."

He smiled and nodded before hugging her tighter.

Izuku: "Thank you. I don't deserve you Tsu."

Tsu: "Yes you do."

Monoma: "Wow! Look at this! The big bad powerhouse of 1-A, needs his girlfriend to save him!"

The two sent a glare to the blond boy who had walked over. Then he was wrapped in two sets of capture tool.

Aizawa: "Go to the dorms you two."

Shinso: "We'll take it from here."

Izuku: *Whispering* "Are they related?"

Tsu shrugged and helped him to his feet.

Tsu: "Thank you Mr. Aizawa."

The man just nodded as both capture tool users dragged Monoma away.


All Might: "So this is what I managed to dig up."

He dropped a notebook onto the table. He then opened it to a page about a man named Daigoro Banjo. The couple sitting across from him looked at the information.

All Might: "What you told me sounded familiar, which is when I started looking up heros with quirks such as the one you described. When I did I found him, Daigoro Banjo, qu-"

Izuku: "Quirk, Blackwhip. He told me."

All Might, recovering from being interrupted, continued.

All Might: "Anyway, I looked more into people like him. People with quirks that aren't that strong their own but suddenly got stronger. That's what is in this notebook. Luckily for you we already know how to train you for one of them, Float, my master's quirk."

Tsu flipped through the book until she noticed something crossed out in the Fourth's entry which was already incredibly short.

Tsu: "Why is the cause of death crossed out here? -kero-"

All Might became nervous, like it wasn't something he wanted to outright say. This caused Izuku to get suspicious.

Izuku: "All Might, what's going on?"

Now seeing that he wasn't going to get out of this anytime soon, the former Symbol of Peace relented.

All Might: "He... He died early."

Izuku looked confused.

Izuku: "But you're the only one who didn't since you beat All For One."

Tsu: "Except the Fourth never did. -kero- It says so."

Izuku looked at it again, reading that the man went off the grid until his body found, his systems ravaged by some unknown disease.

Izuku: "Then how does this factor in?"

All Might sighed.

All Might: "It's just a theory, but I believe One For All is what killed him."

Izuku: "What!? Y-you can't be serious. Then how are you alive!?"

Tsu: "Izu, think. He's quirkless, the first ever quirkless user of it. -kero-"

Izuku stopped for a second to think.

Izuku: "So, I'm fine."

All Might nodded.

All Might: "As we know, the existence of multiple quirks can break a person. When All For One forces quirks onto people they become brain dead. So maybe the willingness factor and the overwhelming power contained within One For All makes it a poison."

Izuku: "And since the other quirks are now part of it's core they don't count as extra quirks."

The Tsu realized something.

Tsu: "Izuku, All Might, the quirkless population decreases every generation."

The two looked at her confused for a second before realization dawned on them.

Izuku: "I could be the last."

Then All Might stood up.

All Might: "Then we must ensure All For One dies in your lifetime."

Izuku nodded and stood up, Tsu followed suit.

Izuku: "I swear I will complete One For All and it's purpose."

Tsu grabbed his hand.

Tsu: "And I swear I'll be with you every step of the way, you won't shake me even if you want to. -kero-"

After saying their goodbyes they went back to their dorm room to relieve Todoroki of babysitting Eri. Tsu would have to put her words into practice sooner than she would hope.

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