After the Raid

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Tsu was at the bottom of the hole, she was currently holding onto Sir Nighteye, who was missing an arm and had a stone spike through his abdomen. The raid had seemingly gone without a hitch, but there were losses. She could tell Sir Nighteye wasn't going to live, nothing could save him, only prolong his death, and Mirio Togata, or Lemillion had lost his quirk to one of the Shie Hassaikai's deleter rounds. Uraraka had just gone up with Aizawa as the sounds of Izuku fighting Overhaul died down.

Ryukyu: "Froppy, climb onto my back with Sir, I'll fly you two up."

Tsu: "Okay. -kero-"

She grabbed Sir Nighteye and jumped onto Ryukyu's back. Ryukyu spread her wings and started flapping, flying Tsu and Nighteye to the surface. Whe they got up top Tsu noticed Izuku unconscious with Eri tied to his back, she also noticed Aizawa deactivate his quirk, telling her that Eri's quirk was dangerous in some way. She hopped off of Ryukyu and carried Nighteye over to a medical tent. A paramedic rushed over.

Tsu: "-kero- He's hurt bad, I've stopped as much bleeding as I could but I don't think he'll make it."

Paramedic: "We'll do our best, thank you for what you've done so far."

The paramedic pulled over a stretcher and helped Tsu but Nighteye on it, he then took off towards an ambulance. Now that Nighteye was taken care of, she could worry about Izuku. She walked over to Aizawa to ask what happened.

Aizawa: "Eri's quirk can rewind things, so he tied her to him and went full power while it was active, it rewound his broken bones but it's power ramped up causing him to not be able to keep up with it. She looks exhausted while I think he passed out from pain."

Tsu: "At least they're both alive."

The man nodded and fell asleep, exhausted from earlier fights and Chrono's hour hand.

Izuku awoke a few hours later. He looked down to find Tsu sleeping on the right side of his bed. He looked to his left to find his mother who looked relieved he woke up.

Inko: "Oh Izuku! I'm glad you woke up!"

Izuku: "Mom, I was fine, just knocked out."

Inko: "That doesn't stop me from worrying."

Their conversation woke up Tsu who looked equally as relieved he was up. She jumped on top of him and gave him a hug.

Tsu: "Izu! -kero- I'm so happy you're awake!"

They shared a quick kiss and looked into each other's eyes, feeling glad they were both okay.

Inko: "Ahem."

Tsu got off of Izuku, embarrassed.

Inko: "Why didn't you tell me Tsu was your girlfriend when she came over?"

Izuku: "Because we weren't dating then."

Inko: "Oh? When did you start?"

Tsu: "A few hours after the Provsional Licensing Exam. -kero- We had realized our feelings during the exam but only got to talk after."

Inko started gushing over Izuku getting a girlfriend after so long and kept asking questions. Eventually she came to her biggest.

Inko: "So when are grandchildren gonna be in the picture?"

This made both Izuku and Tsu go beet red.

Izuku: "M-mom!"

Inko: "What? You already said you sleep together!"

Tsu: "J-just sleep! Nothing more!"

Inko: "Oh, sorry."

They kept talking until a doctor came in, saying Izuku could leave. As they were leaving, Izuku was told that Nighteye had passed away while he was unconscious, that made him tear up but he collected himself as they went to see Eri. Aizawa was already there, a bandage around his head.

Aizawa: "About time you woke up. She's being taken care of, the hospital was told of her situation and are only medicating her through her food, no syringes, scalpels, or other sharp and pointy objects."

They talked for a few minutes before they left. Inko drove both students back to UA, giving Izuku a hug as they walked towards their dorm building. Instead of going through the front door they went around back and jumped up to Tsu's room. They laid down on her bed, cuddling with each other. Eventually Izuku spoke up.

Izuku: "Do you think Eri's gonna be okay? If she gets put into the system, that could break her even more."

Tsu looked up at him from his chest.

Tsu: "-kero- If I know you as well as I think I do, you won't let that happen. But what could you do?"

Izuku: "Either getting my mom or a teacher here at UA to adopt her, that or I do it myself, but if I do then you'd be like a mom and I don't want to put you through that."

Tsu pulled herself up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Tsu: "Izu, I'd love to be a mom. Yes it's, admittedly very early, but by adopting her we also wouldn't have to worry about and teenage pregnancy issues. -kero-"

Izuku: "You sure Tsu?"

Tsu: "Yes Izuku, I am."

Izuku: "I'll talk to Principal Nezu about it tomorrow then. For now I'm tired."

Tsu: "But it's only 6 in the afternoon, you haven't eaten since breakfast. -kero-"

Izuku: "Well I'm too comfy right now, and I just want to cuddle and sleep with my cute froggy girlfriend."

She blushed and nodded, getting comfy once again, both falling asleep soon after.

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