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The class had been working on special moves with their quirks for about a week. Tsu had figured out how to camouflage better and Izuku had started kicking rather then punching. Izuku also observed as Tsu got better and better throughout the training, she was almost back to her old self when it came to socializing, but she still discreetly clung to Izuku. He walked over to her one day in the middle of training.

Izuku: "Um, Tsu."

Tsu: "Yeah Midoriya?"

Izuku: "Do you think you could help me with my new technique. I've already got my kicks down pretty good but I'm trying to focus on my legs so if you could help with maneuvering that'd be great."

Tsu: "After what you've done for me, there's no way I could say no. -kero- Let's start now."

Izuku: "Yeah!"

As they started training, on the otherside of the gym, two people were having a conversation.

Uraraka: "They seem awfully close don't they?"

Iida: "They've been closer since we moved in. Perhaps the closer vicinity was the catalyst for their friendship."

Uraraka: "Yeah. Maybe. Anyway enough of that. When do you think I should tell him?"

Iida: "I suggest a special moment. Like his birthday, a special holiday, something like that. Good luck though Uraraka. Now, we should get back to training."

Uraraka: "Right."

A few hours passed and they were almost done. Izuku had picked up on Tsu's instructions quickly. They were just walking towards the locker rooms when Aizawa ran over way quicker than normal.

Aizawa: "Asui, it's your brother, Samidare. He was hit by a truck when getting home from school. He was hurt bad, multiple broken bones. He's stable right now but the doctors think his frog quirk could cause his bones to move and cause more internal injuries. You can go now, and yes, Midoriya can come too if you want him too."

Izuku looked at Tsu, worry and concern in her eyes, as well as that look, the one he had just spent a week getting rid of, it was returning. He grabbed her and pulled her to the locker rooms. He pushed her inside and went to the boy's to change. When he left she was running out, shoes untied, hair a mess from rushing, and he followed her. He got a text from Aizawa telling him which hospital it was.

When they made it to the train station, Tsu was a mess. The train arrived and they got on, the car they got on was empty. Before they could sit down, Izuku wrapped her in a hug.

Izuku: "He'll be fine Tsu. If he's anything like you, than he'll be better than before."

Tsu: "-kero- If I was there, if I hadn't said yes to living in the dorms. I could've been there for him."

She started crying, hard. Izuku could feel the wet spots growing on his shirt, and he hugged her tighter.

Izuku: "It's not you're fault, it never was, and it never will be. You didn't know this would happen, no one did, and I highly doubt your parents would blame you either."

Tsu: "H-h-how do you know? -kero-"

Izuku chuckled.

Izuku: "Because they raised you. You're one of the kindest people I know. If they were bad parents, you probably wouldn't be the Tsu I know today."

She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. He saw them, once again free of worthlessness, and he smiled. He led her over to a seat and had her sit down, he sat next to her. She leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep still worried for her brother, but free of guilt.

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