Cultural Festival

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It had been a month since Eri moved into the dorms and she was happy, though she still couldn't smile. However Izuku had a plan to fix that, give her an experience that would make her so happy and excited that she wouldn't be able to not smile. That experience would be the UA Cultural Festival. Class 1-A had already decided to do a concert.

It was the day of the festival and everyone in 1-A were prepared, only one thing was wrong. Izuku was giving the gear one last check of quality when he saw something concerning.

Izuku: "Oh no."

Tsu: "What is it? -kero-"

Izuku pulled out the rope he would use to hold up their disco ball, Yuga Aoyama.

Izuku: "The rope's frayed, it won't survive two laps. I need to get another."

Tsu: "Just ask Momo."

Izuku shook his head.

Izuku: "No she'll need the energy to play, I can run and get one in under an hour. Tell the other's I'll be right back."

Tsu nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek before waving as he ran off. Then she felt a tug on her shirt, when she looked down she saw Eri.

Eri: "Where's Papa going?"

Tsu crouched down to her level.

Tsu: "Getting a rope, he'll be back soon. -kero- Okay sweetie?"

Eri nodded and walked off to go ask Sato for a cupcake.


Tsu was worried sick. It was only five minutes until the concert started and Izuku hadn't even sent her a text. She was about to go out to look for him when the green haired boy burst through the door. He had a few scrapes and bruises, there was even a stick in his hair. Tsu rushed over to him.

Tsu: "Are you okay!?"

Izuku panted and nodded.

Izuku: "Yeah, I'll tell you what happened later, for now let's do this."

Tsu nodded as she pulled the stick out from his hair, then Uraraka came over and slammed the band shirt over his head.

Uraraka: "Four minutes! Go get changed!"

Izuku: "Yes!"

Izuku then ran towards the locker rooms to change into the dance outfit he would be wearing for the first half of the concert. He reappeared with only a minute remaining. He ran over to his classmates to await the start. With just seconds left Tsu gave him another kiss on the cheek.

Tsu: "Break a leg. Not literally."

They both chuckled as the concert started. The class ran out to their areas, and began their display.


After the concert was over the crowd of people left, leaving 1-A to clean up. As they were Togata walked over with Eri on his shoulder. Once he put her down she immediately ran over to Tsu and Izuku, a giant smile plastered on her face.

Eri: "Mama! Papa!"

They turned to see her and her smile. They both crouched to her level as she jumped into their arms.

Izuku: "Eri! Did you like it?"

Eri nodded furiously.

Eri: "Yeah! Uncle Mirio had me on his shoulders the whole time!"

Tsu: "-kero- What was your favorite part?"

Eri: "Um. Uh I really like when Papa did that thing where he launched Mr. Aoyama in the air! Oh Uncle Kacchan's explosion at the beginning was cool too! And Ms. Hagakure was so pretty when she glowed!"

Izuku and Tsu chuckled at her excitement. Then Mineta ran over.

Mineta: "C'mon guys! We gotta clean! We'll never make it to the beauty pagent at this rate!"

He then ran off and Izuku turned back to Tsu and Eri.

Izuku: "Why don't you two go and enjoy the festival? Get some mother daughter bonding in."

Eri shook her head and hugged Izuku.

Eri: "No! Papa must come with us! I love Mama but I want you both!"

She pouted and Izuku chuckled again.

Izuku: "Alright then snowball. You'll have to wait until we're done cleaning then."

Eri smiled.

Eri: "Okay!"

She let go of him and let her parents get back to cleaning up. It took nearly an hour but the mess was eventually cleaned up. Once they were done Izuku and Tsu took Eri by the hands and walked off to enjoy the rest of the Festival.

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