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Izuku: "This isn't good."

He and the rest of his class had just been separated. The attack from the other schools did massive damage to the ground and even flung a few students over to different areas.

Izuku: "At least it's just an exam, we'd be dead if this was an actual villain attack."

Izuku was running away from the open space the attack happened and towards the city area. As he was running he noticed Tsu, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, and Shoji enter a building, so he followed. He reached the floor they had stopped at and walked inside, almost taking a jack to the eye.

Jirou: "Oh, it's just you Midoriya. What are you doing here?"

Izuku: "I was running from the attack, saw you guys come in here, and followed."

As he walked further in the door slammed shut and the sound of welding could be heard. Izuku walked over to it and attempted to push it.

Izuku: "As I feared. We've walked into a trap."

He heard a yelp of pain and the sound of a gunshot, when he turned around one of Shoji's hands had been shot off, and the window was too cracked to see through. Then Jirou screamed in pain as a vibration was felt through the floor.

Izuku: "Damn it. They know our weaknesses."

He was trying to think of something when he remembered Tsu was there.

Izuku: *Yelling* "Yaoyorozu! Seal the vents!"

Before she could do anything the vents started blasting cold air, and to hard for Yaoyorozu to get anything on them.

Tsu: *Quietly* "So. Sleepy. -kero-"

Izuku: "We need a blanket for Tsu. Shoji, can you carry her?"

Shoji: "Of course Midoriya."

Yaoyorozu made a blanket for the frog girl and Shoji wrapped her up and put her on his back. Suddenly a voice could be heard from the otherside of the door.

???: *Loudly* "If you can hear me! Surrender now! None of you can escape, and don't even try anything Midoriya, you need your bones for the rest of the exam anyway so it'd be pointless to try."

Izuku: *Loudly* "I've gotten stronger from then!"

He entered Full Cowling, backed up, and charged the door, hitting it with a kick that snapped the welds. He wasted no time and jumped around the stairwell, quickly taking care of the students. The rest of the group walked out of the room and started tagging the group. There was enough there for all five of them, though Tsu passed out from the cold just after she tagged the last target.

When she woke up, she was sat at a wall, and Izuku and Uraraka were sitting next to her. Izuku had decided to take a small nap and Uraraka was on the phone. Just then Izuku started to tip towards Uraraka and something happened in Tsu. She felt something, whether it was jealousy or something else, she didn't know but whatever it was, it caused her to quickly use her tongue to pull the sleeping boy over to her shoulder instead of Uraraka's. She could've sworn she saw his eyes flutter a little and small grin form, but she brushed it off as hibernation hallucinations. When the girl got off the phone she turned around to see Izuku on Tsu's shoulder.

Uraraka: "Hey Tsu, why's Deku on your shoulder?"

Tsu: "He fell. -kero- And I don't want to wake him up."

Izuku 'woke' up after a few more minutes, the two now getting suspicious stares from Uraraka. Not the full on jealous glares from earlier that week, but still like she was putting together pieces of a puzzle about the two they didn't even know existed. But that was quickly brushed away as the next part of the exam started.

He had passed, Izuku was looking at his provisional license, holding it like it was as fragile as glass, careful not to drop or dirty it. He quickly sent pictures of it to Inko and All Might. He noticed Tsu a little away from the group and walked over to her.

Izuku: "Hey Tsu. What's wrong?"

Tsu: "I didn't do much. I don't deserve to have this. -kero- If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have passed the first part."

He saw tears start to well up in her eyes and gave her a hug.

Izuku: "No, you deserve to have that license. All of us were at a disadvantage in there. I'm pretty sure you did better than me in the second part. I only got to one person and messed up what to say causing points to get taken away."

They pulled away and Tsu looked him in the eyes, Izuku searched them and found no trace of the look, but he did find something else, something alluring. He couldn't place his finger on what it was, but he couldn't look away. Tsu was in a similar state, getting lost in his forest green eyes. They snapped out of this trance after a few seconds and looked away from each other, both glowing red.

Izuku: "W-we should go."

Tsu: "-kero- Y-yeah. Maybe you could come to my room to hang out later?"

Izuku: "Sure Tsu."

As they walked over to the bus, several amounts of money were being passed around, clearly paying off bets made on something. The bus ride was quiet, mostly because they were all tired, and cautious not to set off Bakugo, who didn't pass.

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