Secrets Revealed

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Izuku was the last one in the classroom. He looked at the time to see there was still a couple minutes before class started so he sat down and wrote a quick note before walking over to give it to Tsu. She took it and he walked back to his seat, she then read it.

Izuku: -Meet me in Council Room #3 with All Might during lunch, there's something I need to tell you.-

She looked at him and nodded before putting the note away as Aizawa walked into class. He just gave them a few announcements such as what different Gen Ed clubs were doing and that the Support Course wanted a few students to help test gear.

The bell rang and Ectoplasm left the room with the students right behind him, hungry and impatient. Instead of heading towards the cafeteria, Izuku ans Tsu went towards the stairs to head up to the Council Rooms. They were usually just used by teachers to relax since not much happened at UA so the hallway was empty. Izuku walked up to the room marked #3 and knocked.

All Might: "Come in Young Midoriya, Young Asui."

Izuku opened the door and led Tsu to the couch opposite the retired Symbol of Peace.

All Might: "Young Midoriya, there's no going back. You're 100% sure you're ready for this?"

Izuku looked at Tsu, then back at All Might, and nodded.

All Might: "All right then. You should start, I'll fill in where you fall short."

Tsu: "What's this all about? -kero- Izuku, what is this?"

Izuku: "It's about my quirk Tsu."

Tsu: "It's called Superpower. And lets you charge your body with built up energy, right?"

Izuku: "Only part of that is true. The true name of my quirk is One For All. It's really two quirks mashed into one, sort of like Todoroki's except, more direct."

Tsu: "What are they then? -kero-"

Izuku: "The one that gives me my strength is a basic stockpile quirk that gets stronger over time but very slowly. The other, lets the user pass it on, a quirk so useless the original user didn't know it even existed until the stockpile quirk was forced on him and they merged to create One For All."

Tsu: "Kind of like the All For One guy who led the League right?"

Izuku: "Actually, the man who had the quirk to pass on his quirk, was AFO's brother. He despised his brother's tyranny and fought against him until AFO forced the stockpile power into his younger brother. Since that day over a century ago this power has been passed on from user to user before finding It's way to me, the ninth holder."

Tsu looked at him in amazement, and he could see her connecting dots in her mind.

Tsu: "So you were always quirkless. -kero-"

Izuku nodded sadly.

Izuku: "I understand of you think less of me now. Relying on a borrowed power rather than my own ability."

He felt her kiss his cheek.

Tsu: "I think that's amazing. Even with the world stacked against you, you never gave up and even caught the eye of whoever the eighth user was."

All Might: "Ahem. That's where I come in. I was the eighth user of One For All. That's why I've been 'playing favorites' with Young Midoriya."

Tsu looked at the man, finally putting the last pieces together.

Tsu: "That's why you're powerless, you were quirkless too, and once you passed it on you only had scraps left. -kero-"

All Might: "Right on the money Young Asui. Now that you know, can we trust you to not tell anyone?"

Tsu: "You can count on me."

All Might nodded as he bent down and pulled out two paper bags. He reached inside and pulled out food.

All Might: "Hope you like burgers. Now eat, you don't have much time left."

Izuku and Tsu could be seen leaning on each other in the common space of the dorm, Tsu suddenly moved her head to talk to him.

Tsu: "Hey, Izuku. I'm ready to tell the class about my feelings. -kero- I think I'm finally over them and with you here, I doubt they'll come back."

She felt his hand grasp hers.

Izuku: "Okay then. Text Uraraka and tell her to get down here, tell her why too."

Tsu nodded and messaged their best friend. Uraraka was downstairs in seconds and sat next to them.

Uraraka: "I can know now?"

They nodded and Tsu started talking.

Tsu: "It was back at the hospital when it start really. When I warned everyone about breaking the law I felt sad that I didn't stop them. -kero- But you already know that, what you don't know is that, when I started crying, I didn't get everything out, only Izuku saw that. I felt worthless, like my friendships with everyone meant nothing because of how easily my words were pushed aside. -kero- Izuku came to my room that night and let me get everything else out."

Uraraka: "I'm so sorry Tsu. Deku, how'd you know?"

Izuku: "I won't go into to many details but eleven years of bullying doesn't just not affect you. I felt the same way as Tsu did for many years, I grew to recognize the dull, pleading look someone gets in their eyes when they feel worthless."

She nodded, wanting to know more, but also not wanting to pry.

Tsu: "I'm going to tell everyone later, but I remembered my promise to you Ochaco. -kero-"

Uraraka hugged her.

Uraraka: "Thank you. You two really are perfect together. And thanks for the tip with Tokoyami Deku, I think it has potential."

Izuku: "Happy to help."

Uraraka got up and left, leaving the couple to their own devices.

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