Christmas Special

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Izuku woke up to a sight he'd grown familiar to in the past few weeks. Tsu curled up next to him, arms latched around him, sleeping comfortably with his body heat. Ever since the cold weather started they had been nearly inseparable, Izuku loving her constant closeness, and Tsu now having a consistent heat source for winter, and the fact he's her boyfriend.

He shook her awake and reminded her of what day it was, which got her up faster. They changed, separately, into nice warm sweaters and Izuku wrapped a scarf around her neck. They joined their classmates downstairs and ate a delicious breakfast that even Aizawa joined in on.

Just after breakfast they heard a door open and in walked Togata with Eri, dressed in a Santa suit. Izuku walked over and picked her up, carrying the small girl over to the couch. The class started a gift exchange, attaching each present to a piece of Sero's tape, even Eri got one. When they pulled, Izuku got the Mirko body pillow Mineta bought, which was quickly thrown across the room. Tsu got the small All Might key chain Izuku bought, and Eri, got Tokoyami's sword.

Once the gift exchange was over everyone left to go spend time with family. Izuku and Tsu went to his mother's apartment to pick her up before going to Tsu's house. When they knocked Inko ran outside and hugged the two tightly before they all went back to the train station to get to the city Tsu's family lived in.

Tsu knocked on the door and her mother, Bell Asui, answered the door. She greeted all three as they walked inside of the well heated house. They took off their coats, though Tsu refused to take the scarf off, due to Izuku putting it on himself. Samidare and Satsuki ran over to them, excited that Tsu and Izuku were there, Ganma walked over and shook Inko's hand. There more gifts were given out, Izuku had messaged Bell and Ganma about presents so they could get something for Inko too.

Inko was delighted by the green bag the Asuis bought for her. Izuku was given a limited edition All Might Christmas themed jacket, one that Izuku had missed. Foe Samidare he was able to get Hatsume a rechargeable barrier generator with a card that said 'For the next truck', which got a few laughs. He got Satsuki a doll set he was told she wanted. He gave Bell and Ganma matching pajamas. And finally, he gave Tsu a necklace, similar to the one she gave him earlier in the year, nothing special was added to it other than the frog and broccoli having their names on them. She gave him a big hug and a quick kiss. He then revealed he was wearing his the whole time and they took a picture of them wearing both.

They all had dinner shortly afterwards, chatting and laughing the whole time while eating. Tsu and Izuku looked at each other, seeing happiness, love, and cheerfulness in their eyes.

Izuku and Inko stayed a while longer before leaving to go to the apartment once more. The family saw the two out the door and Tsu and Izuku shared one last kiss before he and Inko left. Once they arrived they both headed straight to bed after bidding each other a goodnight. Izuku heard his phone vibrate and checked the text Tsu sent him. It was a video of Samidare turning on the barrier generator and taunting the family to throw things at him.

Tsu: -He loves it Izu.-

Izuku: -I'm glad he does Tsu.-

Tsu: -Everyone loves the presents you got us, I know I adore mine. Goodnight Izu, I love you ♥-

Izuku: -Goodnight, I love you too Tsu ♥-

They both set their phones down, letting sleep overtake them.

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