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Izuku woke up, remembering the events of the previous day, moving in, the room competition, Tsu's talk outside, and the private talk they had in her dorm room later in the night. He got up and got ready for the day, he looked at the clock, seeing it was only five o'clock, meaning he still had training time before anyone else got up.

He went down to the kitchen in the common space to get some quick breakfast, but when he got there, so was Tsu. He walked over the the fruit bowl, grabbed an apple, and bit into it, finding nothing but foam.

Izuku: "Bleh!"

Tsu turned around, finally realizing the boy was there.

Tsu: "Wait. Those are fake? -kero-"

Izuku: "Apparently. Who in their right mind puts fake fruit in a fruit basket owned by hero students? Probably Aizawa, it's gonna be the only entertainment he gets while here in the dorms with us."

Tsu laughed a little.

Tsu: "Yeah, maybe. Hey Midoriya?"

Izuku: "Yeah Tsu?"

Tsu: "Do you think, that maybe you could not tell anyone about what you know? About my feelings."

Izuku: "Sure. Just know that means I'm gonna be checking on you more, like I said last night, I know how unhealthy it is to bottle it up."

Tsu just nodded and asked a question.

Tsu: "Where are you going? -kero- Today's a free day."

Izuku: "I'm going to go train, not much just a mile run and hitting the gym for a couple hours."

Tsu: "Could I join you?"

Izuku: "I don't see why not! C'mon let's go."

Tsu: "I need to change first. I'll be out in a minute. -kero-"

Izuku nodded as she walked to the elevator, going to her room. She came back a few minutes later, in her own work-out clothes. He led her outside, did some stretches, and they started running.

They had made it back to the dorms from their morning training at eight o'clock. As the two walked inside they noticed everyone was already awake and hanging out. Izuku and Tsu greeted their friends, though Izuku noticed Tsu seemed less enthusiastic about talking to them, he would have to talk to her about it later. They went to their respective rooms to change and went back down to enjoy the day.

Tsu was sticking close to Izuku the whole time, though no one really noticed since she was already part of his friend group. Suddenly Ashido stood up and called for everyone's attention.

Ashido: "Alright! How about we all go to that new karaoke place that opened up! I've already gotten permission from Mr. Aizawa!"

Yaoyorozu: "That sounds like a great idea, hold on."

She pulled out her phone, called someone, and walked off. When she came back she had a huge smile on her face.

Yaoyorozu: "I just called and got us one of their private party rooms, fit for thirty. It's on me so don't be afraid to order anything."

Izuku glanced over to Tsu, who looked back at him and nodded, she would be going. He smiled and nodded too.

Izuku: "Yeah, sounds great. Let's go!"

They all went to get ready, except for Izuku and Tsu, who had basically pulled each other aside.

Tsu: "-kero- We both have something to say don't we? You go first."

Izuku: "All right then. I noticed you weren't as, how do I put this, um. Enthusiastic? Yeah sure. When talking with everyone else. What's going on?"

Tsu looked down, like she felt guilty.

Tsu: "I just can't pretend like it didn't happen. I want to but I can't. -kero- It's so hard, how did you do this?"

Izuku sighed.

Izuku: "I didn't. To be honest, I stopped trying, but that isn't healthy. And unlike me, they still want to be friends with you. I was rejected completely, you're worried you're going to be when you haven't been. You still have a chance Tsu. And I promise, I'll always be your friend."

She hugged him tightly, he felt wet spots on his shirt, and heard soft sobs. He put his arms around her, comforting the frog girl. She let go of him after a minute, wiped her eyes, and looked up, then she asked a question he didn't expect.

Tsu: "Now it's my turn. When are you gonna ask Ochaco out? -kero-"

Izuku: "W-what!? I don't like her like that!"

Tsu: "But everyone knows you like her. You get nervous and all red whenever she gets close to you."

Izuku: "That's because of how close she gets, the reason I'm not blushing or nervously muttering right now is because I was gonna bring you over here. It's a personal space thing I've had. No one can hurt me or anything if I don't let them get close to me."

Tsu: "-kero- Well that's a bit of a let down. She likes you ya know."

Izuku: "I'm aware. Apparently playing dense just made that hole bigger and harder to get out of. She's my best friend and I don't want that to change, but I'm worried if I just flat out reject her, like I'm gonna have to at this point, it'll create a rift between us."

Tsu put a finger on her chin, a habit of hers she picked up to let people know she's thinking.

Tsu: "Or, you could wait for her to confess, and let her down slowly and carefully."

Izuku thought about it and nodded.

Izuku: "You're right. Now let's go, I can hear the elevators coming down."

She nodded as they walked back out to the common space, waiting for their classmates.

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