Telling the Class

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Later that day, after the class has finished eating their dinner, Uraraka and Izuku brought them all to the couches in the common space. Once everyone was seated, Izuku got up, stood next to Tsu, who was standing infront of everyone, and gave her a confidence boosting smile.

Yaoyorozu: "What's going on you two?"

Bakugo: "I know. You got this Frog Legs."

Kaminari: "What? What's going on Bakugo?"

Ashido: "Yeah Boom Boy tell us!"

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Shut up already! It's something personal to her so she should say it!"

That got the class to quiet down and Bakugo sent a nod towards the couple.

Tsu: "Well, um. -kero- You guys see, back at the hospital, when the plan to rescue Bakugo was discussed, I thought I stopped the ones who went from going and doing anything rash. But that's something you all already know. -kero- To those of you who did go, I thank you for your apologies and comfort, but you almost ended up doing more damage."

Kirishima: "What!? How!?"

Tsu: "When I started crying, I hadn't gotten my true feelings out, and you guys hugging me made me cry more knowing you still semi-cared for me. But those feelings that were still trapped could've built up inside me and cause me to lash out or shut myself off. -kero-"

Iida: "Then what happened to them Tsu? It is not healthy to keep things like that bottled up."

Tsu reached down and gripped Izuku's hand.

Tsu: "Izu happened. He alone noticed the feelings still left, and that night he came to my room. He let me get them out."

Todoroki: "What were these feelings you keep mentioning Tsu?"

Tsu: "Worthlessness, self-loathing, others I can't even place, those were the feelings I felt. -kero- When I found out you guys went even when I warned you, I felt pushed aside, like I didn't matter to anyone I saw as my friends. But thankfully, Izu here kept me going, sharing some of his never give up personality when I needed a boost. -kero- Please don't cry or apologize, you already did and I've already forgiven you."

The class all nodded, then Hagakure spoke up.

Hagakure: "Why'd you call him Izu?"

Izuku: "Oh that's simple, it's because we're da-"

She pulled him down to her level and kissed him.

Izuku: "-teing."

The rest of the class started congratulating them and some had questions. Iida could be seen walking over to Uraraka, a concerned look on his face.

Iida: "Uraraka, are you okay? I know you really liked him."

She nodded.

Uraraka: "Yeah, I am. They're happy, we're still friends, and Deku even pointed me towards Tokoyami."

Iida: "Good, as long as we're all happy."

A few hours later the class had all gone up to their rooms, Izuku, Tsu, and Bakugo were the last to go. As Izuku and Tsu were about to get up Bakugo made them sit back down.

Bakugo: "We need to talk you two, well mainly me and Deku, but you should hear this too Frog Legs."

Izuku: "What is it Kacchan?"

Bakugo got on his knees and bowed infront of Izuku.

Bakugo: "I'm sorry."

He sat back up and looked Izuku in the eyes.

Bakugo: "I know sorry won't cut it but it's all I can say. I made your life a living hell for most of our lives, it took failing the exam to see just how deluded I was."

Tsu sat there, putting the pieces together.

Tsu: "Wait, YOU were the one who bullied Izu!? -kero- The one who gave him the look that I had!? How could you ask forgiveness from him!?"

Bakugo: "I'm not, just, apologizing for something I can't take back or fix. I would never dream o-"

Izuku: "I forgive you."

The other two looked at the green haired boy, confusion clear as day on their faces.

T&B: *Yelling* "WHAT!?"

Tsu: "Why!? How!? I mean, he's him!"

Bakugo: "Yeah I agree with her. What the fuck Deku!? I'm grateful but still!"

Izuku: "Your head was filled with thoughts of godliness and being unstoppable from our teachers and classmates. While yes they were your actions, they were made possible by irresponsible adults and immature children. Yes, Shigaraki attacked the USJ, but that was only because AFO said he could kill All Might."

Bakugo: "Terrible comparison."

Izuku: "I know. But my point stands. It wasn't completely your fault Kacchan, so I forgive you. Now it's getting late and Mr. Aizawa's gonna yell at us if we don't go now, so goodnight."

With that Izuku got up and walked to his room, leaving a bewildered Tsu and Bakugo there.

Aizawa: "You two! Curfew. NOW!"

T&B: "Yes sir. -kero- /I know!"

They went upstairs, Tsu entering Izuku's room and crawling into bed by his side.

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