Nezu's Approval

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The next morning, Izuku awoke to find himself still inside Tsu's room. He looked down to find her still asleep and breathing lightly. He shook her gently, rousing her from sleep and smiled as she slowly opened her eyes. He grabbed her shoulders and brought her face near his.

Izuku: "Good morning."

Tsu: "-yawn- Good Morning Izu. -kero-"

He gave her a lights kiss before sitting up.

Izuku: "We need to get ready."

Tsu: "But today's a free day."

Izuku: "But we still need to talk to Nezu about Eri."

Hearing this Tsu quickly got up and walked over to her dresser, getting out clothes.

Izuku: "I'm gonna go to my room now."

He got up and left so Tsu could change and went to his room, careful not to be spotted. He and Tsu knew the other Work Study students who were at the raid had been interrogated already, and weren't looking forward to their turns. After he changed he jumped off his balcony and landed on the ground, he heard Tsu walk over. He grabbed her hand and they walked towards the main building.

Nezu heard a knock on his office door. Not expecting anyone at the time he checked the camera to find it was two students, Midoriya and Asui.

Nezu: "Come in!"

With that the two walked inside and made their way to Nezu's desk, sitting in the chairs infront of it.

Nezu: "To which do I owe this visit Mr. Midoriya, Miss. Asui."

Izuku: "It's about the girl from the Shie Hassaikai raid, Eri."

Nezu: "Oh her! What's wrong?"

Izuku: "You see, Nezu, sir, I'm worried that she'll be put into the system, which isn't exactly known for it's good choices for parents. Combining the trauma she already has and the trauma she could gain from the system, I don't think she'd be able to handle it sir."

Nezu: "I see, many other's have already voiced that very same opinion. But what would your solution be?"

Izuku: "During the fight, she seemed to like me and Togata, maybe if she was adopted by someone one or both of us trust, she would be okay."

Nezu brought his paw to his chin, thinking for a moment before looking Izuku in the eyes, studying him, he then switched to Tsu. He spoke again after a minute od studying both students.

Nezu: "If it was anyone but the two of you, two students from the famously reckless Class 1-A, I'd take that sentiment at face value. But it's clear that even now, you're prepared to go above and beyond. Look me in my eyes and tell me you wouldn't put yourselves on the list of possible parents."

Both Izuku's and Tsu's faces went red and unconsciously avoided looking in his eyes. Both had also tried to speak, bit realizing they were caught, they gave up.

Tsu: "You're right, as always sir. -kero-"

Nezu laughed a little but quickly composed himself.

Nezu: "You have nothing to fear or be ashamed of, I knew this would be a possibility before you even walked through the door. While yes it's a completely irresponsible concept, your class has made that their trademark, and even then you come out on top, which is why I will allow this. You two are star students, your class values your advice, one of you is one of the most responsible in the class, the other is the most reckless, in my opinion you two are the perfect balance in your class."

Izuku: "What do you mean sir?"

Nezu: "I believe you two would make wonderful parents, I know for a fact you two will find a way to balance school, your relationship, personal lives, and Eri. If I had the papers I'd personally have you two fill them out here and now. Come back tomorrow and they should be here, for now though, I suggest moving your things out of your rooms."

I&T: "Why?"

Nezu: "So you can move of course! No one lives on the female side of the second floor, Cementoss will combine those four rooms into one big one all for you two and Eri."

Izuku: "Thank you so much sir! But why?"

Nezu: "I'd like to see where this goes. Just don't cause any teenage pregnancy scandals and we're even."

They quickly nodded and started walking back to the dorms. About halfway there Izuku stopped so Tsu turned to him.

Tsu: "What's wrong? -kero-"

Izuku: "How are we gonna explain this to our parents? Oh God mom's gonna freak, she's gonna flood again. Yours don't even know we're dating!"

She walked up to him and grabbed both of his hands.

Tsu: "I'm sure it'll be fine Izuku, we're gonna get through this together."

He rested his forehead on hers.

Izuku: "Yeah, you're right, we will Tsu."

They kissed and Tsu started dragging him to the dorms.

Tsu: "-kero- We might as well do as much as we can to make tomorrow come faster!"

He smiled and nodded, letting her drag him along.

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