Brought Back

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It had been two weeks since Izuku and Tsu left the heros to be on their own. They had been fighting constantly, barely stopping to sleep and drink, though they never ate. Their hero suits were in rough shape, Izuku's metal boots now resembling large claws and his overall suit making him seem more monster than man. Tsu's suit wasn't much better, her frog-like boots had been destroyed, leaving her barefoot and her hair was a tangled mess, making her resemble a feral animal more than a hero. Now they were headed in the direction of another one of Izuku's Danger Sense pings.

Tsu: "Izuku. Once we beat this one, we need to eat. -kero-"

Izuku: "Agreed. I have enough left in my wallet for some fast food, but not much else."

Tsu: "I do too. I guess we can save mine for another day."

Izuku hummed a response as they came upon a familiar place for Izuku, the crater left from All Might and All For One's battle. Now there was a large courtyard with a statue of All Might in the middle.

Izuku: "Kamino Ward."

Tsu: "Look, by the statue's base. -kero-"

Izuku looked down to see a crowd of civilians, all with makeshift weapons, surrounding a villain he had seen on TV before.

Izuku: "Dictator. He can control people. He's using those civilians as human shields."

Tsu: "What do we do?"

Izuku: "We sneak around an-"

Dictator: *Yelling* "Come down from there Deku! Or are you too scared to face me!?"

Izuku: "Or we get spotted and attempt to push through that crowd. Ready?"

Tsu: "-kero- As I'll ever be."

The two then leapt from the building they were on and into the courtyard. They were then swarmed by the civilians and not given any chances to escape or attack.

Civilian 1: "I-I can't control myself!"

Civilian 2: "I'm s-sorry!"

Civilian 3: "Please! Help us!"

As the two, tired and battered, were trying to think of ways to beat Dictator, they heard him speak up.

Dictator: "HAHAHAHA. I've done it! I've captured Dek-"

Then an explosion was heard and a familiar move hit Dictator, knocking him out.

Bakugo: "Guys, I found them."


The civilians had cleared out, having been freed when Bakugo took out Dictator. The villain in question was now trapped in a block of ice, courtesy of Todoroki. Soon the rest of 1-A arrived on the scene and all with only one purpose, bring their friends home. All 18 stood infront of the two.

Bakugo: "You two are real dumbasses, you know that?"

Izuku: "This is the only way we can all go back to laughing and smiling."

Then Bakugo laughed.

Bakugo: "Oh that's rich! Look at me! I can smile and laugh right now!"

He then got serious.

Bakugo: "But can you two?"

Tsu: "Izuku, he's right. Look at us. -kero- We're both a mess."

Izuku looked at her but she spoke before he could, already knowing what was on his mind.

Tsu: "I came along to ensure neither of us died, but if we keep going, we will. We don't have much money left Izu."

Kirishima: *Yelling* "Yeah! And you still haven't joined me at the gym!"

Kaminari: *Yelling* "I still haven't gotten you back for kicking my ass in Smash!"

Ashido: *Yelling* "I still need to help you dance!"

The whole class was yelling their own encouragement for them to come back, but Izuku drowned them out. Instead he was focusing on his girlfriend, and her eyes. Worry, fear, and hope, those were what filled her eyes.

Tsu: "Eri needs both her Mama and Papa, Izuku. -kero- So please, let's go. If All For One or Shigaraki come, we will handle them, I swear to you we will."

She placed her hand on his cheek and he placed his over hers.

Izuku: "Alright Tsu. Let's go."

They then lowered their hands and turned to the class.

Izuku: "Alright. Let's go guys."

Cheering was heard as the class celebrated Izuku and Tsu agreeing to come back.

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