On Track

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Izuku, Tsu, All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks all stood by the burnt, yet still living, Lady Nagant. Izuku and Tsu had been able to.hold her off, though it was Izuku's newly awakened Fa Jin that allowed them to defeat her. Tsu grabbed hold of his hand and he turned to look at her. She could tell that something was brewing behind his eyes, and it wasn't good.

Izuku: "Tsu, you can't go to the mansion with us."

Tsu: "-kero- Why? I can handle myself."

Izuku: "I know, but if it's a trap, I might not be able to protect everyone, and Eri needs at least one of us."

Tsu: "I promised I would follow you anywhere Izuku, and I intend to keep that promise. -kero-"

Izuku grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

Izuku: "Please, just this once, don't. Okay?"

Tsu sighed and nodded.

Tsu: "But I'll still be there, just outside."

Izuku smiled and nodded.

Izuku: "That's all I wanted. Thank you."


It was a trap, they knew it. What they didn't expect was how powerful the explosion was. The mansion was completely destroyed and the force was enough to send Tsu back a little even while standing halfway between it and the treeline. Thankfully no one was really hurt or dead, but Izuku had changed. When Tsu looked in his eyes, they seemed dark, not like their usual dark green but more lifeless.

Once everyone was accounted for, he left, no one but Tsu had seen him walk away. She decided she would follow him, but the moment she almost caught up to him, Blackwhip was wrapped around her.

Tsu: *Yelling* "Izuku! -kero- What are you doing!?"

Izuku: "Go back Tsu."

Tsu: *Yelling* "No! I won't! -kero- If letting go alone once did this then I need to stay with you!"

She shot her tongue out at him and it stuck to his hair. Izuku, knowing he wouldn't get away, let go of Blackwhip. When he did she fell to the ground and walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder and retracting her tongue.

Tsu: "Turn around Izuku. Talk to me, please."

He dis as she asked and she placed her hands on his cheeks.

Tsu: "-kero- Izuku, tell me what's going through your head."

Izuku: "He won't stop, ever. He will use anything and anyone to get to me. I need to do this alone from now on Tsu, I'm sorry."

Tsu then removed her hands, and slapped him.

Izuku: "Why!?"

He then looked up and saw her with tears spilling from her eyes.

Tsu: "-kero- I-Izuku! I c-can't let you be a-alone! I can't."

Izuku: "Why not Tsu?"

Tsu: "Because! I-if I did, t-then Eri would h-have a father."

Before Izuku could ask why again, she answered.

Tsu: "You'd be dead! -kero- If you did this alone you'd die faster! At least if we're together we have a chance, and if we don't have one, at least we'll die together!"

Izuku: "I would never forgive myself if you died when you shouldn't have!"

He recieved another slap.

Tsu: *Yelling* "And I would never forgive you if you died because you were to nice to ask for help!"

She then hugged him and buried her head into his chest.

Tsu: "Let me go with you. -kero-"

Izuku hugged her back.

Izuku: "Okay. I still don't like this, but you're right. I can't do this alone."

They separated and shared a quick kiss before walking away, their communicators abandoned nearby. But as they dissappeared, All Might walked into the small clearing and held up his communicator.

All Might: "They're gone. And they've left their communicators."

Hawks: "How about the trackers in their suits?"

All Might: "Still attached."

Then a new voice came from the channel they were on.

Nezu: "Good, because 1-A is becoming restless, they may soon demand to be dispatched to bring them back."

All Might: "Right. For now keep any eye on them from afar, don't let them know we still have their signal."

Grunts of acknowledgement were heard from the others as they ended their conversation. All Might placed the device back into his pocket and looked up into the night sky.

All Might: "Master, you'll be avenged soon. You and all the others that monster and his influence have touched."

He then walked back to the others, giving the couple a small head start. As he started his car her smiled and let out a small chuckle.

All Might: "As long as she keeps him in line, everything will be fine."

He then pressed his foot to the pedal and sped off.

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