Eri's Adoption

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It was the next day and both Izuku and Tsu were in Nezu's office once again, but they weren't alone this time. Joining them was Inko, Ganma, Bell, Aizawa, and Togata. Nezu had just finished explaining the situation and when Tsu looked at Izuku, it looked like he was about to die from nervousness. She placed her hand on his knee to calm him down, which worked a little.

Nezu: "And that's why you were all called here today."

The couple could feel five pairs of eyes staring at them, wondering what to say. Ganma walked over to the to and crouched down infront of them.

Ganma: "Midoriya."

Izuku: "H-hi there, M-mr. Asui!"

Tsu: "Dad, I know you're probably upset but I chose to do this. -kero-"

Ganma sighed.

Ganma: "I'm not upset, I'm just confused. When did you two get together?"

Tsu: "The day of the Provsional Licensing Exam."

Ganma: "I see. Midoriya, any funny business happen between you two?"

Izuku: "W-what!? N-no sir!"

Bell then walked over and placed her hand on her husband's shoulder.

Bell: "Hun, you're scaring the poor boy. Let up a little okay?"

Ganma: "I'm only asking."

Bell: "-kero- You know how intimidating you can be Hun."

The man sighed and stood up.

Ganma: "Are you two sure you're ready?"

I&T: "Yes!"

Nezu: "I wouldn't approve if they weren't."

Inko then stood from her seat and walked over, placing her hand on Izuku's cheek.

Inko: "Oh my sweet baby boy, growing up so fast. I can't wait to meet my granddaughter."

She smiled and went back to her seat. Then Aizawa spoke up.

Aizawa: "Midoriya, Asui, I trust both your and Nezu's judgment, don't let this screw with your work."

They both nodded and Nezu motioned for them to come to his desk which they did. He passed them small stack of papers.

Nezu: "Go through these and then give them back. Once you do I'll scan them over and send them to both the hospital and child services, you'll be Eri's official guardians."

Izuku and Tsu quickly picked up pens from Nezu's desk and sat down, reading through the paperwork and filling in information quickly. With ten minutes they were done and gave the papers back to Nezu."

Nezu: "Great! Now it should only take a couple hours to register the two of you, which will give you enough time to get to the hospital Eri is being kept."

They thanked the principal and rushed out, their parents having no chance to keep up with them. Aizawa caught up though and bound them with his capture tool.

Aizawa: "Wait for us you two."

As soon as the others caught up they started walking and it wasn't until part way through the walk that Togata finally spoke up.

Togata: "So, why did you two want this? Don't get me wrong I'm all for it, but why?"

Izuku: "With everything Eri's been through the system would just do more damage, and since she likes you and me, I figured it should be one of us or someone we trusted. But since you have enough on your plate right now I didn't think you could handle Eri alone and I have Tsu here to help."

Togata: "I see. What about you Asui?"

Tsu: "I, um. I just wanted to raise a kid and Eri gives me the opportunity without getting pregnant. -kero- I still want to be a hero so I'll find a way to balance it."

The blond boy nodded and they kept walking, eventually coming up to the school parking lot. Izuku and Tsu got in their parents' respective cars and Togata rode with Aizawa.

A couple hours later they arrived and exited their cars. They went inside and walked up to the check-in desk.

Nurse: "How may I help you?"

Aizawa: "I am the pro hero Eraserhead here to check on Eri, the small girl with the horn, along with her guardians Izuku Midoriya and Tsuyu Asui."

The nurse started typing on her computer and found Eri's file had been freshly updated.

Nurse: "If her guardians could step up and show a form of Photo ID that would be appreciated."

Izuku and Tsu walked up to the desk and showed her their School IDs.

Nurse: "Great thank you! Now Eri has been moved to a regular room once her fever went down. She's in room 125, you'll want to head down that hall, take a left, go up the stairs and head straight, it will be on your left."

They thanked her and followed her directions, Inko, Bell, Ganma, and Togata had to stay in the lobby though. After a minute they reached the room and Aizawa knocked.

Eri: "W-who is it?"

Aizawa: "Funny Scarf Man. And two others, one you already know."

Eri: "O-okay."

He opened the door, allowing Izuku and Tsu to walk in, causing the girl to light up at the sight of Izuku, but no smile which worried him.

Eri: "Deku!"

Izuku walked over to the bed and sat on it next to Eri.

Izuku: "Hi Eri. This is my girlfriend Tsu."

He motioned towards Tsu who waved a little and sat at a chair next to the bed.

Eri: "H-hi Tsu. I'm Eri."

Izuku noticed how nervous the girl became when she noticed Tsu so he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Izuku: "It's okay, she's nice."

His smile calmed Eri down.

Eri: "Why are you here?"

Izuku: "Well, you see. There's something me and Tsu need to tell you, but first you need to answer a question, okay?"

She nodded.

Izuku: "Who would you want to live with when you get out of the hospital?"

Eri lept at him and hugged him.

Eri: "You!"

Izuku chuckled.

Izuku: "Good because me and Tsu here adopted you."

Eri: "What does that mean?"

Tsu: "-kero- Adoption is when a child without parents is taken in by others and become their child."

Eri: "So, I'm, uh."

Izuku: "You're mine and Tsu's daughter now."

The girl lit up once again but there still wasn't a smile so Izuku motioned Aizawa over.

Izuku: *Whispering* "Doesn't the UA Cultural Festival happen soon?"

Aizawa: *Whispering* "Yeah. Let me guess you want her to go to see her smile."

Izuku: *Whispering* "Yeah."

Aizawa: *Whispering* "Well she's allowed to leave tomorrow so she'll definitely be there."

Izuku: *Whispering* "Thanks."

Aizawa nodded and left the room, letting the new family bond a little.

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