Thriving Forest

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Eri awoke from a nightmare of when she was with Overhaul screaming. She looked around her room and slowly took note of everything that was different than the one she was kept in for much of her life. In the corner, a large collection of the best quality stuffed animals instead of empty cobwebs. On a wall, a dresser full of her favorite clothes, none of which resembling the tattered gown she had worn. Underneath her, a large and comfortable bed with the thickest of blankets, unlike the worn out cot she had previously slept on.

She then heard a thundering sound of two sets of footsteps, hurrying to her room in response to her scream. When she was young, the sound would've frightened her, but now she knew who they belonged to. Just a few seconds longer and the door flew open, revealing her parents, Izuku Midoriya and Tsuyu Midoriya. The two rushed over to their daughter, who was crying in response to the nightmare.

They hadn't changed a lot since their times at UA, Izuku had only gotten slightly taller, keeping his lean build. Another difference was the ever present bags under his eyes as he often stayed up later to listen to police scanners. Tsu had gotten a little taller too, in fact some could swear she was an inch or two taller than Izuku, there was also a scar on the right side of her forehead from where Toga had cut her goggles off during the second war arc.

Izuku: "Eri! What's wrong?"

Tsu: "We heard you scream. *kero* Was it another nightmare?"

She nodded and they both hugged her tightly. When they separated, Izuku spoke up.

Izuku: "I'm not sure if you want to hear this, but he is gone. Gone foe good. I got the news this morning that he died in his cell in Tartarus."

Eri: "H-how?"

Izuku: "Starvation. He didn't eat at all for a whole month apparently."

Eri: "O-oh."

She looked down in disappointment.

Tsu: "*kero* Sweety, what's wrong?"

Eri: "I know I shouldn't care about him, but I really wanted him to stay alive long enough to see me become a hero."

Izuku: "I'm sorry Eri, I truly am. I wish I could help you."

Eri: "But you can't, he's dead and that's that."

She then felt a hand on her shoulder. When she looked over, it was her father's.

Izuku: "Now there's only one reason for you to become a hero. Do you remember what it was? You came up with it before me and your mother graduated."

Eri smiled and nodded.

Eri: "Yeah, to become the hero you were for me to as many people as possible."

Izuku smiled and hugged her.

Izuku: "That's my little Snowball."

Tsu: "You should get back to bed. *kero* You have a big day tomorrow."

Eri: "Yeah, my first day."

She recieved two kisses on her horn, one from each of her parents before they left her room. Izuku and Tsu made their way up to their own room and laid down in their bed. Before they went to sleep, Tsu reacted to a sudden movement.

Tsu: "Mph. It kicked. *kero*"

She removed the blanket to reveal her very pregnant stomach. Izuku then placed his hand over it and felt another kick.

Izuku: "That one felt a little frog like. I think this one already developed your quirk."

Tsu chuckled.

Tsu: "Maybe. *kero* Maybe."

Izuku leaned in and gave her a kiss.

Izuku: "Eri will always be our first. But this one will still be just as special."

Tsu: "Yes it will. Now you need to sleep as well Mr Number One, you have a heroics class to sub in for tomorrow."

Izuku: "Yeah I know. Goodnight Tsu, I love you."

Tsu: "I love you too Izuku, now get to bed. I'm sure Eri would prefer not to be embarrassed by having her half awake father walking around the school. *kero*"

They shared a kiss before laying down completely and falling asleep. They were happy, Eri was happy, and they were sure their unborn child would be happy as well. Now, only death would be able to tear them apart.

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