1. The Twins Are Back

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You wake up and jump down from the large treehouse you slept in since your dad dropped you off in Gravity Falls.

You skated to the café in town. You opened the door and everyone looked at you. You sighed softly and kept walking and sat in a booth.

"So what would you like today dear?" Lazy Susan asked.

"F/D(Fav drink) and a two stack chocolate chip pancakes"

"Ok" she smiles then walks off. You sighed softly and then heard the door open. You look at the door and saw four people. Both were a set of twins. The older two were very old, the only real difference is one was wearing a hat and the other had cracked glasses. The younger two seemed to have just became adults. One was a girl the other was a guy.

You think you knew them. Or at least have heard about them. Everyone was greeting them and such. They sat at the booth in front of you.

"I cant believe we are back!" said the girl.

"Yeah! Looks like the town is also done being re-built" said one of the older twins.

"I hope Soos didnt mess up our house" said the other older twin.

"I hope no one didnt find your back up journals" whispered the younger male twin to the older two.

You stiffen slightly listening.

'Oh? Back-up journals..so they are still here..'

"Hey guys! What can I get you four?" Lazy susan asks them.

"Four coffees, four two stacks of pancakes" said the older male twin with glasses.

"Ok!" she said leaving. After a while she brung out your food.

"Thanks" you smiled at her.

"Of course!" she turned away.

"Wait. Can you tell me anything about those four? I thought you guys didnt like outsiders since the war" you said stoping Lazy Susan.

"Well, the girls mable, then her twin is dipper. The older two is Stanley and stanford. Stanford has the glasses" she says. Dipper? Mable? Stanly and Stanford? Those names sound so familiar.. "They saved this town and stopped it from going to utter chaos!"

'Oooooh thats why!'

"Ok thanks" you said she turns and leaves. Then you looked in front of you seeing a shadow on your tabletop. You look up and saw the girl looking over.

"Who are you? How do you know about the war?" she asked.

"Im no one important. And I came after the war. I even helped rebuild some things. For a 14 year old back then I was pretty good" you said. It has been 3 years since the 'war' broke out and you came along.

"Can I sit with you?" the girl asks.

"Mable sit down and stop bothering the girl" said the other twin. So he was dipper.

"Come on dipstick. You have to be a little curious about her. Cant you feel the power radiating off her?" Mable said. You froze.

"Um. What?" you asked.

"Hm? Oh noothing!" she smiles.

"Oh hey um. You know where the mystery shack is right?" You not a bit suspicious on the change of topic. VIf you have any free time, drop by, I really would like to talk to you. And even if dipstick wont admit it he would to" Mable said before turning and sitting down.

You finished your pancakes and drink and left the café. You grabbed your skate board and skated off back into the forest back to your treehouse. You climbed up.

You sighed and looked at the two journals you found.

"So they are the real ones" you mumble. "I just need that last journal. Maybe Mable and Dipper has it...Journal number three. Maybe I can finally take over every dimension, I can zap to" you said. Then you heard a small yip from under your tree house. You looked down and gasped seeing the wolf that you found, all grown and ready to see you. You climbed down.

"Hey baby girl. You want to play?" you asked. She yips and jumped. "How about we go look at the fakes in the mystery shack again?" you asked. She barks again and her tail wags.

Wendy did always love the pup and gave her food and such. So, they let you bring her in as long as she was on a leash. You put her leash on the color you have on her and you skate to the shack while she runs.

You get to the shack and flip your skate bored into your hand. You open the stores door and Wendy greeted you.

"Hey N/N (nick name). Does little pup want some food today?" she asked.

"Actually we are going to look around at the creatures you have" you smiled. She smiled back and you walked around looking at the random things while Wendy made sure your wolf didnt chew on anything.

~Dippers pov~

I hate my life! I had to work in the mystery shacks gift shop with wendy again. While Mable helps Stan and Soos with the tour of the random fake crap we have. I walk into the gift shop and freeze seeing that girl from the café. She grabbed one of the copy hats I have and smiled. She had a snow white wolf with her. She put the hat on her head.

"Hey Wendy. I met dipper and Mable lately. They came back. They saved the town from going to literal hell" she smiles slightly.

"Yup. They did. Me, Soos, Gideon Pacifica, Robbie, and of course the twins"

"Cool" she says. "So why did they come back?

"Yeah. Dont know. Maybe he wanted to finish what his grant uncle Stanford couldnt" wendy shrugged.

"So geek is taking over the older geeks work huh?" she asked. They both laughed.

"I guess you could say that" I said and they both look over at me...

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