20. Summer-ween!

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A few days later you were walking around the town with the Cipher twins. It was summerween day again.

You were watching people set up their decorations.

"Man I wish I wasnt to old for this holiday anymore.." You sigh. Summerween was your second favorite holiday right after actual halloween. (Can change halloween to whatever but it is my favorite holiday so-)

"What do you mean?" Bill asks.

"Well. At a certain age dressing up and going door to door for candy just...seems kinda weird ya know? Like kids my age go to parties and shit so"

"So why dont you?"

"Ugh. Because. Its just crazy and weird at those parties. Like most chicks are dressed up in 'sexy' outfits or go all out with these either amazing costumes or ones from the store that arent sexy. Although sometimes its...different but funny"

"And you dont join because-??"

"Eh. I dont see a need to. I like handing the candy out to the kids and scarring them so" then a group of teenagers walk past you. You watch them walk past before smirking. "Watch this" you say and go behind a building.

You use the nice old fake but realistic looking arm with real blood. You walk out normally and make an illusion of someone coming in and cutting your arm off. It falls amd the blood sprays and drips out. The kids scream because the blood was real. One didnt. You laughed and had your real arm pop out.

"Not scary calm down" they roll their eyes. "It was fake blood anyway"

"No actually" you showed him the blood bag. "If you're so sure then here. Taste it" they roll their eyes and do. They spit it out.

"AHH THATS REAL THATS REAL!!" They scream and all run. You burst out laughing. You happily walk back to Bill and Will.

"Alright lets keep going!" You chuckle.

"That was real blood-?" You cut Bill off.

"Pigs blood. Dont worry" you chuckle. You go to the store. "Bill. Dont. Touch. Anything"

"Just me???"

"Yes. Cause If I tell Will to not touch something he wont. You. Have one warning. Understood?"

"Ugh fine" he sighs. You all go in and you get the sucky ass loser candy. You buy over the top decorations. The Pines family had sent you because they were banded from the best store for the best and scary decorations.

Anyway you had a bet with Stan. You were gonna try to scare more teenagers then he can kids the entire night. You had one end and he had the other. Who ever lost would wear a shirt that says 'Im not scary enough to scare people' every single Halloween and summerween. You were the scariest thing in these parts of the woods. You weren't scared of anything and everyone was scared of you if you tried hard enough!

Anyway, after getting all the supplies and decorations you go back to the shack. You give half to Stan and both separately decorate you ends of the shack. No one was allowed to help set up decorations and you weren't allowed to use your magic. You were allowed to do your own decorations you found around the shack.

Liam, Bill and Will both watch you. Will wanted to help but knew it was against your bet. Ford, Dipper, and Mabel were all watching. Once you were both done it was just in time. Another rule was no sabotage of any kind. And if anything in its original state after anything was finished. Ford had a scanner and was ready to tell if anything was touched and by who. And why. You knew he wasn't gonna pick any sides between you or his twin brother.

Ford used his scanner and scanned everything. It told who put up what and was ready for a second scan few hours later once everything was done.

You had scared almost every teenager in Gravity Falls. And Stan was having abit of trouble with his part.

But then. This one teenager came. You gasped softly not knowing if you could scare him! And he is the one. And only-!

Nah Its just Dibstick. And you scared him good. He was dressed as Ford and Mabel was dressed as Stan. (Twin costumes. Still cute) Dipper jumps back and screamed. He threw his journal behind him...and Bill caught it.

"B-bill-!" You call out to him. He looks at you..then Dipper...then the journal. He starts to smile. You then run past Dipper and start to try to take the journal from Bill. You both pull at the book. "Bill stop it! Give! Me! The journal!" You hiss and then. He lets go. You fall. Perfect-

You pretend your head got hit on the stairs. A fake blood pouch getting punctured. It spilled and pooling.

"Oh my god!" Mabel gasps. Both her and Dipper gag as they start to tear up. It looked gross but it was sad for them to see you 'bleeding'. Bill gasps.

"N-no" he breathed out. He floats over and tries to heal you. "H-heal please! Stop all of the blood!" He crys out. Tears starting to form. You pretend you were dieing. You gently reached up and grabbed his hand.

"Ill-Ill be fine...just...avenge me...and the bet" you say pretending to take one last breath before you close your eyes and go limp.

"NO Y/N!!" He crys. The real Ford and Stan come out.

"Holy guacamole!!" Stan gasps.

"Oh my.." Ford says softly.

"No no no nononononono" Bill says starting to breath heavily. Will and Liam comes out and once they process whats going on they just start to cry and cry.

You felt bad and sat up pushing Vill away.

"Guys guys! Chill! It was just a blood pack I hid in my hair" you laugh softly. "Im sorry guys please dont cry it was a little scare prank" You say going to Liam and Will.

"T-thats it. Done with this bet. You win. Ill wear the dumb shirt or whatever. Just kid be careful. You gave ALL of us a huge scare" Stan says. You chuckle softly...That didnt feel as good as you thought it would have...

"No it was playing dirty. You should win..."

"Or call it a tie and neither of us have to wear the shirt?" You and Stan say at the same time. You both laugh and agree. You go to another room and snap, the blood disappearing...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now