12. Smile Dip

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~Bills pov~


I thought and look at Y/N as she yelled at me and Pinetree for fighting.

I turned yellow again and she walked back and forth in the front yard. Old sixer went down to her and whispered something in her ear. She nods and he calls for Shooting Star.

She comes running out and a few words were said before her and Shooting Star left. Somewhere..

I stormed into the shack and into a hidden room. My thoughts became clouded as I rocked back and fourth in the corner in a ball.

Pinetree...hes the power to steal my precious Y/N away from me! I know it! I must-! Wait! Pacifica! A-and Candy! Both like him! I could ask one of them next time I see them. Maybe I could cast a little spell on him and make a deal with one of them!...perfect~

After a while I left the hidden room to find my little Y/N was back and her face was filled with joy and happiness as Mabel dropped some type of small food into her mouth.

After Shooting Star got another handful of the food from the bag I teleported next to her and grabbed the bag. It read 'F/M\S' (Fav m&ms or skittles!).

"What is this?" I asked.

"Candy! And give it back. It makes Y/N happy!" Shooting Star said. Y/Ns once closed eyes opened and she reached to the bag in my hands.

"Give em" she asks.

She looked so cute..

"Can I feed one to her?" I asked, and Shooting Star looked at her.

"Sure. If you want to" Shooting Star shrugged. She stood up and made me sit down. Y/Ns head rested onto my lap and opened her mouth with big doe eyes. I dropped one then another in her mouth. She hummed softly eating them. She looked so sweet. I wanted to stay like this...forever!

So cute~ so cute~

She opened her mouth again and I dropped two in her mouth as she then started eating them. I notice that Shooting Star had gone but turned the tv on.

After a while of feeding this...candy, to her she did fall asleep in my lap...

what do I do know?...

~Normal pov~
~Next day~

You woke up pretty early. You of course made breakfast for everyone and tried to get Bill to eat because of his human body seeming to be really weak and his powers be used up by him floating almost 24/7.

You then were both fighting on the floor trying to get him to eat something and him trying not to give into you.


"Bill! Your human body needs energy!!"




You two kept fighting until everyone stoped fighting and got you off Bill.

"Bill eat!"

"Never!! Im immortal kid! I dont need to-!" He yells before falling down onto the floor. He shakes his head. He tried to float but couldnt. He couldnt even stand up alone.

"See you need food to regenerate your energy!"

"Im fine!" He hissed. "And even if I wasnt Im not eating that disgusting bland things you call food!"

"Then star-wait...Mabel can you go get something for me?" You asked her. She nods standing up. "go to that old abounded store and steal some smiledip. Like lots of it. Dont eat any of it...can I trust you?" You asked. She nods and leaves quickly.

"help?" Bill asks.

"No. You got yourself into this mess you get yourself out"

As you watch TV Bill was trying to get up off the floor while Stan gave people a tour of the fake attractions while Dipper and Ford work on the spell.

Mabel came in with three huge bags of smile dip. You pushed Bill from his stomach to his back smiling.

"Bill. This is smile dip" you showed him one of the packs. "You, an all knowing demon should know what it is and what it does" you say while forcing Bills mouth open. You open the pack of smile dip with your teeth and poor it down Bills throat. He sits up while coughing up the pink dust.

You and Mabel then wait to see what happens to him. You lick your lips and taste the smile dip. You shake your head and looking up at Bill.

"Do you feel anything?" Mabel asks.

"No" Bill says. Mabel smirks opens a pack and makes you down it. Now that smile dip was in your mouth and over your face you looked like a fairy had just...nevermind what it looked like. You couched softly but swallowed most of the pink sugar.

~Bills pov~

dont do it...dont do it...dont do it cipher...dont-!

I couldnt help myself. I lightly licked the smile dip from her face. I noticed Mabel running and fangirling.

'I fucking ship it!!!' She thought screaming to herself.

I gulp softly and whisper a few small words to Y/N.

"i love you" I mumbled...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now