11. Your Brothers and Bill

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"Who are they?" He asks, surprising everyone other then you.

"My brothers" you say and nudge your brother with your foot. He hits it away. "Why so serious?" You asked before laughing softly.

"Hey Daniel lets go to my room and study the journals" Dipper said.

"Anything to get away from that demon" he hissed. "Come on Liam"

"No! Sis will protect me" he says.

~Bills pov~


"Look, he wont hurt Liam. And if he does" she glared at me. "I hope you know I dont give empty threats" she hissed.

"I know" I nod.

"Good" she said as Dipper and the Daniel boy go up the stairs. I float over to Y/N and notice she and her brother took up the whole couch. I sat on the floor by her legs amd look up to them. When Mable came over Y/N moved her legs and when she sat down she put her legs on her. I was so confused.

Why wouldn't she do that to me?

I looked up and noticed Liam starting to drift to sleep. I also noticed that his head is on her chest.

I wonder if they are that comfortable...Ahhh! Bill dont think like that!!!

Mostly because she might over hear me. God I hate that she can read my mind..

I softly shake my head snapping out of my thoughts.

"Hey Bill can you get me something?" Y/N said as she poked me with her foot.

"No! Im not your servant!" I growled. I looked up at her.



"Pretty please" she says and I float up rolling my eye.

"Fine. Whatever" I say in a slight hissing like tone.

"Thank you. Get me some soda from the fridge"

"Ok" I float over.

I did actually want to do whatever she said because then she could probably give me a small reward of sometype on her own. Whatever. I get her the small bottle of soda and tossed it to her. I hit her brother...shit she is going to kill me! As she cleaned off her brothers face with a wet washcloth I telported onto the porch sitting down on the steps and sighing. She is going to kill me!

Thats when I heard the door open. Y/N came out and sat next to me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I-I accidentally hurt my brother. I-I was just so pissed off at you for hitting him I didnt realize that I hurt him too...Liam...I-!" She hissed and hide her face with her hands.

What do I do!?! What do I do!?! What do I fucking do!?! Oh! I got it!

I started to lightly rub her back and then her brothers came out. Her brother glared at her slightly then gave me a death glare. They then kept walking away from the shack. I looked back at Y/N.

"Its ok. I get it. You couldnt control your powers. Dont worry. They will forgive you" I smile and then-she hugs me! I look down at the demon hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head ontop of hers.

Then, Pinetree and old sixer came out.

~Dippers pov~

Me and Stanford walked out. Y/N had pushed Bill away from her, blushing softly.

"Yes?" She asks sounding nervous. Jealousy raged inside my body. I have to make a spell or something to where bill can leave the area of the shack as long as hes near Y/N! Thats just stupid! Lets just re-stone him!

"Bill can you not be such a creep?" I asked.

"What do you mean pinetree?"

"W-what do I mean!? You keep touching and flirting Y/N! And plus you expect me and uncle ford to make a spell to where you can leave the shack as long as you are with Y/N!"

Y/N said something but I was to pissed and jealous to acknowledge her.

"I dont want that stupid spell! Im fine with staying at the shack! I love messing with you dunder head! Why would I want to loss that!?"

"To be alone with Y/N!"

"Im alone with her EVERY night!"


"Im the pervert!? Im the fucking pervert!?! Pinetree who do you think youre talking to!?!"

"Bill Cipher. Thats who"

"You little-!"

"Little what!? Im the same height as you plus you were smaller then me before!"

"Pinetree, if you dont fix this stupid little jealous act of yours, youll me make MAD!!"

"Youre already mad imbecile!"

As we yelled random insults at each other his skin turned a full red tint, his clothing was going red and his hands started to admit blue-flames. Thats when Y/N stepped between us...literally.

She stepped between me and Bill.


We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now