19. The Nomes

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~Normal pov~

Bill sat and waited for you on the roof. Watching the stars. As the sun had already set and it was about 11.

"Hey bill" you say looking at him.

"Hey-a" Says bills voice.

"What did you wanna talk about alone?" You ask. He looks at you.

"Um..." You didnt notice his cheeks turning a light pink as he looks at your face. "I-i....just wanted to talk to you. We dont...um talk much. Just us"

"Oh. Ok Bill" You smile softly.

You both talked for hours.

"So may I ask why you were so ok with living here?" Bill asks.


"You got the Pines family to trust you. And to point out I can leave the shack now.."

"Bill. If Im to be honest...I want the journals. That Ford made"

"What..? Really?" His face flushes a slight red.

"Yeah. I want to take over Gravity Falls..but...now with you..Liam. Will...the Pines family...I....I dont know with Liam here I dont want him to see me as evil as my dead twin-"

"Wait hes dead????"

"Hm? Oh. I was on a walk and my wolf smelt something and dug it up. I guess someone killed him..but eh. Anyway. I dont want to be like him...but I wanted to take over this dimension. Though Im not to sure now.."

"Hey..maybe I can join ya. If you decide to take over the world then we can do it together!"

"Hmm...maybe...if I decide to go through with it Ill call ya" he nods and smiles. The sun started to rise. "Oh! Look at that. The sunrise. Well" you stand "Im gonna go for a walk. Go back inside and stay with Will and Liam k?" Bill nods. "And if in an hour and a half I dont come back. Come look for me. Ok?"

"Of course!" He nods.

You then leave jumping off the roof and leaving. Bill listened but watched you leave. Once you were gone he went back inside.

You calmly walked deeper into the forest. Humming and looking around. You did this three times a day. In the morning after breakfast. Or if you wake up that early. After you get ready. One about 12 or 1. And the last one at night. As or after the sun sets.

So you are just walking and humming. You then see them.



All of those little shits tried to make you their queen once.

It was annoying to say the least. You try to ignore them but they see you.

"Oh! Look who it is!" Jeff smirks. You sigh and look at them.

"Hey guys"

"Did you come crawling back to us like I said!?" He laughs.

"No. No I didnt. I was on a walk"

"OH come on! You missed us! You so want to be the nome queen!!"

"No! God no!" You storm off seeing no point in talking to them. They annoyed you to all hell. But of course. They follow you. Jeff still bragging that you 'crawled back to him and the others'. You ignoring them and listen to your music trying to get them away. Or show them you still are 100% not interested what so ever.

Once back to the shack Mable, and Dipper see them following you. Then..so does bill. Bill pissed comes between you and them.

"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU LITTLE SHITTY NOMES!!!!" He hissed. Poison dripping from his voice. They jump back.

"Oh but she crawled back to us!" Jeff smirked.

"No I didnt! I bumped into you guys! And you followed me after I left" you correct. Bill was about to kill them. But you had stoped him.


"They arent worth it. Leave them alone"

"That's cause you still like us!" You went silent. You picked Jeff up then you....

Drop kicked the bitch.

He went flying. The others scattered confused and scared.

'They still need a leader? Really? Useless little fucks..'

You just go into the Shack. Mumbling a 'thanks for trying to help' to bill...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now