8. Sleepover (Part 2)

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"Lets talk about something else" you said.

"No! Not in tell you tell us who you like!" Mable growls.

"I told you I dont like anyone. And even if I could who would be in my interests?" you repeated.

"Maybe, Robbie?" Wendy says.

"Oh fuck no!" you hissed.

"Maybe, remember that boy a year younger then you that you let stay at your treehouse for a while a few months ago?" asked Candy.

"He was my cousin! So no!" you hissed. They all started to laugh.

"Ok ok" she says.

"Come on! How about you tell us someone that you like, thats close to you, thats a guy thats not in your family" Mable says.

"Well, me and dip-stick have gotten close. But because I made a deal, so have me a this dream demon" you said then flicked Bills head. You finished his nails.

"do i just do the same to you?" he mumbles. You nod. He grabs your hand and starts to carefully paint your nails.

"So that would be between my brother and Bill? Oh~" Mable says.

"That is NOT what I meant!" you growled.

"Oh look shes blushing!" Candy said pointing at the slight red in your cheeks.

"I hate all of you!" you growled and left meaning bill stop painting your finger nails. They all laughed.

"Go cheek on her Bill" Mable says.

"If you say so" he shrugs and floats off.

"Its so cute right?" Mable asks. Everyone nods.

You stood outside punching and hitting a tree.

"Y/N. Come back in" Bill says standing on the porch (I consider the porch as part of the mystery Shack, so Bill can stand on it). You look over to him. You walk to him and stand just off the porch and out of reach.


"Because its dark out. And maybe we can go in the girls dreams when they go to sleep" he smiles and tries to reach a hand out. But he gets a small zap and he backs up then reaches his hand out to you. You go past him anyway, and go up with him behind you.

"One word about what just happened and I will be in your nightmares for the rest of your lives" you hissed sitting back down. They nod. Bill sits back in front of you and starts to paint your nails again.

"Ok! So, what should we talk about know?" mable asks.

"Maybe why we are having a sleep over" you say looking at her.

"Well. I just wanted you to have more friends" Mable says. You glare at her.

"I dont need more friends. I barley even talk to you and dip-stick. Hell I barely talk to Wendy and I knew here for like, 3 years" you say.

"Its true" Wendy nods.

"Shes pretty anti-social" Candy nods.

"I went to little Gedons show once and he is still in love with me" you chukled remembering how you met him.

~flashback to a 1 and a half years ago when the town was done being re-built~

You saw the weird ad on the TV telling you to go and cheek out little Gideons mystery tent. It was the grand re-opening to Gravity Falls. You looked over at Wendy.

"What is this stupid crap?" you asked pointing at the ad.

"Little Gideon is back in town Soos!" she yells. Soos comes out.

"Close down the mystery shack! We need new ideas then!" Soos yells to her.

"Yes sir. See ya'" she says saluting you. You do the same back and leave. You sigh and go to the mystery tent. You sat in the middle-ish row of seats. A little man with pure white hair comes out dancing and singing. Everyone watched. You rolled your eyes.

"Now I need a cute wittle girl from the audience!" he says. Every child around your age and that was a girl raised her hand. He mumbles things walking down the middle of the rows. You were done with this whole show and you started to play your phone. He points at you. "You! Come on up and I will show you the best mystery of the world!" he says. He lightly grab your hand, he mumbles "so soft" before pulling you down to the stage. He does some tricks. You roll your eyes. You get annoyed by him quickly. You got so annoyed that you flicked your hand and he went flying across the stage. "Oh my!" he laughed. He skips back on stage. "We have a fellow mystery here people! And now! The best mystery of all! Love!" he says grabbing your hand and kissing it. You pull your hand away.

"Ok thats enough you little creep! Enough! Im out of this stupid tent of mystery. The only real mystery is why you people come here!" you hissed. They all started to whisper and agree with you. Then you left the tent of mystery and went to your tree-house...

~end of flashback~

You snap out of your thoughts and look at mable.

"How did you two even meet?" she asks.

"Well...thats a long story. I might tell you later. But not know" you shake your head.

~time skip~

You smile softly. It was past midnight. Everyone but you and bill were asleep.

"That was weirdly fun. You did really good on my F/C nails bill" you smiled.

"Thanks. You can go to sleep now" he says. You yawn and start to drift to sleep.

You had a nightmare like normal...then...it went to a normal good dream...


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