7. Sleepover (Part 1)

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~A week later~

You, Candy, Wendy, Grenda, Mabel, Pacifica (who was forced to come) and Bill (as he forced everyone to let him come-) all sat in the attic of the Mystery Shack. It was around 9:00PM or so. And Dipper was asleep on the couch downstairs.

"S-so why does Bill have to be here?" Candy asks.

"He doesnt have to be. But he forced us to let him join" you sighed and rolled your eyes.

"Wow" mumbled Grenda.

"Yeah! But he shouldnt stop us from having our GIRL talk!" Mable says smiling. Her pig Waddles and your white wolf were asleep on Dip-sticks bed.

"Girl talk? What is that?" Bill asks floating in front of you. Him upsidedown and his face inches away from yours.

"Bill" you growled and pushed him out of your face. "Girl talk is when girls talk about random topics and gossip" you say. He gasps softly.

"Oh~ I am curious" he says and sits next to you on his knees.

"Oh! We can do each others nails!" Candy said.

"Ill get my nail polish from my bag" Pacifica smiles. Even though you and her hated each other, you both agreed to be nice to one another for now. For Mable. She goes to Dippers bed and then froze. She glares at you. "Y/N! Your dog thing is on my bag!" she hisses.

"Ok! First off stop yelling. Im 5 feet away from you. Second, Im not making her get off. She likes nice smelling things"

"Then why does she like you?"

"Oh thats it Im about to kill you"

"At least you will be able to do something Bill couldnt"

"Ohhhh! That is so it!" you hiss standing up. Mable grabs your wrist and pills you back.

"No! No hurting anyone! This is for you two to become friends. You proooomised!" Mable whined.

"Yeah" Wendy agrees.

"Ugh..right" you huff. Then Bill groans loudly.

"Boring! Get to talking!" he growls.

"If its so boring then go wake up dip-stick and annoy him!" you growled.

"Aww. But youre soo more fun then that bring Pinetree" he says and floats behind you.

"This is what I get. This is what I get for agreeing to watch you. This is what I get for even setting your free. This is my fucking punishment? Right? It so has to be" you said.

"I wouldnt say punishment. Im a joy to have around when I have something to do without so much of my powers" he says. He sprinkles glitter on you.

"My glitter!" Mable smiles. Your eyes widen.

"Aw bill come the hell on! Glitter takes forever to get out of hair!" you growl and stand up trying to take the glitter out by ruffling your hair. Pacifica sits back down with her nail polishes and gives one to everyone. You had yellow and Bill had F/C (fav color). You switched. "Why did you even give bill any?" you asked.

"Because, he deserves the chance to join in" Mable smiles.

"Ok! So, everyone will have a partner to help paint there nails! And we will all gossip" mable says. She had Pacifica, candy and Grenda, wendy could do it herself, and so you had to work with Bill. You sighed. He sat in front of you.

"So who will start?" you ask. You start to paint Bills finger nails. He watches in curiosity.

"Lets talk about crushes" Wendy smirks. "So, I will start, I am like, this guy, his name is Blake -my own character-"

"Hes, hes ok" you shrug.

"Well I think I like Dipper still" Candy mumbles.

"Oh my god-" you started to laugh and accidentally messed Bills nails up.

"Hey! Youre the one painting my nails!" he hisses. You calm yourself down.

"Sorry bill. Paper towel?" you ask. Wendy hands you one. You start to clean off the nail polish from Bills hand.

"I have to agree with Candy" gulped Pacifica.

"Ok. Grenda?" you asked.

"Me!? Ok, you dont know him, but remember that rich boy from the northwest party? Where me Mable and Candy all went after that rich blond guy? We are dating know! Hes a bit clingy though!" she says.

"I need to see a picture of this guy" you chuckled. You started to go back to painting Bills finger nails.

"Ok! Im next! I still like mer-mondo. And he is now married. But then there is this ONE guy that I am falling for know" Mable says.

"Oh my-who?" you asked.

"Well, you know that really cute kid our age, he had the dark black hair, the tips of his hair bleached, his eyes a light baby blue, oh I wish I knew his name"

"You mean, oh, I know who your talking about. Wait him? Come on. Hes not that cute" you rolled your eyes.

"Well then who do you like?" mable asks.

"No one. And even if I did, who would meet up to my standers of boy bands and hot actors? No one my age (lol so fucking true)." you say.

"Well. What about Gideon? He sure does seem to like you" chuckled Pacifica.

"Eww! God no!" you hissed. Then switched hands on Bill. "Hes is to stupid, and WAY to childish! And ugh hes so gross and creepy" you hissed...

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