15. Threats and Liam

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~Time Skip~

Bill had gotten the sample and that made Dipper and Ford test on it downstairs in the lab.

You watched Will and Bill and could even walk with Will. Unless you were near, Bill couldnt leave the shack. You were out with them at the café. You three being the only ones there other then lazy Susan and another worker. Lazy Susan comes over.

"Hey sweeties. What can I get you?" Lazy Susan asks.

"My normal F/D and pancakes for all of us" you smiled. She nods and leaves. Will sat next to you and Bill across.

"I dont want to eat any of your bland human food" Bill whines.

"It wont be bland. I normally have chocolate pancakes with extra chocolate chips"

"Th-thats sounds really unhealthy" Will says softly.

"It kinda is but I cant get any type of disease or anything like that so I dont really get sick or unhealthy. Other then sugar highs and crashes apparently" you say

"Y-yeah..." he nods. You smile.

Your phone then goes off. It was your brother Danny. "Oh..hold on" you say quickly going to the bathroom and talking to him.

Bill then glares at Will.

"Y-yes brother?" Will asks.

"Dont you dare try and steal her from me. She will be mine"


"I see that look in your eyes! Dont play dumb! You like her"

"O-of course. Sh-shes n-"

"I mean you love her idiot!"

"N-no! Shes like your M-Miss Mable. Shes j-just kind"

"Hmm...hey bro. Can you help me do something?" Bill smirked.


"I know a few girls who like PineTree. And I think he likes one my Precious Y/N. So, can you help me make a love potion to make him like one of them? I would hate to have to kill him. Shooting Star, Sixer and Stanley would probably kick us out if they found out I had killed Pinetree"

"O-oh...h-hmm...s-sure. I-I think I could help with that"

"Also if you want Shooting star to like you back just tell her how you feel. She falls in love so easily"

"O-oh...o-ok" Will says. His voice getting soft. Then you came back. A smile played on your face from both the call and that fact Lazy Susan had your food ready. As you sat down she placed the food and coffee in front of you will and bill. They both look curiously at the food. "H-how do you eat this?"

"Here. Will Ill help" you smiled. You cut the pancakes and then hand him a fork. "There. Now just stab it with your fork and eat it" he nods smiling softly.

"Can you cut mine to?" Bill asks. You nod and take his plate cutting the pancakes. You give him his plate back and his knife and fork. You three eat, talk and drink. You three where now almost done. "So why were you so happy after the phone call" Bill asks taking a sip of his coffee.

"Liam turned out to be half demon" you smiled. He spit his drink out surprised.

"What!?" He asks. I nod then something starts to sink in...

'Hunter...half demon...hunter...half demon...oh shit!'

You stood up.

"We need to go!" You said. He nods standing up. Will stands up to and we go to my old house. You had left the money on the table.

We get to your tree house and knock on the door on the balcony you three had floated up to. Your twin opened it.

"You!" He hissed. He grabbed your shirts collar pulling you to him. His eyes had filled with fire and you herd crying. "This is your fault!! He lost control!"

"Wait...you knew he was a demon and you didnt tell me!?!"

"I couldnt!!! I knew you would have wanted to keep him away from me and my hunter friends!!"

"Yeah! Because youre more of a FUCKING monster then we are!!" You pushed him off and to the floor. You three fly in quickly and see Liam crying on the couch. His skin a charged black, long black claws and his eyes were a dark blood red as red tears fall from his eyes. "Liam! Come here sweety!!" You said floating to him. He hugged you and cried into your chest. You had picked him up over you flying on your back and letting him cry. "shhh. Its ok Liam. Im here to keep you safe now" you said. He looked up. His hair fell in his face and you moved it from his face. "How about you come with me? It will be safer and you could learn how to control your powers" he just nods.

"No! You arent taking him!"

"Hold him Bill?" You asked. Bill nods taking him and holding him as Liam stays close by to his side. "Yes I am!" You floated to your twin. "He will be safer! He will be able to control his powers! Now stop being a stuck up hunter and let him be happy with his own Kin!"

"No! You take him I kill you both!" He pointed a demon killing gun to your chest.

"Shoot me. You wont be able to. You know Im to fast"

"Yeah but he isnt" he pointed another gun at your baby brother. Your eye twitched and your mind went blank...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now