3. Music

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~Normal pov~

"Im so sorry guys! I didnt mean to trap bill here! Ill...If I can help. In any way" you said. You felt bad.

"You can live with us and keep an eye on him! Make sure he doesn't reck the place!" Stan growls.

"Where is she going to sleep??" Dipper asks.

"Coach. Her little wolf can to. As long as it stays OUTSIDE" Stan says.

"Ok" you say with a soft shrug.

"Stanford. Keep an eye on Bill while we get her moved in" Stan said.

"Huh? On no you dont have to do that! I only have like two bags worth of things. It wont be much to move by myself" you said. They looked at each other.

"Fine. Be back quickly" Stan said then left. Then Stanford and Mable followed.

"Hey. Its ok. I bet hes just a little mad that hes back. Hes actually really nice when you get to know him" Dipper reassured.

"Ok. And now that I have to keep an eye on Bill I can introduce myself properly. My name is Y/N" you smile. "Ill be back in about half an hour. And Dipper you can show me where I can put my things when I get back" you smiled. He nodded.

Then you left. You got to your house quickly. You grabbed your things and put a leash on your wolf again. You skate back to the Mastery Shack and tied your wolfs leash on a fence out front.

"Ill be living here at the shack from know on. But Stan doesnt want you inside. So Im sorry about that" you said unclipping her leash. She barks and runs off. You sigh and go inside the shack. Bill and Dipper were in the home part of the shack. Then you saw Bill pining Dipper to the wall. 
(Not ship purposes and its not sexual)

"Just head my warning pip squeak, dont try anything on that girl. Shes mine. I know how you see her. I can hear your thoughts" Bill growls.

"Screw you" Dipper growls.

"And what in the hell is happening right now?" you asked. Bill and Dipper looked over at you. Bill dropped Dipper.

"Nothing. Hey because I dont sleep can I watch you sleep?" Bill asks.

"No! What the hell you fuckin creep!" you growled.

"Im a demon. What did you expect?" he asks with a soft shrug.

"Be a little less obvious" you growled.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes.

"Dipstick, you ok?" you asked puting your bags down and helping Dipper up. You helped him dust off.

"Yeah. Im fine. Thanks. Just put your bags like under or behind the couch. Or next to it" Dipper says. You nod and put them under the couch. You stand up and look at him and Bill.

"So. I have to watch Bill?" you asked. Dipper nodded and walking to you resting his hand on your shoulder.

"I am so sorry" he says then pats your head. He chuckles and leaves with his hands in his jacket pockets.

'I still need that journal. I can just pretend to be trust worthy, and I can take over the strongest dimension, then take over this pathetic little peace of trash. I will become so powerful!!' you thought to yourself.

"Im bored!" bill groans. You sit on the couch and sigh.

"Same" you said. You took out somethings from your red bag. You took out your laptop and set it up. You found a plug but it was behind the couch. You reached over to head of the couch trying to reach it. You knew Bill couldnt see through the couch, so you used your powers to plug it in. You smiled and sat back down. And didnt see Bill. He was then in your face.

"What ya' doing?" he asks. You yelp.

"Setting my laptop up" you said. You put in your earbuds and Bill took one out and observed it. You rolled your eyes and put it in his ear. "If you are going to touch my stuff use it properly so you dont break it" you growled and then realized you needed the wifi. Mable walked by. "Hey Mable. Whats the wifi?" you asked. She shrugs.

"I dont know. Here! Ill get Dipstick!" she smiles skipping off. Then comes back with Dipper.

"You need the wifi? Let me help" he smiles. He sits next to you. He gets the wifi on and Disco Girl starts to play right afterwards.

"I wasnt even listening to this. I havnt even heard this song since like my preteen years" you growled. Only Bill could hear the song but Dipper could see the Spotify picture.

"I use to love that song" he chuckles.

"So did I. Then I found a better band" you said.

"What was it? Boyz 4 boyz?" he asks. You burst out laughing.

"No! I wasnt really into boy bands and shit. They were also way to weird for me. You know I always thought they were like, robots or something" you said. Mable and Dipper start to laugh nervously. "Im into F/B(fav band) now" you shrug.

"Really? I love them!" Mable says.

"I do to. But thats because of Mable" Dipper chuckles.

"I dont know what youre talking about" Bill shrugged. You took out your earbuds and unplugged them. You played F/S (fav song) by them. Mable and Dipper smiled and you all started singing.

At the end, dont trust me came on (song above) You froze.

"I love this song!" Mable smiles. You smiled and wrap your arm losely around hers and Dippers neck and you three started singing it. At the end of the song you and Mable were laughing at Bills face. He was beyond mad at Dipper, even if he wasnt doing much. You were on him. Bills skin and clothing turned red, and he was about to advert to this thing:

At the end of the song, once it faded, you looked at Bill and sat back onto the couch plugging your earbuds in and handing him one

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At the end of the song, once it faded, you looked at Bill and sat back onto the couch plugging your earbuds in and handing him one...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now