16. Secret Yandere

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~Bills pov and That Night~

"Brother? Where are you going?" Will asks noticing I was leaving. I look back at him and smile.

"I need to do something real quick brother Im sorry. Also, watch and protect Y/N" I said and left. I look down and sigh.

Im about to test how far I can go...

As Will watching Y/N, I was floating to Y/Ns old place. Though it was a mile away but still on the mystery shacks property, though I dont know why...maybe I can go around the shacks property without her?

Anyway, Y/N had a fight with her brother but ended up losing and almost dieing. And if it wasnt for Liam knocking him out with his powers both of them would probably be dead. I flew into where I guess his room is and noticed he had sat up hearing the sound.

"Get the fuck out of here!!" He hissed pointing a laser gun at me. I flew to him and knocked it out of his hand using my powers.

"You hurt her" I said softly.

"What...hurt who?"

"Y/N...your own sister...my love. Y/N" I said in a slight creepy voice before I smiled. My skin went a slight lighter yellow and anything black on my clothing or body became somehow darker.

"Youre fucking crazy!!" He hissed pushing his back on the wall. I smiled crazily.

"Sure I am whats your point?!" I asked then made a knife appear. "Im going to have SO MUCH FUN!!!" I laughed maniacally and then-

~Normal pov~

You woke up the next day sore. Mainly from the fight. All the pines family and Will were around you. It was maybe around 5AM.

"Morning?" You question. Mable and Bipper both hugged you.

"Thank god youre ok!!" Mable says. Liam then comes down.

"Is sissy awake yet?" He asks. You push them both off, and try to get up. Will makes you sit back down and Liam runs to you. He hugs you and you hugged back.

"What happened?" You asked Will.

"Y-you dont remember? Y-your brother kinda...f-fought you and you almost k-killed each other" Will explains.

"Oh...wait. Wheres Bill!?" You asked noticing he wasnt anywhere.

"I dont know. H-he left a-around 3AM"

"Sh-" You cut yourself off and sighed. "Will. I know you can leave the shack without me. Go find him" You said knowing you couldnt get up. You were to injured. Will nods and flies off quickly.

"Do you need anything?" Mable asks. You shake your head.


"Would you like me and Dipper to try and make a healing potion?" Ford asks.


You were a strong demon, yes, but even so you cant heal someone. Dipper and For left and Stan spoke up.

"Hey. You can, well, stay in here and Ill get Mable to watch Bill & Will today. But at some point I feel like you guys should move into the basement" he offered again.

"I would but I dont think having Bill so close to the replacement journals are good nor safe"

'Though it would be use full to me if we did live down there~' You thought to yourself.

"I know you dont agree but. Its the best plan of action with all four of you now being here"

"...fine" I sighed softly.

~Time Skip and Bills pov~

I let out soft giggles as I looked down at the now bloody and dead brother of Y/N. I cant remember his name because I frankly didnt care much about him.

It took about an hour before I finally killed him. I stayed outside thinking of ways to get rid of the body with the limited powers. I sadly can only float, teleport, make other things float and teleport, and a few other things. The sad thing is that its a 50/50 chance Ill either be close or exactly where I wanted to teleport to.

Anyway, I was making his dead body float and then started making a hole into the ground to barry him. I made it 8ft deep though it was suppose to only be 6ft to be out of reach of the smell of any dog. But that wolf she keeps as a pet can smell a lot better and I dont want it finding this and trying to dig it up.

Anyway it was turning day and I teleported upstairs in the attic in the mystery shack hoping it would be empty. I teleported but ended up outside the window. I knocked on it and noticing Will coming twords the window. The color seemed to drain from his face when I remembered I was still all bloody...

~Wills pov~

I heard a knock on the attic window after I had searched about 10 feet from the shack where Bill could probably only go. I float to the window and freeze seeing a very bloody Bill.

 I float to the window and freeze seeing a very bloody Bill

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I open the window.

"What the hell Bill??!?" I hissed as he floats in. "You didnt!"

"I...had to. He almost killed her and if he comes back and we arent there, what if she dies?"

"Brother I know you love her and stuff but you cant just kill people"

"but shes-"

"Im sorry. You cant just-"

"But it was a way to keep her safe brother!"

"Hmmm...as long as you dont do it again Ill keep this under the rug" I gulped. He nods.

"Thank you! Now because you have all the powers can you poof this blood off me so I can see my little Y/N?" He asks. I gulp and snap my fingers. He wasnt covered in blood and then he quickly floated off to see Y/N I guess.

I gulp.

I shouldnt tell them. What they dont know, cant hurt them...nor me...

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