18. The Cipher Twins Babysit

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~Bills pov~

Me, Will, and Liam all watched the Pines twins and my precious Y/N leave to hang out.

We go inside and I float upside down. And teleport infront of Liam.

"So what do you want to do kid?!" I asked smiling.

"Uh.....movies!" He smiles back at me. I look at Will. He nods softly. Me and Will sit on the floor and Liam sits on the couch. He works his weird human magic on the TV and start to play a horror movie.

Will ended up hugging a pillow and softly shaking. After two or so movies we all got bored. So we floated around outside.

"So what are kids like you into?" I ask Liam. He shrugs.

"Pranking people. Casing chaos...ya know. Normal kid demon stuff" he says.

"Cool! Lets go prank some people!" I say smiling hugely. He nods.

"I-I dont think thats...such a good idea...r-remember what...M-miss Y/N said?" Will asks. Reminding us what my precious Y/N said.

~small flashback~

"Ground rules. Dont use your powers unless you're teaching him. NO, and I mean NO, Pranking. Cursing. Sexual movies. Chaos. And YES, I will kill you over this Bill. NO, letting him get hurt" she growled at us.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I roll my eyes. Y/N grabbed my shirt.

"I MEAN it Bill" I nod. "Also. No possessing people"

"COME ON Y/N!!" Shooting star yelled.

"Coming! Ok ok. Bye boys" she softly kissed Liams forehead, then she kissed Wills forehead. Then my cheek before running off.


"Yeah yeah yeah. I remember. No using powers unless we are teaching him. No causing Chaos. Pranking. Cursing. R rated movies/shows. No possessing people. And we dont let him get hurt. As she will kill me" I said. Both of them nod.

"Lets take a forest walk!" Liam smiled. We nod. We follow him around

I soon got bored.

"She didnt say not to open any portals to alternate dimensions~" I smirk.

"Thats part of chaos. And it could hurt me while in there so.." Liam says. I sigh.

"Your sister is a buzz kill sometimes"

"What?! No shes not! She is...just....protective of me"

"A buzz kill"


"G-guys. C-come on. D-dont fight.." Will said softly.

"Sorry big brother" Liam said.

"U-uh? B-big brother?" Wil asked shocked.

"Yeah! Sissy said to call you two my big brothers!"

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"Uh....I dont really know" Liam shrugs. "Maybe its because Im use to having a brother? So now I have two? You will have to ask her" we nod.

After a while of walking we...well Liam bumps into Gideon.

"Hey! Watch where you are going kid! I can buy and sell you!" He hissed. I growled to myself.

"Uh...I dont think you know who I am Shiny" Liam said calmly.

"And you dont know who I am!" Gideon growled. Both me and Will pop up between Liam and Gideon.

"This is Y/N's little brother" Me and William say, looking down at Gideon. "He will be living with her now as his caretakers are no longer around. So if you try anything he can and will tell her and ruin any chance you most likely dont even have with her"

He starts to sweat.

"Sorry...uh.." He backs up and leaves nervously.

"Yo-you ok L-L-iam?" Will asks. Liam nods.

"Yeah. He wasnt scary. Plus you two took care of it!" He smiles. We smile back.

Soon we get bored and go back. Will created a game console for us. And me and him learn while Liam basically beats us at everything.

I mean. Yeah he did grow up around human stuff..

"WE ARE ALL KNOWING DEMONS HOW ARE WE BEING BEATEN BY A 10 YEAR OLD?!?!" I hissed. Will Flinches and Liam giggles.

I was very frustrated by this entire thing! Being beaten! By a 10 year old! When I am a all seeing all knowing demon!

"Also. Im 9" Liam corrects and once again beats me.


Then Y/N comes back.

"Hey hey hey. Chill. Stop scaring Will. It's not Liams fault hes better then you" She laughs. I blush slightly and growl.

"Fine fine whatever"

That night Will, Y/N, Liam and I all went out for ice cream to make me feel better.

While eating it we sat on top a roof looking at the now setting sun. My hand was inches from hers. And she was focusing on talking to Will and Liam. I stay silent and my hand starts to get closer and closer.

I want to just hold her hand...my hand is now a centimeter from hers. Then...she moves her hand. Making me instinctively pull my hand back to my body. I sigh softly and keep eating my ice cream.

God damn it Bill! Pull yourself together! Shes just.....to perfect...I cant....

I sigh. Maybe if I just..

My hand softly touches her. She locks one of her fingers with mine. I gasp softly and look at her as she talk to her brother as well as mine.

I scoot a bit closer and watch her eat her ice cream as I slowly eat mine. Its melting.


"Uh..Y/N? The ice cream melted.." I said softly. She sighs and cleans my hand off with a napkin. Her hand was on mine and I blush softly.

When walking/floating back I stop Y/N.

"Hey Y/N? Can I talk to you..? Alone.?"

"Hm? Maybe..after Liam falls asleep. We can talk on the roof of the Mystery Shack. Ok?" I just nod. Once back I wait with Liam and try to tire him out more and Will helps him get ready for bed. I wait on the roof...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now