21. The Hot Day and The Pool

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Ugh! You hated these hot as fuck days that summer brings!

"it is hot as hell in this fucking ass hot ass room im in" You say and sigh. Liam, and both sets of twins agree. Then Bill walks in talking to wil. You point at Bill. "IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?!" You finish the meme. It registered almost immediately to Mabel Dipper and Liam. They laugh.

"Where?! That bitch owes me 20 mind bucks!" Bill hisses. Will finally processed the meme and softly giggled.

"I-its just a m-meme brother. H-he isnt actually here"

"Oh...I knew that" Bill says and fake laughs. "Funny"

"Anyway. They havent been able to fix up the pool yet so-" then the news turned on.

"This just in! By tomorrow the pool will be safe to swim in once again! And the young boy that was in 'pool isolation' has been saved and is being brought to a local scientist to try to help this young boy. Once any population is out of his system we will take him to a local doctor to use surgery to fix any abnormalities that the scientist couldnt reverse. Stay tuned. To see the process of the pool and the young boy we had rescued"

"Damn that kid was still in the pool the entire time???? Does he get feed?? What the fuck?" You ask confused.

"Radiation" Dipper shrugs. You nod. The next day the pool was reopened as safe enough to swim in. You were getting dressed in the bathroom when there was a knock at the door.

"Sup?" You call fixing your swimsuits top. (If bikini. But if one piece then its just the top part so it can fit better)

"I need to go peeee hurry up" Dipper cried slight. You chuckle. You leave.

"Sorry dipstick go ahead" he goes in quickly. You laugh closing the door. You go to the attic and knock.

"Dipper stop Im not ready!" Mabel crys slightly.

"Its me Mabel!" The door swings open and she yanks you inside. She closes the door.

"Than goodness! I cant pick a bathing suit!" She says. "Nor a headband to match!"

"Heh. Ok what ya got?"

"I want to match with you and stuff but non of mine do. So I was gonna go with matching with Dipper but he just got a new one that didnt match with any of mine. So Candy and Grenda agreed but all three of us have three pairs of matching swimsuits!" She crys.

"Calm down! Ok. Lets see them" she shows you. You hum you pick one that would look really nice on all three of them. "Here. Try this one on. And text the girls to do the same. And send a pick. I wanna see if my vision was right"

"Ok!" You turn around giving her her privacy even if you both were girls. And she finishes and once she got the pics from the others she showed you.

"Yup! All three of you look great!" You smile. She thanks you excessively and leaves downstairs with you.

You see Bill just shirtless with yellow swimtrunks and Will with blue swimtrunks but with a white shirt on.

Stan and Stanford both wore almost like full body bathing suits (idk what they are called). Liam wore the swimtrunks you got him last year that still fit him. And when Dipper came out he was wearing swim trunks that had all these aliens on them and shit, and a white shirt.

"Nice swimtrunks there Dip" you hold in a laugh.

"Wow thanks." Dip said sarcastically. "Come on! Lets go!" Then all of you leave.

Once finally at the pool you all set up in the perfect place of the pool. You just putting your stuff down. Then. Before Stan can sit in one of the chairs that he claimed he got stopped.

"Hey!" He hissed. "Gideon this is MY seat!"

"Eh whatever old man! I sat here first" Gideons voice said.

"Oh not again!" Dipper sighs. "Didnt you two do this shit like when we were 12 a few years back?" you laugh softly. Gideon gets pushed off the chair and he gets up.

"Stanly-!" He hisses.

"Shut up pip squeak" you hiss softly.

"Uh-!" He looks at you. He shuffles to stand. "Did you not just see that??"

"I did. You stile his spot so"

"Hey wheres poolcheck?" Dipper asks looking around.

"Uuuuh not here..?"

"Did he get fired?" Dip asks.

"I guess..?" You look around and then up at him. "Holy-!" You jump back.

"I didnt get fired. I noticed I cant hire anyone else but me. So Im the lifeguard AND the supervisor" he says loudly. You breath in softly and just let it go.

You sigh and get into the water. You sink into the shallow end with just your nose up above the water. Bill and Will sit next to you.

"Why aren't you going deeper?" Bill asks.

"I like to just relax. I would just float around the pool. But the kids around are splashy so" You explain. And as you said that a few teens and younger kids started splashing around and playing around.

"Im gonna cause a bit of chaos" Bill smirks as Liam finally comes in and looks at Bill.

"No magic! But we can go play!" He smiles. Bill nods and both of them go and join. The kids and teens laugh and Bills eye patch falls off after getting splashed by all of them. He covers his eye and starts to leave mumbling 'shit shit shit' over and over again.

"Bill? Whats wrong?" You ask as he passes you.

"H-his eye patch fell off...we dont have an eye under our eye patch j-just a void" Will explains. You go and get Bills eye patch and swim back. And going to find him.

You finally found him and see him sitting behind the pool house ripping out the grass and ripping it apart each time he pulls it from the ground...

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