6. Working and Watching Him

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"Hey Wendy" you smiled and hopped up onto the counter.

"Hey N/N. I thought you had to babysit Bill" she chuckled. Then you sighed. Then you felt arms slither around you. You gasped softly and looked back and saw...Dipper?

"Dipstick?" you asked.

"Guess again!" said Bills voice coming from Dipper. You yelped and then noticed Dippers eyes. They werent his. That was Bill.

"Bill get the hell off me!" you growled and struggled to get him away from you while Wendy laughed.

"Ha! Oh! Bill get off her!" Wendy laughed. Bill hissed and tighten his grip on you.

"Ah! Get off!" you growled. Pushed him to the floor. "Youre so annoying" you growled.

"Hey. Today. Can you watch the gift shop? Me and my friends want to go hang out again" Wendy says.

"Geez Wend. If I didnt know any better I would start singing the sitting in a tree song with you and that boy you ACTUALLY go and hang out with" you chuckled. "But sure. Ill take over. At least I can still watch Bill" you rolled your eyes. She nods and leaves.

You stand at the register playing on your phone with Bill floating over you watching you play. Then someone came in.

"Hey. I have a question" said a familiar female voice.

"What?" you asked.

"Isnt the freak show up front today?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Why arnt you up in it then?" chuckles the voice. Then two other voice join in. You look up to see Pacifica and her little posy.

"Well, I can ask you the same thing Pacifica" you hissed.

"This place never changes does it?" asks that familiar male voice.

"On no. I know that voice. What do you want Gideon?" you sighed.

"My goodness little old me! Why are you back here? Shouldnt you be in your tree house thing?" he asks sitting on the stoll near the register.

"Ok! Hold on! Could this day get any worse then it is!?" You growled.

"Hey Wendy. I need som-" Dipper froze seeing all six of you. "Gideon, Pacifica!? What are you guys doing back!?" growled Dipper.

"I just wanted to see this little buttercup~" Gideon says looking at you.

"Ahhh! No! Youre still a flipping creep!" you gag and leave from behind the register. "If you four dont get out THIS instance I will kick you out forcefully!" you growled.

"Thants right you four get out!" Gideon growled.

"I wasnt talking about Dipper. Bill cant leave. Meaning youre the only one left that could make the four" you growl. You pushed him off the stool.

"How did you do that!? Im a big man!" Gideon growls.

"only thing big on you little man is your hair" you mumble. He over hears and his face turns red in embarrassment, he runs out. "Hey Pacifica, you want to see how BAD your hair can get when I dump some glue on it?" you asked. She squeaked in fear and ran afraid. "Pansy" you mumbled then looked over at Dipper. "What is it dipstick?"

"Nothing. Nevermind. W-were is Wendy?" dipper asks.

"Just missed her. She went off to hang out with her new boyfriend" you said.

"Oh. O-ok. W-well" he stuttered backing up blushing and left.

"Dip-nevermind" you shook your head and went back to the register.

You had to deal with Bill not messing anything up while you let your wolf come in and out of the gift shop. You wish you could be out playing or going on an adventure with the twins.

You got bored and Wendy finally came back. You and Bill went down to Fords lab because he called you down whenever you could.

"Whats up Ford?"



"I know youre not human. You hide it well"

"Heh yeah. How-"

"Your power is comparable to Bills. And I wouldnt have noticed if I was normal"


"I wish to study you"

"What about Bill? He has to stay with me. Remember?"

StanFord then takes out what seems to be an dog harness before he clips it onto bill and ties him to the door. Bill struggles and couldnt get out even with trying to use his magic.

"There. Now. Let me ask you a few questions"

"Ok" You shrug.

The entire interviewish thing lasted a few hours...

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