2. Hes Back!

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~Normal pov~

"How long were you there?" you asked.

"Not long" Dipper says. "Why were you asking about us?" He asks, suspiciously walking twords you and Wend.

"What can I say? Im curious" you reply.

"Why do you have that wolf with you?" he asks.

"Oh. I saved her from death when she was just a pup. Shes been there with me ever since" you said petting her. She was fully white, and pretty big for a wolf.

"Interesting. Is she the only one or does she have a pack?" Dipper asks taking out a journal with the same cover as the other two you have. And it has the number '3' on it instead of 1 or 2.

"They live and hunt in packs. They mostly keep away from everyone. Its rare for them to come out at day unless they are with someone or something they trust to look after them. If they think they can trust you then they are loyal" you explained. Dipper remumbled what you said.

"What if one of them goes wild or something like that?" he asks.

"Well is they are wild there only weakness is to be killed. They can regenerate fast so if you would have to cut their heads off and keep the head away from the body. And they wont move" you explain. He writes down all the stuff. Then switched to an invisible pen. Writing down other secrets.

"Ok. We have to talk more about the albino wolfs" Dipper smiles looking up. Your wolf nudged the small of your back with her snout.

"Maybe later. Right know she wants to get back home. Isn't that right?" you say petting her. She barks softly then looks up at Dipper with a face that says 'stay away from her. She is mine. You wont take her from me'. Dipper froze and started to sweat. "So Ill come back in a bit. We can talk about her kind more later" you smiled.

"O-of course" Dipper nods. You them leave.

~Dippers pov~

Wendy rests her head on her hand and looks at me.

"Hey dipstick. You seem really interested in something. And it wasnt the wolf" she chuckled. My heated up slightly.

"I was only interested in her pet. Dont take it out of context" I said closing the journal. I put it back in the backpack and start to look at the creature things and the prices. Soos bumped the prices by $10 or so.

An hour passes.

"Hey dipstick. Can you take over for a bit. I am going on break" Wendy says grabbing her sweater.

"Of course Wendy. Have fun" I smiled. She leaves and I go to the cash register. At the time of day everyone is on a lunch break so I had free time. Then the girl came in and stood in front of the register. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Dipper. I think I made a mistake" she said panting. Was she running.

"What did you do?" I asked.

Maybe she injured herself? Or broke something in the main part?' I thought to myself.

"We meet again pine tree!" boomed a familiar voice. Then this appeared behind the girl:

"Didnt know this beauty new you! So who is she?" Bill asked

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"Didnt know this beauty new you! So who is she?" Bill asked.

~Bills pov
A few minutes ago~

I was floating around in my empty statue. When it start to crumble. While the eye of the statue broke I was no longer blind. I saw the most beautiful girl.

Her ripped jeans, the black jacket unzipped showing her wolf shirt, her long H/C, sunglasses covered her eyes. Her backpack was slumped over her shoulder. A scarf hiding her neck. But as I came out she starred up at me.

"Holy shit! Youre Bill Cipher!" she yells...weird...I cant hear her thoughts..

"I didnt know such a cutie knew me~" I flirted.

She mumbled something before skating off. There was a slight sting in my legs. I fall to the floor before realizing I was in my human form. I couldnt teleport, but I could float. My powers must be limited for now. I floated up and followed her. Then she went inside the mystery shack. I followed her invisible.

"Yeah?" asked dipper. Wow dipper has grown.

"I made a mistake!" the girl said.

"What did you do?" dipper asked.

'Maybe she injured herself? Or broke something in the main part?' he thought. I then make myself visible and speak.

"We meet again Pinetree!" I say leaning on my cane and setting my hand up in blue flames. "Didnt know this beauty knew you! So who is she?" I asked.

"W-we just met today first of all, second, I dont even know her name" he blushed.

"And Im not going to give it to you while a demon is present!" she hissed.

"What even happened!?! How did you free him!?" Pinetree asked. Then Shooting Star, Sixer, and Stanly came out.

"What happened!? How is bill back!?" Sixer asked.

"Bro Bro what did you do!?!" asked Shooting Star.

"I didnt do anything!" pinetree growled.

"It was my fault! I touched the bill statue, and I guess the spell faltered! Im sorry" the girl said. Everyone looked at her.

"Well, I am glad I get to met such a beautiful young lady. And Im more then pleased that you freed me" I said then got in her face.

"Back off Cipher!" she growls pushing me away. I make a dramatic push back flipping.

"That wasnt very nice" I sighed. Then someone else pushed me. I looked over to see Shooting Star.

"You dont deserve for us to be nice to you!" she growls.

"Well to bad you have to live with me. You see when. Demon gets traped, then freed. The first place that demon enters they can never leave" I smirked...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now