9. Aftermath of Sleepover

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You woke up yawning and stretching. Bill was watching you floating above you while your wolf rubbing against you. The others were not there.

"Where are the others?" you asked rubbing your eyes.

"Downstairs" he said. "I was bored so I tried to make food...I failed and then just used my magic to make some" Bill said rubbing the back of his head slightly. You sigh and snap and had different clothes and such on. You left with Bill behind you following you. Your wolf follows and sits next to Waddles.

As Waddles and your wolf happily sit with each other, the others eat. Bill of course curiously watching you guys. Dipper woke up and tripped over your wolf making her bark and run to you jumping into your lap.

"Hey" you said softly. "Dipper be more careful" you said. He looks up.

"I thought Stan didnt want your wolf in the house" Dipper says.

"We made an agreement" you said and got up with your pup in your arms. You go to the couch and sit down on it letting your wolf sleep in your lap. Bill floated to you and sat next to you looking at your wolf.

She sits up and sniffs near Bill. He pokes her head and she growls at him. You rest your hand on her head and she looks at you. She barks softly confused.

"Shh" you said and then pet her.

"Animals are weird. Can I-" you cut Bill off.

"No! You cant do anything to my wolf. I dont trust you!" you hissed at him. He looks down and sighs softly.

"Hey lets go have some fun before we have to go drop Candy, Grenda and Pacifica off" Wendy says.

"Yeah" you smile. Your wolf jumps from your lap and onto the ground. She spins and jumps. "Looks like someone wants to come" you giggle and stand up knelling down next to her and petting her.

"Then lets go do it" Wendy says grabbing her keys. You and the others start to leave.

"Can I come?" dipper asks.

"You have to stay here to keep an eye on Bill" you say.

"I dont like not being able to leave this stupid shack!" Bill growled. You rolled your eyes leaving with the others. As you look back twords the shack Bill was outside on the porch just standing there...floating there. His skin turned slightly red, so did his hair. You turn back and start cracking jokes.

After making trouble and stuff as Wendy watched you all have teenager fun she dropped Candy, Grenada and Pacifica back to their homes. You and your wolf sat in the front. The window was down and she barked while her head was outside the window.

You 4 get back to the mystery shack and when you get out Bill was floating around the porch and Dipper was leaning agents the door frame. You got out and let your wolf roam around the place and forest. You walk up onto the porch and so did Mable as Wendy drove away. Bill immediately floated over to try to hug you. You stepped right out of his reach and he touched the wall of the force field that kept him inside the mystery shack.

"It was so boring without you here! Pinetree was so boring! He only read his stupid journal while he let me sit out here!" Bill said.

"You...sat out here...until we came home?" you asked.

"He made me!" Bill whined.

"I didnt make you do shit. He just sat out here. Waiting. It was creepy...he didnt even talk until we heard Wendys cars engine roll around...it was so creepy" Dipper said. "So weird" he mumbled.

"Ok. Whatever. Come on Bill. Im going to introduce you to some more music" you say grabbing his hand and pulling him into the shack.

You put in your earbuds and you both listened to your favorite songs and such until midnight. You yawned and turned the music off. You pushed bill off the sofa and put your laptop away. You then went to sleep.

This time...no dream and no nightmare. Just the void. You looking and floating in the black void. Of course voices around you because your mind cant stay quiet. You dont like the random ringing in the silence so your brain makes up voices having random conversation. In tell a slide show of your little brother and every second you spent with him started to start a slide show in your head...this could only mean, one thing...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now