17. Assholes and The Gift

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~Normal Pov and Time Skip~

You noticed how Bill had always stayed near you and tried to hurt anyone who dared even look at your wrong.

But four demons...well...three demons and one half demon walking down the street will get a few scared looks..even if its only thought to be two demons and two humans..

Today all of you were walking to the lake. To get out of the small two room part of the basement you now lived in. You slept with Liam and Bill and Will slept/stayed in the same room. You all get to it and everyone noticed Bill and starts to back up.

"Hey guys. Its ok. He wont hurt you. His powers are to weak right now" you try to reasure everyone.

They trusted you enough and just ignored Bill. And after a while of letting Liam play near the water with Will. Bill was off causing some minor chaos. And two dudes came up to flirt.

"How come you were with that demon freak, A look alike of him, and some kid?" One asks.

"That demon freak almost killed everyone here the look alike is his twin. And that Kid. Is my baby brother" you explain.

"Sorry. How about you come hang out with some real men?~" the other flirts. You politely declined. Both of them try to get you to agree flirting, asking, etc. You kept trying to make it clear you werent interested.

Bill, Will, and Liam all come over. Bill and Will push the boys away.

"Cant you fucking hear her? She isnt interested. Fuck off" Bill hissed. Liam hugs you.

"Are you ok sis? Did they scare you?" He asks and then whispers "Why didnt you use your powers?"

"Im fine little bro. I dont want to waste my energy on idiots like them" you say. Ruffling his hair and bringing him up to sit next to you.

They laugh.

"A weaker Bill and sad look alike. Thats so pathetic. You dont scare us"

You sigh and stand. You put Liam down. You softly push past Will and Bill.

"Ya know what boys? Lets make a little deal" you smile sweetly.

"Whats the deal?~"

"I come with you...if you can beat me at a fight. Two against 1"

"We dont want to hurt you"

"Alright. Well...then I win" you smirk. You flick your hand making them go flying. "Want to go home? So that we dont have this mishap happen again?"

All three nod. You smile. You hold Liams hand and walk with them. Bill will kill them later..

And once you, Liam, and Will went to sleep. Bill flew off. He had taken a pill He asked stanford to make. To give him an hour of free time. But it makes his powers a lot weaker. So he just brought a knife with him. Just incase.

He finds them and slices ones throat open smirking. The other tries to punch him. But he drops the guy and grabbed his fist. He sighs and stabbed him about 20 times. He pushes him onto the ground and sighs. He cleans himself up. Steals all of their money and looks around. While walking back.

Then he sees a little gift shop and sees a music box. He goes inside. Buys one and stuff. (Its the one uptop). He plays it once to see it and smiles sweetly. He wraps it up after it ends etc. And then goes back. He puts it onto the desk next to your bed. He softly kisses your forehead.

"God I love you so much~" He whispers and float away to Wills and his room. He floats around and sighs. Sleeping on one of the weird wood beams across the roof. That had two or so feet of space for him.

The next day you wake up and see the present. You read who it was for and who it was from.

To: Y/N
From: Bill Cipher

'oh great' you sigh. You open it and see the little box. You open it and it plays music (the theme song to gravity falls). After your little brother wakes up he uses a black light (showing the purple light and the 'trust no one' thing).

You smiled.

"Thats really cute...thanks Bill" you place it to the side and go upstairs with your little brother.

You, your brother, Will and Bill all go up and start to eat breakfast with the Pines family.

Bill doesnt eat. Cause he is Bill. Will eats only a bit. And you and Liam eat a normal amount of food.

That day you and the twins were out walking and talking. So Bill and Will had to baby sit Liam.

You hoped that wasnt a bad idea....

(Sorry this was so short. I want the baby sitting this to be its own chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter anyway though :3)

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