22. The Broken AC

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You finally found him and see him sitting behind the pool house ripping out the grass and ripping it apart each time he pulls it from the ground.

"Bill" You say softly. He whips his head towards you. And you saw the void that is his other eye. His hair wet so its just there, slightly covering it up but not fully.


"Hey Bill. I got your eye patch. And maybe you should just hang out with me and Will"

"Yeah. I don't want people to look at me weird...ya know cause Im suppose to act like a human"

"Yeah yeah. Come on" You smile and roll your eyes. While walking back you look at him. "You seemed weird enough running from the pool, and wearing an eye patch in the pool"

"What about you? You don't..exactly have a normal body"

"What the fuck does that mean Bill?" you hiss. From your knees down to your feet were black, fading into S/C, while from your elbow to your fingers were the same. (Demon wise) But other then that your body was kinda-normalish.

"Your lower arms and lower legs are an inky black"

"Whatever man" You chuckle. "Someone has asked me and I just said they were a mutation thing" You shrug softly.

Once back Bill kinda apologizes for running off because he didn't wanna scare the kids with his fucked up eye, and he hanged with you the rest of the time.

Gideon had called you over has he sat on the stairs.

"one minute boys" You said softly and smile at the Cipher brothers and go to him. "The fuck you want little shit?" You hiss.

"I just wanna talk to you about Stanford-"

"EH. If you talking about the Stan, the one that pushed you out of his seat, his name is Stanly. Not Stanford. That's the nerd that's with Dipper"

"Im not a nerd! I am a scientist!" Stanford calls from the other side of the pool.

"Same thing! One just gets payed to do it!" You call back and roll your eyes. You look back at him. "Anyway, anything else?"

"Why don't you love me?"

"Are you kidding me?! Why don't I love you!? Are you fuckin on drugs!? Why don't I love you?!?" You hiss.


"You. Are. Insane. And not the good insane, like me or Bill. The bad creepy fuckin insane"

"Bill..? You mean Bill Cipher?!"

"No shit you fucking idiot" You hiss. "I hate you. You are annoying and creepy. You creep me out so fuckin much"

"oh..." he said softly. He didn't think you felt like that. He just thought it was because of Mable and his relationship a few years back.

"Yeah. Now stop" You hiss and swim back to the Cipher twins. "Sorry about that boys" you smile softly.

"I-its ok" Will softly smiles back. You chuckle and talk to them more relaxing in the pool. Right before the pool closes you all leave the pool and get ready to go home. You smile at Stanly.

"Did you have fun relaxing on your chair Stanly?"

"Yeah. Good times" he chuckles.

"Good. Come on. Lets go home" You smirk. The next few days you all go to the pool and relax and have fun.

Once the temperature was back down you were fixing the AC in shorts and a thin tee shirt as it broke the other day. The two nerds of the house were to busy working. Bill couldnt help nor did Will. Although Will felt bad you were helping him heal from the traumas of the Gleeful Twins from Reverse falls. Liam was with Mable and Stanly. So the Cipher brothers watched you fix the AC.

"God its soooooo hot!" You whine as you fix the AB. You would use your powers, but you tried that, and it just broke it even more.

After maybe an hour or so you finally fixed it.

"HOLY SHIT FINALLY!!!" You said excitedly. You sit infront of it for a good four minutes cooling down. They others come down.

"Whats up-? THE AC IS FIXED!!!!" Dipper announces. everyone goes and cools off in the main room with the ac.

"I was so hot I was about to take my shirt off" Mable whines.

"Honestly, same" You look at her and both of you nod, and lazily fist bump.

The rest of the day you all just kinda chill out and vibe together. not knowing a certain demon wasn't happy you weren't paying much attention to him. That of course was Bill.

He wanted all of your attention, 24/7. But he cant have it because of the others, and now the others were starting to become objects for him to over come, or at least beat, for you to never leave him, or have your attention wonder away from him. No matter the cost, or what he has to do.

"Hey, Y/N?" He asks. you look at him.

"Whats up Bill?"

"I was wondering how did you fix the AC?"

"You were there with me dude."

"Well yeah-"

"Aaaaand honestly I have no idea. I guess im just normally good at fixing most things. Like once my brother broke his weird hunters gun and I was fidgeting with it and fixed it, and made it better"

"Wow...You are so incredible" He says with a huge smile on his face. You were gonna hit his chest, but you didn't care enough, and you kinda just papped his chest and let your hand slide down and hit the ground.

You honestly couldn't care enough to even think, or hit something, you were just being chill and vibing with what you conserved your new family. other then Bill of course.

You had realized your weird love for him a few days ago. But you really just didn't care enough to bring it up.

Anyway, that day ended like any other...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now