14. The Potion

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~Bills pov~

I curiously look at them. Dipper shoved the vile into my hands.

"crap! Careful" he hissed. I glared at him.

"me be careful!? youre the one who shoved it in my hands!" I hissed back quietly.

"Drink it" Sixer says. I do as he asked and shake my head.

"Ok...well...someone has to wake that up" Pinetee says pointing to Y/N. She turned to her side and was breathing softly. I gulped.

"1...2...3...Not it!" Me, pinetree, and Sixer said touching our noses. Mable and Stan walks in their fingers on their noses to.

"I learnt from last time" Stan said and Shooting Star nods. I then smirk. My brother. I float up and freeze seeing him asleep in Shooting Stars bed hugging a pillow...my brothers hopeless. I then hear 'not it!' From downstairs. I yelp knowing they probably woke up Y/N. I teleported down realizing I didnt have my finger on my nose more worried they woke her up. I glared at them and breathed in and sigh gathering up my courage.

If you have never woke Y/N up...then DONT. Shes a monster if woken up the wrong way. Everyone backs up and pushed themselfs on the wall. I calm myself down and lightly shake her.

"Wake up Y/N~" I say still shaking her. She groans softly turning to face me. I jump slightly. I grab my stomach and let out a pained sigh knowing I still have to wake her up. I start to shake her again. "Wakey wakey"

"Good jo-" I cut Pinetree off.

"You try and fucking wake her up then!" I hissed. All of us have first handed experienced waking her up. She hits my hand away and turned onto her stomach. I then stop, I think...Her wolf! I teleported to the door opening it. It ran in. I kept her off of Y/N and turn her to her back. I let her wolf jump up onto her and start licking her face. She starts to giggle and push her wolf. She sat up still giggling. Everyone including me sighed relived. She was petting her wolf and looked at us. Her eyes thinned.

"What?" She asked in a slight hiss.

"We think we prefected the potion, which was infused with a spell. So, take a walk with Bill" Pine Tree says. She stands up and pulls him to her using both her magic and his shirt collar. Their faces inches apart. Her free hand then lit up in a flame.

"YOU WOKE ME UP TO FUCKING TEST A STUPID POTION YOU AND FORD MADE!?!!" She hissed. He yelped and flinched hiding his face. She let him go. Her wolf barked and jumped up onto her side. She looks down and he whole atmosphere went from KILL to AWW!!!!~ She drops to the floor and let her wolf lick her neck and lower face petting her.

After a bit of convincing she sighed and left with both me and the wolf behind her. The wolf sniffed around slightly and walked down the steps. I sigh and started floating down. I smiled noticing no force field. She then sighs softly. I float to her grabbing her hands.

"Yay now I can go places with you" she says with a soft sigh.

"As long as Im with you I can to!" I smiled watching her. She then goes inside. I follow behind quickly and watch her get to Dipper and hug him...

What!?! Dont fucking touch her pinetree!!!

"I-wait" she then pushed herself off. "First off. Thanks for making my powers more stable near bill. But," she then hits both Pinetrees and Sixers head hard making them both lean forward and rub there heads. "BILL CAN FOLLOW ME LITERALLY EVERYWHERE OUTSIDE THE FUCKING SHACK YOU SHIT HEADS!!!!" she growled. They both gulped. I heard soft footsteps and see my brother rubbing his eye and he yawned.

~Normal pov~

'Awwww!!!~' you thought to yourself smiling. You calmly walk to Will and lightly touch his head.

"Did I wake you? Im sorry Will" you apologized. He yelps jumping back slightly.

"H-huh? O-oh...i-its ok" he says. You smile at how cute he was and lightly ruffle his hair.


"Stupid demon" hissed Sixer. You, Will, and Bill all glared at him.

"Stupid humans" Bill hissed. The pines family and you glared at him. "Oh dont give me that look Y/N youre a demon!" He says sticking his tongue out at me.

"And youre a dickface" you hissed. He was taken back by your sudden anger at him. First you were happy, then you wanted to kill Dipper amd Stanford, then was softly and gentle talking and touching Will, then you had glared at Sixer then at Bill for their comments and then called him a dickface.

"Yeah" Dipper agreed. You glared twords him again.

"You to dipstick!" You hissed. He gasped and raised his hands up slightly in a 'what do you mean!?' Like manner. You sighed and turned to Will. "Lets put you back to bed. Traveling from universes must be very tiring" you smiled at him. Mable had jumped up and ran to you and Will throwing her arm over your shoulders smiling.

"Yeah!" She agrees. You both take Will upstairs and that angers Bill they you were so sweet to Will.

"stupid brother getting in my way" Bill mumbles.

"Hey Cipher" Ford says. Bill looks over at ford.

"Yes sixer?"

"When you can, get a sample of her DNA, preferably blood. I need it to test something"

"And w-"

"Youre the closest one of us to her now. You spend almost 24/7 with her and watch her sleep in silence. Find a way, and if she asks why, make up an excuse or something"

"Why would I, the all knowing, all seeing Eye, Bill Cipher will help you? A punny mortal?"

"Ill let you go on a little hunt for my journals, then you can do whatever it is you want to do with the first two within a day"

"Oh...can I just have the third journal? I want read what you said about me!"

"Uh-if you get the blood or DNA, then Ill let you read the Nill pages I have"

"Goodie!!" Bill says happily. "Ill get it when shes sleeping!~"

Bill was now filled with huge ecstasy wanting to read what Ford wrote down about him...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now