5. Breakfast

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You already knew the answer before Ford said anything.

"Bill. And you" he says. You nod.

"Ok. Well, maybe try to get some sleep later. Right now thought Im making Breakfast" you said.

"Oh. You are? Thats very nice of you" Ford says. He makes his way to you. You go back to making breakfast. "Hey. Do you happen to know the whereabouts of my other two back-up journals by any chance? Journal 1 and 2" he half whispers so Bill didnt hear.

"Nope. Im sorry Ford" you lie. Then around 6:30 or so the twins come down and Stan gets up.

"Wow whos cooking?" Stan asks.

"Morning pines family. Im almost finished cooking" you say. You sounded joyful but you really didnt care. You finished the last pancake and split them up and such. You out the big plate of bacon on the middle of the table.

"Oh my god! We didnt even have bacon!" Mable says.

"I know. I had to buy it. And I used my own money, Stan so dont get your boxers in a bunch" you say. The twins (when I say 'the twins' Im referring to Mable and Dipper) laughed.

"Well. Ok. And Ill eat it. Just dont expect me to like it!" Stan growls.

"Go ahead Stan. Youre putting down a teen, just because of your trust issues, I havnt done anything to lose any trust you have left to give. Pre-tell I haven't done anything to earn it, but sometimes, its smarter to just, trust" you said as you eat some pancakes. The twins and Ford eat.

"Omg this is the best!!" Mable says with her mouth full of pancakes.

"Yeah! How did you learn to cook so well?" Dipper asks.

"Self taught" you said smugly.

"Hey Dipper. Can I borrow my journal from you? I have a new specimen to study" Ford half whispers to him.

"Of course Ford. Here" Dipper says giving ford the 3rd journal.

"Thank you" Ford says. He starts to writd down a few notes.

"So what is it youre studying?" Dipper asks.

"I believe its a demon" Ford replays.

"Can I see?" Dipper asks.

"When Im done" Ford says. Dipper groans in announce.

"Fine" he says. Then you notice all the bacon was gone. You looked over at Stan and he was leaning back in his chair.

"Stan. Did you just eat all the bacon?" you asked.

"Yes I did" he says then burps.

"Youre disgusting" you said then stood up then froze. There was a pig sitting in front of you. "Oh! So a pig can be in the house! But my wolf cant!?" you asked stan.

"Your wolf will eat Waddles!" Mable whined.

"My wolf eats things that arnt pigs. She may be wild but she has food standers. And even if she didnt, she would be with me the whole time" you said. Then felt the pig rub against your leg. You yelp and look down.

"Waddles likes you!" Mable smiles and gets up and goes over to you and the pig. "Waddles really likes you!"

"Y-yeah. I can see that" you said stepping away from the pig.

"Are you afraid of pigs?" Mable asks.

"No" you said then looked at her with a 'really? Are you f-ing kidding me?'. "I lived in that forest for three years. I have seen way scarier things, then a trained pig" you said trying not to say it aggressively.

"Then why dont you want him near you?" Mable asks.

"Still a pig. And hes covered in mud" you sighed.

"Waddles isnt that dirty!" Mable whined. You rolled your eyes.

"Right. Sure, whatever you say" you said and walked off, grab some clothes from your suitcase and go upstairs. You push your back against the wall. Bill of course followed you.

"Whats wrong?" he asks.

"I hate trained animals. And they hate me. I dont know whats with Waddles" you sighed. "im gonna change stay here" You say about to go to a separate room.

"Why cant I watch??" He whines.

"Youre a creep!" you growled. You pushed him away and stomp your foot slightly.

"Oh dont be like that. Demons are sinners. Cant we have a little bit of fun?~" Bill says hugging you from behind.

"Get the hell off me" you growled struggling.

"You cant deny what you are forever" Bill growls. You get him off you and go to the other room. You change after taking a quick shower. Once dressed you go downstairs.

"Can we have turns watching the little brat!?" you asked and grabbed Bill by his collar and toss him onto the floor. "Im already done with him!"

"If he gets his hands on this or any of my other journals then he would be able to take over the world again. So I cant watch him" Ford said.

'Typical' you huffed to yourself.

"Fair enough" you huff.

"I want to hang out with Wendy and the others with Dipper so we cant, at least not today" Mabel said.

'Thats the most stupid excuse I have ever heard' you rolled your eyes slightly.

"Business to run" Stan says.

'You cant let Soos handle it today?? Fuck'

"Well crap" you mumbled. "Fine. Whatever. Screw it. Just, I dont care anymore" you rolled your eyes and left the shack and went to the gift shop part and smiled seeing Wendy already there...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now