10. Your Brothers

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You woke up in a jolt smiling. You checked your phone seeing a text.


Brother: hey sis. We...kind of have to move in with you today.

You:...oh...wait isnt it little bros b-day?

Brother: yes. Yes it is. I hope its no trouble

You: no. No. Its fine...Ill see you then?

Brother: yeah.

You rub the back of your head slightly.

"Hey...Im going to go out later. My brothers are going to live at my old house, so...any of you want to come?" you asked at breakfast.

"Sure. We will go" shrugged Dipper. The others nodded.

"I have some things to write down in my-" Stanford says. Bill over hears and starts floating angerily around the couch.

"Whats wrong with you?" you asked.

"Bill cant leave the shack. Remember?" Mable says.

"oh right" you mumbled. "Lucky you Bill" you say.

"Why?" Bill asks.

"My brother is a hunter. Im sure little liam isnt. But I know my other brother is"

After a while of telling them about your family and stuff you got a text.


Brother: were almost at the stop

You: kk

"Come on. They are almost here" you said. All of you but Bill decided to leave.

You get to the bus stop and then your brothers jump out of the bus. Your smile grows.

"Little bro!" you yell.

"Big sister!" chuckled your 9-year-old baby brother. He runs to you jumping into a hug.

"Oh youre getting so big. How old are you know? 8?"

"Im 9 sister. You know that!" he laughs smiling. Your brother hugs you.

"Hey bro" you smile.

"Hey" he smiled back. You turn to your friends.

"My god two sets twins" he says. You laugh softly.

"Yeah. So these two are Dipper and Mable pines. And these two are their great grunkles Stanly and Stanford pines" you said pointing to each person while saying their names. "This is my little brother Liam, and my brother Daniel" you smiled.

Dipper and Daniel just look at each other.

"Y/N, tell them" Dipper says.

"Right ok...bro. Youre going to get really mad"

"Did you find a demon? Did you make a deal!?" he asks.

"No!...kinda!...maybe...yeah. Yeah I did. Ok. So, do you remember that dream demon that almost set off the apocalypses, then got traped? Yeah I freed him...and he kind of got stuck in the Mystery Shack...so I have to sleep on the couch and watch him until Stanley finds a way to either, re-capture him, or something. However until then, I am going to stay in the shack. But you guys can live in my old house" you explained.

"Oh...thats not so bad...what did you get in return?" Daniel asks.

"...they dont know yet"

"You never change" sighed your brother. You rolled your eyes slightly and nod.

"I know...ok! Lets go get you guys set up in my old house before I have to go back and see if Bill, destroyed anything" you said.

After a while of walking in the woods of an off trail, you got to your old 'mansion' treehouse. It was in pretty good shape.

"Ok. So dont go up on the third floor. That flooring is not stable to hold any weight. Nothing is even up there. So, the first floor is like, downstairs bathroom, living room, kitchen, dinning room, and extra rooms you can dec out with anything you want. And the top is rooms. And the main master bathroom and a guest bathroom. The master room is mine no matter what. So" you explained the planning. They nodded understanding.

"Anything else?" Daniel asks. You shake your head.

"Just get unpacked and drop by the Mystery Shack" you said smiling. They nodded. Before you left you said "Happy birthday baby bro" you and the two set of twins then left.

You all get back to the shack and you freeze and blushed seeing Bill going through your things.

"BILL!!" you growled. He jumped suprised and quickly turned to you and the others. He smiled hugely and floated to you quickly.

"Im bored!!" He replys. You grab his pointy elf ear and he yelps softly. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! This pain isnt hilarious!!" You push him onto the couch with narrowed eyes.


"Or what?~"

"ill kill you slowly and make sure you can feel every single cut and rip in your skin" you whispered to him softly. He floated back up and floated away quickly hiding somewhere.

After a bit he comes out and freezes noticing you and two boys he doesn't know sitting next to you while you hug the smallest one...

We Meet Again Pinetree! But Whos This?~ (Yandere!Bill Cipher x Demon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now