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Chaos erupted in the castle in the kingdom of Viridis. Servants rush around in panic, as they hurry to gather needed supplies. The palace healer, and midwife are woken from their slumber by the king's royal steward Sir Iida. King Hisashi, worry evident on his face paces just outside the door to the birthing chamber. Crown Prince Yo rubs his tired eyes with the backs of his small fists and watches his father not fully understanding what's going on. The five year old boy only knows that his mother is behind that door and his father is afraid. Obvious fear in the Alphan King's pheromones, that the boy is picking up on. A loud pain filled scream echoes from behind the closed door. The small raven haired prince clings to his fathers legs at the sound of his mothers cries of pain. The advisor arrives with the healer and midwife soon after. They are followed by a handful of servants carrying clean linens and supplies right behind them. The servants, midwife and healer head directly into the birthing room.

King Hisashi reaches out and places his hand on the healer's shoulder. "Do your absolute best to save them both. If a choice must be made between them, save my wife. We can always try again for another child." The black haired king states, looking straight into the healers eyes. "Do not fret my king, I refuse to lose either the queen or the Baby." The healer states, then enters the room. Hisashi watches as the woman enters the room, closing the door behind her. A soft tug to his pants leg brings him back from his worry for his wife and child. The king looks down into the eyes of his first born and sees tears, the slight scent of distress slipping from the recently presented alpha. "Is mommy and my new little brother or sister gonna be okay daddy?" the spiky black haired five your old asks. Hisashi bends down, scooping his son into his arms. "I don't know, Yo. I hope so, but the baby wasn't supposed to come for a whole nother moon cycle. We will just have to wait and see." the man says, not wanting to lie and say no, when he truly didn't know. The king held his son close to him, letting out calming pheromones for the boy and continued his pacing. The little prince cuddled in tight to his fathers chest, his face buried in the man's neck. Hisashi ran a soothing hand up and down the little prince's spine. "Try to go back to sleep buddy, Daddy's got you." The king cooed softly. Yo closed his eyes and soon the steady back and forth of his fathers pacing soothe him into sleep.

Sir Iida, placed a comforting hand on the king's shoulder. "Worry not my King, for the queen is strong. The gods will watch over them and all will be well." The tall blue haired alpha said to his friend and king. "Thank you Iida. you're dismissed, go to your bed and get some rest. I will need you to cover for me come morning." King Hisashi replied. "Yes my king." The blue haired man said with a bow. He then left the hall going to his bed for the night.


Behind the door in the birthing room Queen Inko lay in the center of a bed in the middle of the room. A sheen of sweat covering her naked body, her face scrunched up in pain. An older female servant sat on the bed with the queen between her legs, Inko gripped the woman's hands tightly. The older servant praised and encouraged the queen. A second servant sat to Queen Inko's left side, a cool damp cloth in hand. The woman dabbed the cloth along the queen's forehead and neck. More servants gathered bowls of hot and cold water from the washroom connected to the chambers. While others began ripping large pieces of cloth into smaller strips. The healer went straight to queen Inko and began to use her magic to assess the green haired woman's status. She held her now glowing hand a foot or so above the queen body, her eyes going white as well. The midwife got to work sterilizing and preparing items for the birth. "Oh by the gods." The healer spit out. This caused the servants to stutter in their steps. The midwives' full attention turned to the healer. " What's wrong?" the woman asked in concern. "The baby, It hasn't turned!" the healer spoke. Staying calm the midwife nodded, then quickly washed her hands in one of the many bowls of warm water. "We'll just have to turn it then." the woman said. She then moved to the end of the bed, getting between Inko's legs. "Your majesty, your baby is in the wrong position for birthing. We are going to have to change that if you want the baby to live. It's going to hurt." The woman explained. Fear flashed in Inko's eyes. "I can take it, just save my baby." The queen grunted through the pain. The midwife gave the healer and a few of the servants some instruction then they got to work.

A blood curdling scream erupted from the queen, the woman nearly passed out from the pressure and pain on her stomach and private area. It only took a few minutes and it was done. "You did wonderful, my queen. Now I know you are hurting and tired, but I need you to push." The midwife instructed. Inko, too tired to speak just nodded, closed her eyes and did as she was instructed. The healer uses her magic to make sure the queen remains in good health. After six hard pushes and fifteen minutes the baby was finally born. Queen Inko collapsed back into the servant behind her, the woman telling her how good she had done.

The healer and midwife got to work assessing the infant. The baby was small, but after a thorough check by the healer she found the baby to be in perfect condition, a miracle truly. Still the baby was silent. The midwife, with the help of one of the servant girls, cleaned the baby off. The midwife swatted the babe lightly, and a shrill cry resounded from the room.

A few of the servants began to wipe the queen clean, they helped the woman into a pale pink sleeping shift and changed the linens on the bed without removing her. She was propped up on a bunch of pillows and a blanket was put on the bed to cover her. Everyone in the room released a sigh. Once the child was clean and wrapped in a soft green blanket it was taken back over to the queen. "Congratulations Your Highness, you have a new baby boy. An omegan son." The midwife tells her. A large exhausted smile graces Inko's face as she takes her baby, looking down at him. The child has small random tufts of green and black hair, not enough yet to tell if it will be curly like his father or straight like her own. Freckles adorn his chubby baby cheeks, and he stares up at his mother with large bright emerald green eyes.


The servant, healer, and midwife quickly clean and clear the room. Upon exiting they see the king standing just outside the door holding the now sleeping crown prince. The healer walks up to her liege, and places a hand on the man's shoulder. "Your wife and child are in good health. The babe is a bit small and will most likely stay that way, but all is well." the woman states, before walking away. The king enters the birthing chamber and goes straight to his wife's side. "Well?" Hisashi asks as he looks over at his wife feeding their new child. "We have another son, though this one is an omega." Inko tells him. The king looks over at the babe with happiness and love. "What shall we call him?" the man asks his lovely wife. "I was thinking, Izuku." she replied. "Izuku... I like it." Hisashi replies, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on his mate's temple. "Me too." the soft sleepy voice of their son says. The two just noticed he was awake. The family of four cuddle close together, filled with happiness and love.

{WC - 1400}

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