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In the kingdom of Draconia, inside a castle as far away from Viridis as physically possible sat a tall spiky blond Alpha. His crimson eyes focused on the report he held in his hands, a smirk on his lips. "It's finally time, hag." the blond stated. At the opposite end of the table an older almost identical female alpha looked up from her own papers. "What exactly are you talking about brat?" the woman questioned. "My spy sent word. My omega has come of age and has officially started his first heat. It is time to put into action the plan I've been perfecting since I was twelve." The red eyed male informed. "Wonderful! Good luck son, but don't forget if this doesn't work out I'll marry you off to whoever I see fit." The blond woman stated. This caused the blond male to roll his eyes and grown. "SHUT UP OLD HAG, IT'S GOING TO WORK!" the male alpha barked.

A brown haired bespectacled male omega had been sitting quietly listening to the two alphas. A worried look on his face. "Mitsuki, Katsuki, are you sure this is a good idea?" the man asked his wife and son. "What the hell? Of course it's a good idea! I've been planning this for years." Katsuki spat. "What do you mean Masaru dear?" King Mitsuki asked at the same time. "Well, Katsuki only ever saw this omega the one time. And It is quite dangerous. All our people have been banned from the Isle of Life for such a long time. Is this boy, this Izuku really worth our only son and heir being in danger?" Masaru asked. Katsuki growled at his omegan father. While King Mitsuki just chuckled. "I don't care what you think old man. He's mine, he was always meant to be mine. I don't care what it takes. Izuku Midoriya will be my mate, my wife, my queen." the red eyed alpha stated. "Besides Masaru, this is Katsuki we're talking about. When has he ever failed to achieve his goal." the blond King replied. "Well yes you do have a point darling. I just worry for our pup." the brown haired man said with a resigned sigh. Crown prince Katsuki knew his father was just worried about his safety. "Don't worry so much old man. It's me, and it's not like I will be alone. I'll have dynamite with me." Katsuki reassures his father. Brown eyes locked onto red studying them. All that could be seen was determination. "I believe in you son, go and make that princess fall in love with you. All I ask is that you be safe while you're on that island." Queen Masaru told his son with a loving smile.

The Bakugo royal family finished their breakfast and went their separate ways. Crown Prince Katsuki went to his study to finalize his plans and make preparations for his departure in a week and a half's time. The blond haired alpha was in the best mood he had been in, in a very long time. Katsuki had just under three years to meet and woo the green eyed beauty he had fallen in love with at the tender age of just seven.


Back in the kingdom of Viridis Princess Izuku was entering the third day of his very first heat cycle. His Temperature was elevated, his small body ached all over, and he felt sticky and disgusting between his legs. The small green eyed boy had woken from a fitful night's sleep, the image of piercing crimson eyes in his mind. He did know where the image had sprung from and he didn't remember ever seeing them before but something about them comforted him. Izuku lay in the center of his nesting platform surrounded by pillows, blankets, and clothing that were saturated with his family and closest friends scents. It was very soothing to the omega but he felt something was missing, he didn't know exactly what. It just felt off for some reason, not enough to worry the boy or for him to even mention it, but still in the back of his mind something was missing.

Nyxis lay on his large cousin, just outside of the omegas nest, keeping watch over his human companion. No one was allowed inside the room with the exception of Izuku's handmaiden. As a slightly older omega herself she knew what the princess was going through. The brown haired girl kept a constant vigil over the princess, only leaving to fetch him food. All alphas had been prohibited to be in or around Izuku's bedchambers, his guards had even been switched to all betas. Yet even they were not allowed inside. Tenya came every morning and every evening to check on his friend, but did not stay long. The royal healers brought herbs and potions to help with the pain, for sleeping, and to help dilute his pheromones and scent. All in all it was going to be an awful week for the green haired boy and a busy one for the brown haired girl.

{WC - 852}

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