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Leaving the nanny's side, Izuku rushed down the stairs to his family. The small boy had never been outside the front of the castle. He looked around taking in everything he could see. There were a dozen royal guards on horseback, two of which were the king's personal elite knights. The carriage that the family was to ride in, is a summer carriage. It is white with four large wheels, a green cushioned seat at the front for the driver, and two cushioned seats in the back that face each other. There is a canopy with flowers strung along the rim. A male servant opens the small entry of the carriage, placing a wooden step below. King Hisashi is the first to step up into the carriage; he sits in the forward facing seat on the right side. The servant then helps queen Inko up and in, she takes the seat next to her husband. Crown prince Yo is the next to board. The servant tries to help the now ten year old prince but is ignored. Prince Yo sits in the back facing seat across from his father, facing the adult alpha. Izuku, as the youngest, is last to enter the carriage. The small boy had a little trouble, wobbling and falling over. Lucky to be caught by the servant then lifted off his feet and placed inside the door of the carriage. "Oh my. Thank you for catching me." the small child says. "It was my pleasure princess. Blessings be to you on this wondrous day." the servant replies with a bow. Izuku then takes his seat next to his older brother and across from his mother.

Once the royal family was seated the door was securely closed and they were off. Izuku was super excited, having never been outside the castle and grounds. It was only a few minutes before they reached the front gates to the castle grounds. More guards opened a large iron gate and allowed the knights and carriage through. They traveled down a cobblestone road for a short time before entering the small town that was just outside the castle. As the carriage and guards traveled through the town Izuku was in awe. There were green and silver garlands and streamers everywhere. All different types and colors of flowers hang from buildings and polls. The townspeople busied themselves with their work, stopping momentarily to bow or wave to the royal family. Izuku waves back every time, with the biggest smile on his face. Most of the town people had never seen their princess, though when they did his sweet smile brought joy to their hearts, and smiles to their own faces.

As the royal family continued their travels they passed a large slightly run down building with a dozen or so children playing out front. A woman who was watching over the children stood by the door of the building. Izuku, held tightly by his brother, stood to wave to the few children who had stopped playing to watch as the carriage rode by. All of a sudden a small omegan girl with short bob cut brown hair and chocolate brown eyes came running from behind the building. The girl ran right past the woman and the other children towards the carriage. Once close enough she was stopped by one of the guards on horseback. "Hault." the king called out. This caused the driver and all the knights to stop. "Let her pass." Hisashi told the knight. The little girl moved around the horse the night was riding and over to the carriage. Izuku stepped over to the other side of the carriage standing between his brother and father, prince Yo keeping a tight hold on his baby brother's arm.

"I apologize for interrupting your journey, your majesty. The matron told us at breakfast what today was and that you would be riding past." The little brown haired omegan girl said with a bow. "That's alright child. What is it you have there?" the king asked. "Oh this..." the girl said, before holding out her hand toward the carriage. "This is for the princess, a gift for his blessing and birthday." The girl explained as she extended her hands holding a single long stemmed white rose out. Izuku looked at his father waiting for permission to lean over the edge and take the flower. "Don't worry your highness. I took all the thorns off, so it wont prick his fingers." The brown eyed child spoke. That was when the king noticed the red puffy blood covered fingers of the girl's other hand held at her side. King Hisashi reached out and took the rose from the girl and passed it to Izuku, who brought it directly to his nose. The greenette smiled at the lovely scent. "Thank you, ever so much." Izuku said, tilting his head slightly. "What is your name child?" Queen Inko asked from her seat. "Oh excuse me, I'm Ochaco Uraraka." She replied with a little curtsy. "Lovely to meet you child." the queen replied. The queen then whispered a few words into her husband's ear, the king nodding in reply. "Yes, nice to make your acquaintance, but we must be going. Izuku please take your seat" The king said. Izuku sent one last smile and a wave to the girl then sat back in his seat, the rose still clutched in his hand.

The guards and carriage then continued on their journey to the gods temple. Little did the omegan girl know, that interaction would change her life for the better.

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