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Once making it to the bottom of the stairs Izuku went to stand at his mother's side, but was scooped up into the arms of his father the king. The tall alpha adjusted his son on his hip and made sure the child's dress was draped over his arm instead of bunched up. King Hisashi took a few steps to stand directly in the center of the open space in the grand hall. All eyes were on them, a server rushed up handing the King and boy each a glass with red liquid inside. "Welcome!" the king boomed, his free hand raised in salute. Off to their right Izuku watched as his mother and brother also raised their glasses, followed by every other guest in the room. "I am so happy to have you all here with us to celebrate this joyous occasion. My son is five years old today, he has been blessed by the priests and priestesses in the gods temple. And, though we knew from the time of his birth he was an omega, today he officially receives his title as princess of the kingdom of Viridis and the isle of life." the king intoned. Izuku, who was a little shy, had a soft pink hue tinting his cheeks, as he smiled out at the people and gave them a little wave with his free hand. King Hisashi opened his mouth to say one last thing when a voice from the crowd beat him to it. "Three cheers for the princess" The unknown voice said. "HIP, HIP, HOORAY! HIP, HIP, HOORAY! HIP, HIP, HOORAY!" The entire room of people chanted. With that King Hisashi taped his glass against his sons causing a clicking sound, then proceeded to bring the glass of red wine to his lips and drink. Izuku did the same and found the red liquid in his cup to be his very favorite mixed fruit drink. Around the room more clinking could be heard as the guest followed suit. The king then made his way back to the remainder of his family.

Queen Inko first took the glasses from her husband and son, placing them on the tray of a server that stood nearby. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart. Happy Birthday." the green haired woman said to her son. "You did great, kiddo. Happy Birthday." the King followed. "Yeah, yeah. Good job runt. Happy Birthday, Izu." Yo said a minute later. The royal family then embraced in a group hug, their scents of nutmeg, apples, and ginger mixing well with the new cinnamon sugar scent of Izuku. Inko places a sweet kiss to her husband's cheek, the top of her oldest son's head, and the tip of her youngest son's nose causing him to giggle. The family broke apart and Hisashi placed Izuku back on his feet, Inko helping to smooth out his dress. "Can I go see my friends now?" Yo asked his parents. "Yes you may." Inko replied. With a smile on his face Prince Yo sauntered away from his family, walking in the direction of a group of six other kids that looked to be the same age as himself. Two royal guards follow at a safe enough distance to not be intrusive, but also protect the Crown Prince if needed. The queen bent down to be more on her son's level. "Izuku sweetheart, I heard that a certain someone is home from school for a visit. I bet you would like to see this person." the green haired woman said teasingly. "Yes, Yes, I want to see Tenya. Please mommy." the small greenette replied excitedly. The queen then pointed across the hall at a woman with dark hair, and a boy with glasses that stood next to her. "Go ahead and see your friend." Inko said, shooting the birthday boy in the right direction. Izuku took off in the direction of his friend as fast as his little leg could carry him, two of his own guards trailing him. King Hisashi shook his head smiling fondly at his sons retreating form, while Queen inko laughed.

The little Princess ran straight across the dance floor, and into the open arms of his friend. Almost knocking the taller, older boy off his feet. The dark haired woman, Sir Iidas mate, and Tenya's mother laughed at the two children. "Tenya! I'm so glad you're home. I missed you so much while you were away. I don't have anyone to play with." the green eyed boy said with a little pout. "I am sorry, my Princess. I missed your company as well." The bespectacled beta boy replied. The two boys continued hugging each other, as they spoke. Izuku told his friend about all sorts of things that had happened since he had left. He told him about the brown haired girl with the rose, and the priest and priestesses, and everything that popped into his overactive mind. While the blue haired boy just listened, enjoying his best friend's chatter.

Not too far away from the two friends a low menacing growl was being emitted from the chest of the spiky blond alpha boy. The young alpha moved away from his sire, intending to go and snatch the omega away from the other male. "Katsuki, stop that. Don't worry I will speak to his parents. But you must behave." The spiky blond woman at his side stated, reaching out and grabbing the color of the red cloak the boy wore pulling him back to his place at her side.

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