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Two days later

The royal dining hall was just a large room with two doors, one leading to the kitchens the other to a hall. The walls are covered with tapestries, and silver sconces filled with dragon crystals imbued with fire and light magic. In the center of the room is a giant rectangular table made of finest walnut wood, with matching chairs surrounding it. Seated at the head of the table was King Hisashi, and Queen Inko. Crown Prince Yo sat in his seat which was to his fathers right hand, Princess Izuku was yet to arrive. On a normal day The Iida family would join them, along with any visiting dignitaries. Today was different though, The Iidas had decided to have breakfast as a family in their chambers, and no one from any of the other royal families, or nobility were in the castle.

Princess Izuku was woken, bathed and dressed by his nanny just like on almost every other day. Though Izuku could tell by the way his nanny's eyes glistened, and though she kept a smile on her face, it wasn't a true smile. There was sadness hidden underneath it. Izuku had tried to ask the woman what was wrong but she kept insisting it was nothing he needed to worry about. The two left his bedchamber, and walked hand in hand to the dinning hall like every other day. The nanny stopped just a foot from the door, nodding to the two guards at the door. She let go of Izuku's hand and squatted down to his level. "I have to go now sweet boy. Just remember I love you my little princess." The nanny said, she then kissed his head and stood. Izuku was confused, she normally would take him all the way into the room and get him in his seat before leaving. Why was she going now, and why did she have tears in her eyes. Izuku turned and opened his mouth to say something but the woman was already halfway down the hall. The two guards opened the doors to the dining hall and motioned for Izuku to go inside. Izuku didn't like what was happening, he had a bad feeling about it all. Though when he saw his family all looking in his direction and smiling he pushed the feeling aside and joined his family in the dining hall.

The door shut behind him with a light thud, and Izuku made his way over to his mother. "Good morning mama." the green bean said as he hugged his mother. "Good morning baby." the green eyed woman replied. Izuku then moved over to his father, who ruffled his curly green locks. "Good morning, son." the man spoke. "Good morning daddy." the boy said with a curtse. Izuku then turned to his brother who hugged him. "Morning, Yo." Izuku intoned. "Morning, runt." his brother replied. "Yo, stop calling him that!" Queen inko admonished her eldest son. Both of the boys giggled at their mother. Izuku then walked back over to his spot beside his mother and took his seat. Izuku frowned when he noticed that the Iidas were not at breakfast like usual. It was perplexing the eight year old boy and his mind was a buzz with questions. The greenette opened his mouth to ask his father, but before he could the King rang a bell. The door from the kitchen opened, and In walked half a dozen servants. They were carrying covered serving platters, and jugs of different colored liquid. Everything was placed on the tables, the cloche's removed. The smell of the food made Izuku's stomach rumble and the question he had for his father was forgotten. The servants then served each of them and the royal family dug into their food. The only sounds were that of utensils on plates. As soon as they all had finished the servants cleared away the remnants of breakfast. Prince Yo was excused and Izuku sat waiting for his nanny to retrieve him like always.

"Izuku, son. You will be accompanying your mother and I to my office today. We have some things to talk to you about." The king said as he stood from his chair. "Okay daddy." the small boy said. The excitement in his voice was evident. Hisashi helped his queen out of her seat and then Izuku as well. The three made their way out of the dining hall towards the king's office. Izuku walked in between his parents, holding one of each of their hands. When they approached the door to the king's office Sir Iida was already there awaiting them. "Is everything prepared, Iida?" the alphan king asked. "Yes, your highness. I have taken the first steps and all is ready." the blue haired beta answered. Sir Iida opened the large wooden door to the office bowing as he ushered the royal family members inside. The royal advisor entered the room behind them and closed the door firmly. King Hisashi led his son to one of the chairs, himself and his wife moving behind the desk. The greenette paid close attention to his parents. His mother sat in his father's seat, the man standing beside her, his arm resting on the back of the chair. "Izuku sweetheart, your father and I..." the Queen started but couldn't finish. A single tear fell from her eye. The green haired woman wiping it away quickly. This worried the small omegan boy. " We have discussed it and decided that you are old enough now, that you no longer need a nanny. You're eight and a half years old, no longer a baby and it is time for things to change." the king finished what his wife was about to say. Izuku was confused; he agreed he wasn't a baby, but who was going to care for him if he didn't have his nanny. He knew his older brother didn't have a nanny, but he did have a personal servant, and his advisor/steward. Was it different for him because he was a princess and not a prince. Was he supposed to care for himself, alone? Izuku didn't like that, he didn't want to be left alone. Of Course if that was what had to happen then he would deal with it, he wasn't a baby anymore. "I... I'm not a baby. I... I can take care of myself." the little princess said, a slight shake in his voice. Queen inko smiled at her son's bravery. King Hisashi just chuckled as he guessed at the conclusion his son had come too. "Of course you can, son. As of today you will take a more active role in your own care. You will not be alone though. Just like your brother you will have two assistants. I have found the perfect people to be by your side." the black haired man explained. Izuku was relieved, and also worried by his father's words. He was glad to not be left alone, but also worried about who his new companions would be.

King Hisashi made a hand gesture to Sir Iida who had been standing by the door during this whole time. The advisor opened the door. "Please come in." the blue haired male said into the hall. Izuku turned to look behind him and watched as two children entered the office of his father. The first to enter was a female omega, who looked to be the same age as Izuku. She was three or four inches taller and had short bobbed brown hair and matching brown eyes. The second person to enter Izuku recognized instantly, he was the spitting image of his father after all. The blue haired and eyed bespectacled beta male was a year and a half older than Izuku. Having just turned ten a couple weeks prior. A giant smile adorned Izuku's face when he saw the second person who had entered. Izuku jumped to his feet intending to run to his friend and embrace him, but the look on his fathers face told him that he was to stay put. The king took his son and led him to stand in front of the two other children. "Please introduce yourselves as you were instructed previously." the king told them. The girl was first to take a step forward, then curtsied with a bow to Izuku. She looked familiar to the green eyed boy but he couldn't quite remember. "My name is Ochaco Uraraka. I am eight years old, and an omega." the brown haired girl said, then stepped back. The male was next. "My name is Tenya Iida. I am ten years old, and a beta." the blue haired boy said bowing at the waist. Izuku snickered. He knew his friend could be super proper but Izuku already knew all of that. "Your turn son." Hisashi said. "Hello. I am princess Izuku Midoriya, of the kingdom of Viridis. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." the green bean stated, curtsying. The king nodded in his approval to his son. "Izuku, Tenya here is going to be your advisor and steward. Just like his father, and older brother are to me and you brother. He will keep your schedule, run errands for you, and advise you. Ochaco is to be your handmaiden. She will perform certain tasks for you such as drawing your bath, cleaning your chambers, and other tasks." the king explained. "There will also be new rules for things you can and can't do. Now that you are a proper princess." Queen inko piped up from her place behind her husband's work desk. "Over the next few weeks, your mother, Tenya, and Ochaco will all help you get used to all the new rules and changes. Alright son?" the black haired alpha stated. Izuku looked from person to person in the room before making eye contact with his father. "Okay daddy. I will be the best princess ever." the little boy proclaimed, wishing for nothing but to make his parents proud.

{WC - 1672}

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