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Three and a half years later

Queen Inko walks straight into her husband's office. The room is opulent, with mahogany everywhere. From the wood floors to the shelves that lined two of the four walls. The Viridis crest, and a portrait of the royal family adorn the third wall and the last is one giant window to let in as much natural light as possible. A dark brown couch with a table in front of it sits at one end near the shelves which are covered with books and scrolls. Two mahogany chairs with deep forest green cushions sit in front of a large mahogany desk. Behind the desk covered with papers, scrolls, letters, and much more sits the king. His advisor and steward Sir Iida stood to his left waiting on orders.

The king continues to read the papers in front of him, knowing that it is his wife that just entered. His guards would not have let any other person enter without permission, not even his children. After a few minutes the scent of rotting apples and distress makes him scrunch his nose and finally look up from his work to his wife who was now standing just feet from his desk. Tears stream down the queen's face, a small sob leaving her lips. The king is out of his chair and at her side in an instant, he wraps her in his embrace pulling her close. "Shh, please don't cry my love. Tell me what has you in such a state." Hisashi whispers, kissing the top of her head. Though the king is almost positive he already knows the answer. Sir Iida makes quick eye contact with his king and without a word leaves the two royals alone in the room. The king leads his queen over to the couch and sits them down, Inko being more in Hisashi's lap than on the furniture. "How could you Sashi? He's just a baby." Inko sobbed, her distress rotten apple scent almost making him gag. "He is already eight and a half, my love. He is no longer a baby. It is time." the black haired man explains, wiping his wife's tears. "But, he's so small. And he hasn't even manifested his magic." the green haired woman cried. "Inko, sweetheart. It is time. The girl has gone through two years of training and has been working in the castle for a year. Besides that Tenya is ten now and finished with his schooling. If we don't do it now he will have to be sent away to another kingdom. Zuzu isn't the only child this decision will affect." the King continued to explain why he had made the decision he had. "I'm just worried about him. He is so used to being taken care of." the queen told her husband. The king shook his head. "Oh, my darling queen. He will still be taken care of. It will just be a little different. This will give him the ability to make choices for himself, help him grow up into the great princess we both know he can be. He needs to start deciding things for himself, otherwise he is going to be dependent on others his whole life. Is that what you want?" the dark eye man asked. Inko dried her almost nonexistent tears with a handkerchief. Her scent was becoming less acrid. "No, of course not. I want him to be independent and to be his own person. But he's still my baby." the green eyed queen stated, looking straight into her husband's eyes. "He will always be your baby. They both will. Even when they have babies of their own, they will both still be our babies. Nothing will change that." Hisashi told her. The two smiled at each other before sharing a loving kiss and embrace. "When are we telling him?" Inko asked. "The girl and Tenya were informed this morning. They are being moved into their new quarters today. I will give them tomorrow to get them self situated and the day after we will tell him at breakfast and then introduce them all to each other. From then on I will have you supervise for a couple weeks. After that it will be final. I have already informed the nanny and secured another position for her in the home of a duke, his wife is due to give birth within the week." The king explained everything to his wife. "Oh that is perfect, I was worried about where she would go. Thank you, my king. I am sorry I over reacted." Inko replied. "Haha, you did the same thing when I made this decision for Yo." the dark haired man said with a laugh. "Oh my. You're right I did, didn't I. Ah well, I'm their mother, it's to be expected." came the queens reply, her cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment. "I wouldn't have you any other way, my love." the king replied, kissing his wife again. "I love you, Sashi." Inko said when the kiss was broken. "I love you too, my queen, my world, my Inko." The king said, capturing her lips with his for a third time.

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